1. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is frequently cited as a shining example of third world co-operation. Established in 1967, its publicly stated primary objectives was to foster intra-ASEAN eco....
Asian Crisis
Late before the 1997 the Asian countries were considered one of the powerful economical countries in the East. They were called as The East Asian Tigers. However, after July 1997 those countries suffered of a very sharp fall in their economical infrastructure causing fall in the ....
Australians In Vietnam
The Vietnam War was not like any other as there was no battlefront as such, instead fighting was sneakier and guerrilla warfare wasnt uncommon.
The enemy, members of the Vietcong, the National Liberation Front and the North Vietnamese Army, could not be recognised as they blended in with the ci....
Buddhism was founded in Northern India by the Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama. He was born in 563 in Lumbini which is in modern-day Nepal. At the age of 29, he left his wife, children and political involvements in order to seek truth; this was an accepted practice at the time for some men ....
Buddhism/Hinduism Comparison Report
Buddhism/Hinduism Comparison Report
The world has many different religions. Asia has had many religions spring up. Out of these Buddhism and Hinduism are the most popular beliefs in the general population. Hinduism is the oldest known religion and is very rich with literally hundreds of gods, sy....
Child sex in Thailand
Community Intervention Program Advocating to Prevent and Decrease Child Sexual Exploitation in Thailand
Talisa M. Gimbel
Kennesaw State University
Community Intervention Final
As is the experience of developing economies around the wo....
Coca Cola In China
The Coca-Cola Company is one of the largest and widely known beverage companies in the world. With operations in over 200 countries, it is the world's leading manufacturer, marketer, and distributor of nonalcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups. C....
Country Analysis: China
At 9.6 million square kilometers, China is one of the biggest countries in the world. It contains the world's biggest city, Shanghai, and i....
Family Planning
I. Cambodia
Family planning helps couples to space the births of their children and to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Some family planning methods also help people avoid sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV. In Cambodia, contraceptive use has increased and fertility rates have de....
Family Planning in Cambodia and Vietnam
I. Cambodia
Family planning helps couples to space the births of their children and to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Some family planning methods also help people avoid sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV. In Cambodia, contraceptive use has increased and fertility rat....
Hinduism & Buddhism
Hinduism is known as one of the oldest religions of our time. It has also been called Sanātana Dharma, meaning Eternal Law. The founder of Hinduism is unknown, but holds over one billion followers. 905 million of these followers live in India and Nepal, placing it as the third largest re....
Hinduism & Buddhism
The world has many different religions. Asia has had many religions spring up. Out of these Buddhism and Hinduism are the most popular beliefs in the general population. Hinduism is the oldest known religion and is very rich with literally hundreds of gods, symbolistic rituals and beliefs. It is bel....
Indochina is made up of Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. It was colonized by the French in the late 1800's and given up in 1939. Japan tookover France’s loss after that. After Japan’s defeat in 1945, Vietnam’s patriot and communist, Ho Chi Minh and his Viet Minh declared Vietnam inde....
Indochina is made up of Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. It was colonized bythe French in the late 1800's and given up in 1939. Japan tookover France’s loss afterthat. After Japan’s defeat in 1945, Vietnam’s patriot and communist, Ho Chi Minh and his VietMinh declared Vietnam indepen....
International trade - THAI AND JAPAN (JTEPA)
International trade is a distinct field that has a long tradition of drawing on exchange of capital, goods and services across international boundaries or territories. Trading globally gives consumers and countries the opportunity to be exposed to goods and services not available in their own countr....
Laos Overview:
Laos, one of the worlds few remaining communist states, is one of East Asias poorest countries, (Country profile: Laos l). The mountainous country is surrounded by land and large tropical forests located in Southeastern Asia. The country struggled to find its position w....
Laos Refugees
The plight of the Hispanic illegal refugees in Arizona and the Laos refugees are different and similar in many ways. The most important way they are different is that the refugees in Arizona are illegal, while the Laos refugees are legal. The Laos refugees had to go through a long p....
Macroeconomic Impact on Business Operations
Monetary policy plays an important role in todays economy. The role of monetary policy is to strike a balance among the key macroeconomic variables in the changing times of today. The importance of this paper is to learn how monetary policy affects our money supply and what tools the Federal Reser....
Origins of the Vietnam War
In most Southeast Asia the anti-colonial movements wanted to achieve independence either through peaceful negotiation or through fighting for it. Vietnam was special in that way; Franc's policies were firm and uncompromising towards the national movements, which eventually brought Communist....
Report on the tourism impacts in Thailand
1. Introduction
This paper will identify and analyse the economic, socio-cultural and environmental impacts of Thailand. Thailand occupies the western half of the Indochinese peninsula and the northern two-thirds of the Malay Peninsula in Southeast Asia. Its neighbours are Burma (Myanmar) on the n....
Significance of World War Two for the Decolonisation of Indochina
The impact of World War Two was overall, significant in the process of decolonisation in Indochina. The implications of the war can be assessed through the understanding of the immediate and subsequent effects it had on the nation. Not only did World War Two provide a stimulus to nationalism for the....
The Conflict in Vietnam
The Vietnam conflict began in the late nineteenth century. The French conquered Vietnam and made it a protectorate. For nearly forty years, Vietnam had not experienced settled peace. The League for the Independence of Vietnam ( Viet Minh ) was formed in 1941, seeking independence from the French. On....
The Effects of Biological Weapons on the Past and Presents Society
Thesis: Biological Warfare is morally and inhumanely wrong, It is the wrongful killing of men, women, and children. It should be stopped no matter what the circumstances are. I.Introduction into the bad effects of biological warfare through some examples.a.Example of single affect of biological warf....
The influence of culture on the experience of psychopathology.
Newborns are culture-less despite having some dispositions to learning certain cultural tendencies. Childhood is a period of time when children are most susceptible to cultural and environmental influences than any other in the life span. By adulthood, they have learned many cultural and societa....
The Spirit Catches you and you fall down
The story takes place in the United States of America. Mainly two cultures are involved: American culture and Hmong culture. Obviously, the difference in language is the first barrier between them. The encounter between the two cultures began when refu....
The War in Vietnam
The Vietnam War, the nation's longest, cost fifty-eight thousand American lives. Only the Civil War and the two world wars were deadlier for Americans. During the decade of direct U.S. military participation in Vietnam beginning in 1964, the U.S Treasury spent over $140 billion on the war, enough mo....
U.S involvement in Vietnam
U.S. Involvement in Vietnam
The Vietnam War was an armed struggle between the Communist military of North Vietnam and the Democratic government of South Vietnam. The conflict started between the two nations after French colonialism ended in Indochina. The United States became concerned about the e....
Vietnam overview
A precise timeline of the Vietnam War is difficult to determine. Some consider the Vietnam War to have been a continuous conflict beginning with the French attempt to reestablish colonial control in 1946 and continuing until the fall of Saigon in 1975. Others divide the conflict into two separate wa....
Vietnam war and The Australian envolvement
The Vietnam War was one of the longest and toughest wars Australia had ever been involved in. The Vietnam War took place from 1962 to 1972. It was fought between communist North Vietnam against capitalist South Vietnam. Australia and America also disagreed with the ideology of communism and joined S....
Vietnamese business behaviour
At the first meeting with international partners, the main thing noted is having basic knowledge of their culture. Vietnam is known as the winner after the anti-American resistance war 1975, and people always think Vietnamese culture is similar to the neighbors Chinese or Thais. In fact, its ....
Why America Won at Khe Sahn and France lost at Dien Bien Phu
Both Khe Sanh and Dien Bien Phu were important confrontations. While one was in the Vietnam War and the other was after WWII during the War in Indochina. Dien Bien Phu was a fortification created by the French in North Vietnam near the Laotian border. Although heavily protected the fort was overrun ....