Analysis of Easy Rider
The movie Easy Rider revolves around two bikers making a trip from Los Angeles to New Orleans, to attend Mardi Gras. The first scene in the film involves the two main characters selling a good amount of cocaine to a man in Rolls Royce. After the drug deal the bikers begin their journey to Mardi Gras....
easy rider
The movie Easy Rider revolves around two bikers making a trip from Los Angeles to New Orleans, to attend Mardi Gras. The first scene in the film involves the two main characters selling a good amount of cocaine to a man in Rolls Royce. After the drug deal the bikers begin their journey to Mardi ....
Easy rider and classical hollywood cinema
2. How does Easy Rider fit into the category of Classical Hollywood Cinema? What ideaology/ies do you think the film promotes? Can we call this a Western?
I think Easy Rider best fits into the category of New Hollywood films, and helps abolish and put to end the era of Classical Hollywoo....