61 Federalist Essays, Term Papers and Book Reports
1790s foregin and domestic affairs
Throughout the 1790s, the United States was involved in many foreign and domestic affairs that had both positive and negative effects on American politics. After the Constitution ratified in June of 1788 the nation would for a first time be under a true form of Government. The new Government under....
Absolute Power
Everyone has heard the saying that absolute power corrupts absolutely. Its a little cliché, but everyone understands what it means. There are many different types of power and many different ways those can be used and abused. We have all seen the devastating effects of irresponsibility co....
Alexander Hamilton: The Founding Wizard
Like any other newly developing nation, the United States of America encountered numerous struggles regarding government, law, and foreign affairs. However, the country's devastating financial situation was the first and foremost biggest concern. Newly elected President George Washington appointed ....
American History
Early in American History, before and during the Revolutionary War,the British taxed the American People with taxes such as: The Stamp Act, The Sugar Act and the Townshed Act. After the war, the trade with Brittan stopped. The Americans started trading with the French because they were their allies....
antifederalism vs anti federalism and james madison
Federalism is the idea of a federal organization of more or less self-governing units. The Federalist administrations faces many significant challenges when dealing with the economics of the United States; much of the country was divided over issues such as how to raise money, establishing a public....
Articles of Confederation vs US Constitution
In the history of the United States of America, our government has been defined by two very important documents. These documents were the brainchildren of groundbreaking men. By reflecting on all governments of the past, they laid forth an impressive hodgepodge of ideas that would lead the way to wh....
Bill Of Rights
Just like with the Declaration of Independence, writing the Bill of Rights was a pivical moment. The idea of adding a Bill of Rights to the Constitution was initially controversial. There were two opposing sides: the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists. The Federalists were in favor of th....
Church and State
Under God or Just Plain Over God?
The debate over church v. state has been a long drawn out debate over political power and family values. In recent times, the debate has unraveled into several other issues relating to our public school systems. The relationship between public school educat....
Common Sense, Paine, and Americas Most Important Leaders
Common Sense, Paine, and America's Most Important Leaders of the Protest
Over the centuries, one of the most important tools available to protesting groups was literature. Some of the most famous protest literature in the world has its roots in American history. For example, some great American ....
Election of 1794
1.) What factors do you think were responsible for his win?
In 1794, a very political race for the federal congressional seat from the city of Philadelphia left the city in a political uproar. Federalists had held this seat since the beginning of the new government. The two existing parties o....
English the official language
English the official language 2
English as our national language. Special-interest lobbies have been laboring for
years to undermine English as our national language, and they've been using the power
and money of government and the public schools to achieve their goal.
During the past ....
Era of Good Feelings
Sabrina Peers
Era of Good Feelings (1809-1829)
In this time period, unity, peace and optimism for the future was in the minds of every American. Historians can say this is the only period of time where almost all disputes were settled. The War of 1812 just came to a halt which sp....
Era of Good Feelings
In 1815, after the War of 1812 the United States went into the Era of Good Feelings. Although the Missouri Compromise and the American System were beginning thoughts of sectionalism, the period was dominated by a feeling of nationalism. The feeling of patriotism was spread through political national....
European History on the War of 1812
The War of 1812 was a result of the conflicts overseas between France and Britain. Both France and Britain were trying blockade each other from supplies and thus seized many American ships. Although Americans were outraged with the idea of the powers in Europe seizing ships they were furthered anger....
expansion of Federal Power under Jefferson and Madisons
There has always been debate over the Constitution and how to interpret it, even among those who wrote it. The founding fathers' differed over to interpret the Constitution strictly or loosely. This division became so pronounced that it contributed to the formation of political parties. The Federal....
Federalist #10
James Madison was a Virginia planter, who drafted the plan that formed the basis of the federal Constitution, he wrote several essays that were included in The Federalist Papers. Madison starts one of the most famous of the Federalist papers by stating that one of the strongest arguments in favor o....
Federalist and the Philadelphia convention
A nation without a national government is, in my view, an awful spectacle.
--Alexander Hamilton, the Federalist Papers, No. 85
The Federalists, as a rule, were advocates of a strong central government. They were the supporters of the constitution who advocated its ratification. The federalists....
Federalist Papers
The Federalist Papers provided the philosophical foundation of the constitution and had been primarily used to interpret the fundamental law of the land. Federalist Paper No. LXVII is about the executive branch of government that pertains to the president, the highest electoral office of the US. ....
Federalist Papers
The Federalist, known to us today as the Federalists papers is a series of 85 essays made in which to support the ratification of the United States constitution. The Federal Convention sent the Constitution to the Confederation Congress to get it ratified the end of September 1787. The Cons....
First Three Presidents
Alexis Serrano
September 20, 2008
US History
Washington, Adams, Jefferson
There were many differences between the first three presidents. George Washington is the base of the government. It started out rough, but he fixed it and as of today, we govern by it. He had first made the Articles of ....
Founding Brothers by Joseph J. Ellis
In Founding Brothers by Joseph J. Ellis, Joseph describes to us a dinner where Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton sat down to talk about the United States' legislative body. In Jefferson's mind, this meeting was to prevent the paralysis of the legislative body. A new national c....
george washington
George Washington was born on Feb. 22, 1732 (Feb. 11, 1731/2, old style) in Westmoreland County, Va. While in his teens, he trained as a surveyor, and at the age of 20 he was appointed adjutant in the Virginia militia. For the next three years, he fought in the wars against the French and Indians, s....
George Washington
Father of his Country. The hallowed phrase expresses everything that was unique about President Washington. For all other Presidents - even Thomas Jefferson - the office was the climax of their lives, their greatest opportunity for fame. Washington alone was greater than his post. He had to make dec....
George Washington
Throughout my entire life, the first president of the United States, George Washington has amazed me. Washington made a great deal of accomplishments while he was in office and even when he was not. Washington was born on February 22, 1732 in Westmoreland County, Virginia. Washington was born int....
Gun Control
Gun Control, a term that refers to the management of firearms in an effort to reduce the criminal use of these weapons. (MICROSOFT (R) ENCARTA 1995) In the early 1990s there were more than 200 million privately owned guns in the United States, which makes it plain to see why there are arguments for....
How a bill becomes a law
How a Bill Becomes a Law
A bill is the term given to a potential piece of legislation when it is introduced into one house of Congress. As the constitution states, a member of Congress must introduce a bill, the president is not allowed to do it. The congresspersons legislative staff helps them wr....
Impact of the Anti-Federalists
The drafting of the U.S. Constitution involved days and days of debate and compromise between the delegates. The task at hand was to repair the Confederate government and institute a system that would comply with the needs of the newly found country. After its completion, the representatives divide....
Important presidential elections
Some of the most important presidential elections 1812 The election of 1812 consisted of a battle between James Madison, and De Witt Clinton. Madison had represented both Democratic and Republican beliefs, while Clinton was a Federalist. James Madison was born in Port Con....
Is the EU a federal state?
The main objectives of this paper is, by looking at other federations to find out what makes a federation and compare the position of the European Union in regard to these concepts. But first, I will start with an introduction on the integration of Europe, in which federalists had an important say.F....
John Marshall's Contribution to Nationalism
John Marshalls Contribution to Nationalism
John Marshall was chief justice of the United States for almost thirty-five years, from 1801 to 1835. Judge Marshall was an essential figure in the history of American law. A well-known Virginia lawyer and Federalist, John Marshall had served as secretar....
John Q Adams
John Adams had three remarkable careers in his lifetime. One as an enemy of British oppression and champion of independence. As an American diplomat in Europe and as the first vice-president and second president of the United States. His diary, letters and speeches showed him to be very patrioti....
Kantianism - Ethics in Business
In Kantianism reason is the sole authority for determining what is ethical and what is ethical must be based on a principle or rule that that must apply to every human being universally, without exception. The rule is based on what Kant calls the Categorical Imperative- they base morality on uni....
Since the enlightenment of the eighteenth century liberalism has been becoming a more and more prominent political and ideological outlook on the world. Liberals views on social equality, their strong commitment to assist the underprivileged and their avocation of individual liberties have all co....
Liberty on the Waterfront book review
Liberty on the Waterfront
Piecing together bits of history from marine collections, Liberty on the Waterfront by Paul A. Gilje provides a lively portrait of the people, places, and ideas that constitute an American maritime culture in the late 18th and 19th century. For most of the waterfront, ....
Louisiana Purchase
Several great American Statesmen were pivotal in shaping and molding the government of the United States. History has since forgotten some of these founding fathers. The ones remembered throughout history are those we hold up for their accomplishments. Thomas Jefferson is one of the American Statesm....
louisiana purchase
Louisiana Purchase
President Thomas Jefferson wrote this prediction in an April 1802 letter to Pierre Samuel du Pont amid reports that Spain would retrocede to France the vast territory of Louisiana. As the United States had expanded westward, navigation of the Mississippi River and access to the ....
Louisiana Purchase
The Louisiana Purchase
The Louisiana Purchase is truly one of the largest dealings of land in United States history. Its the western half of the Mississippi River purchased from France in 1803 by Thomas Jefferson. The purchase doubled the size of the U.S., which strengthened the country in man....
Oliver Perry
The United States and Great Britain did not have an amicable relationship after the Revolutionary War ended. In fact, both countries had a strong dislike for each other. These tensions would continue to rise in the early 1800s with the British occupying Canada and many forts along the American ....
Political Ideology in the Mid-Atlantic United States
Political ideology is what drives American politics today. The nation was founded on the difference in opinion, for a democracy calls for the voice of the people. People do not express a unanimous voice, and that allows for variety in beliefs. Political ideology is the difference in philosophies on ....
Political Parties
Political Parties are a very important thing when talking about Government. Political Parties are a group of people that stand for the same type of view about a certain situation whether that foreign, domestic, or local. A political party is an organization that tries to persuade government policy....
Principles of Republican Constitutionalism
19th century Republican constitutionalism was based on several important principles, which were clearly expressed in public policy. Republicans believed heavily in the legislative independence based on the separation of powers, and a strict construction of congressional power and states rights. Th....
Rehnquist Court Maintains Madison's Vision
Rehnquist Court Maintains Madisons Vision
I. Introduction
In 1908, Woodrow Wilson said, the question of a relation of the states to the federal government is the cardinal question of our constitutional system. He continued that it could not be settled, by one generation, because it ....
Jack N. Rakoves James Madison and the Creation of the American Republic, Second Edition (2002), describes and explains the fourth presidents rise to political power through a detailed history of the establishment of the governing principles that one observes today. In general, this book is c....
Throughout the early 1800's the country was split in many areas over many different things. Some of the more serious clashes between differing groups resulting from such issues as slavery, expansion, and internal improvement. With all of these controversial topics to worry about along ....
Sedition Acts of 1789
The Sedition Acts of 1789 resulted in a divided country which saw Federalists and Democratic-Republicans were going head to head with each other. This caused bitter controversy on many issues including, foreign affairs, freedom of the press, and the role of the executive branch. Conclusively, the Se....
Should Judges be Elected or Appointed?
The question of electing judges or appointing judges has had a long bumpy road in Illinois history. Over the last Twenty years the voters of the state of Illinois have been asked several times to vote on the constitutional proposal changing the judicial selection process. And the debate is not ....
Speaker of the 1790's
Jefferson and Hamilton were two men of different ideas; Jefferson believed in limited government influence and believed in economic prosperity among the people. Hamilton was a man of economics, he thought economics, breathed it, and debated it. Hamilton by far had a better economic plan than Jeffers....
Strict and broad constructionism under president jefferson and madison
During the presidencies of Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison, the two parties in the national government, the Democratic-Republicans and the Federalists, traded sides when interpreting the federal constitution. The Democratic-Republicans shifted from a stricter interpretation in years past; to a ....
The "Sans-Cullotes" During the French Revolution
1793 was an important year during the French Revolution, king Louis XVI was executed for his perjury, amongst other crimes. A month later, France declared war on Great Britain, causing food riots in Paris. There were also various "Federalist" revolts that erupted in many important provincial centres....
the americans
Although he spent nearly his entire life on one farm, Banneker had an important influence on how African Americans were viewed during the Federalist and Jeffersonian periods of American history. Born in Baltimore County, Maryland, Banneker was the child of a free black father. He had little formal e....
The Diversity Myth
The idea that "diversity" is one of the country's great strengths is now so firmly rooted that virtually anyone can evoke it, praise it, and wallow in it without fear of contradiction. It has become one of the great unassailably American ideas, like democracy, patriotism, the family, or Martin Luthe....
The Presidency
The Presidency is a complex institution resulting in complex powers and constraints. The founding fathers in drafting presidential powers set up constraints that would prevent the president from overtaking the government. Systems of checks and balances and separation of powers act as a constraint on....
The Revolutionary Election
The presidential election of 1800 was the most important election in United States history, because it was so controversial due to the immense involvement of the two political parties (Federalist and Democratic-Republican). We saw the forming of these political parties during Washington's presiden....
The Sedition Act of 1798
For the first few years of Constitutional government, under the leadership of George Washington, there was a unity, commonly called Federalism that even James Madison (the future architect of the Republican Party) acknowledged in describing the Republican form of government-- And according to the ....
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson, third President of the United States, was one of the most
brilliant men in history. His accomplishments were great and many so where does one
begin to explain? He was a philosopher, educator, politician, scientist, architect, inventor,
musician, and writer, to name few.....
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson wished to be remembered for three achievements in his public life. He had served as governor of Virginia, as U.S. minister to France, as secretary of state under George Washington, as vice-president in the administration of John Adams, and as president of the United States from 1801....
Ukrainian Famine
For the peoples of what is now known as Eastern Europe, the Communist Revolution of 1917, was one of the most important and devastating events that has ever taken place. And for the people of the Ukraine from the years 1932-1933 the word Holodomor would carry with it only the memories of deat....
United States Presidents
It is extremely interesting what all the Presidents of the United States have done for our country. It has been a real accomplishment to take the United States to the highest point ever. Even though there has always been obstacles on the way, elected Presidents have always know what to do to main....
Views of Jefferson and Madison
Views of Jefferson and Madison
From the time the Constitution of the United States emerged, two political parties were established by Thomas Jefferson James Madison. The Federalists who were founded by Madison and the Anti-Federalists by Jefferson argued over the core principles of the United Stat....
War of 1812
In view of the wants and needs of an infant United States (1783-1812), the War of 1812 was extremely successful in its results. The War of 1812 is significant to United States history in a number of ways. The War, and our not losing it, reaffirmed American Independence. Second, the war showed the Am....
war on 1812
The War of 1812 also known as The Second American War for Independence (Bailey pg. 233) was fought between the meager forces of the American government and the supreme power of Great Britain. The war ended in 1815 with the treaty of Gehnt, this treaty wasnt really a treaty but an armistice or surr....