Ivan the Terrible
I’m doing my report on Ivan the Terrible. Ivan Vasiljevich the Terrible was born in 1530 and died in 1584. He was the son of the Grand Duke Vasili III. His mother Helena Glinsky was the daughter of a Luthuanian refugee who had found asylum in Russia. She was young, vivacious, intelligent, an....
Ivan the terrible
Ivan IV was the first of two children of Basil III, who had been attempting for many years
without success to have a son. Basil divorced his first wife, Solomonia Saburova (which
he had picked, by royal custom, personally out of 1,500 virgins) due to her inability to
bear him a child. Basil then ....
Nicholas II, The Last Tsar of Russia (1894-1917)
Nicholas II, The Last Tsar of Russia (1894-1917)
The earliest ancestor of the Russian Romanovs emigrated to Russia from Prussia in the 14th century. This ancestors great-great granddaughter was Anastasia Romanov, who became Tsar Ivan IVs first wife. Ivan IV (1533-1584), known as Ivan the Terr....
The 1500s
After 1500, there were many signs that a new age of world history was beginning, for example the discovery of America and the first European enterprises in Asia. This new age was dominated by the astonishing success of one civilization among many, that of Europe. There was more and more continuous i....
The Chechen Insurgency
The Chechen Insurgency
A friend of mine once remarked that any country east of Germany had a weird name, a place much unlike anything they considered normal. I believe my friend is typical of many Americans. The world as a whole is a daunting place, filled with complexities, disputes, and diff....