Hurricane Katrina & Betsy Compare and Contrast
Compare and Contrast
Louisiana is best known for The Big Easy and its natural disasters Hurricane Betsy and Hurricane Katrina. Some hurricanes, worse than others, go down in history and are never forgotten because of the tremendous impact they leave on its victims. Two well known hurricanes ar....
Katrina the worst Disaster Ever
Waking up on Sunday, August 28th seemed like a normal morning, but I knew something had to be terribly wrong. My mom came in and informed me of the terrifying news that was on television. There was a tropical storm named Katrina, which was turning into a hurricane. Meteorologists ....
The Johnstown Flood
Kristen Smith
Advanced Writing
Essay 6
Johnstown Flood
The deadliest flashflood in the history of the United States took place in Johnstown, Pennsylvania in 1889. Although, this took place over a hundred years ago the impact the flood has had on The American Red Cross still stands....