Haywood Patterson
Haywood Patterson was born in Elberton, Georgia in 1913; he was the son of a share cropper who later moved to Chattanooga to take work as a steelworker. Patterson who left school after the third grade, started working as a delivery boy. Patterson would later realize he regretted skipping out on s....
Injustice in Alabama: The Scottsboro trials, 1931
On March 25th 1931, a group of young white boys were thrown off a train after fighting with a group of black boys. They called ahead to the next train station to report the fight, and as a result the train was stopped in Paint Rock, Alabama. Two young women were taken off the train along wi....
Scottsboro Trials
The Scottsboro Trial and the Similarities in To Kill a Mockingbird
Harper Lees novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, is set back in the nineteen-thirties, a time of adversities and misfortune in Alabama. With Harper Lees outstanding writing skills she uses this novel as a modest way of informing our n....
To Kill a Mockingbird essay
The Scottsboro boys trial influenced the book To Kill a Mockingbird in many ways. There are many similarities between the trial and the book, but there are also some differences. Racism played a huge roll in both the book and the real trial.
In the book To Kill a Mockingbird the only defendant ac....