Amandla! ... Awethu!
(Power!... To us!)
There were the cries, Amandla! Viva! and joy when these were taken up by the whites, and there were the deep dreamy
intonations of the old-time greetings (Gordimer, 1991: 108-109)
And there we are, crying with them, singing, facing the story, almost a ....
European History on the War of 1812
The War of 1812 was a result of the conflicts overseas between France and Britain. Both France and Britain were trying blockade each other from supplies and thus seized many American ships. Although Americans were outraged with the idea of the powers in Europe seizing ships they were furthered anger....
History on the White House
The "elliptic salon", with the Yellow Oval Room above and the Diplomatic Reception Room below it, formed the most elegant architectural feature of James Hoban's plans for the White House. The Blue Room has always been used as a reception room except for a brief period during the administration of Jo....
History On Widespread Panic
Widespread Panic
Northview High School
May 11, 2007
Pitzing 2
The greatest unheard, unknown, southern rock, and jam band of them all is Widespread Panic. The band Widespread Panic really isn¡¦t known for their popularity or music videos you would see on TV. They are really know....
Prohibition Era
The Prohibition Era
There was once a time in America that the very image of a working man was one who worked all day, then drank all night. By the 1820s, the average alcohol consumption in the United States was up to 7 gallons of pure alcohol per person. This is the equivalent of about 70 gallon....
The Movies: American History on Film
The Movies: American History on Film
Beginning in the early 1900s, a new invention sparked the turn of the century and opened up a whole new function for historical documentation. The motion picture established a whole new outlet for American history and has been one of the only industries in whi....