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150 Looking At Essays, Term Papers and Book Reports

Aaliyah Dana Haughton, 16 January 1979, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA, d. 25 August 2001, Marsh Harbour, Abaco Island, Bahamas, West Indies. Although she grew up in Detroit, Michigan Aaliyah pronounced Ah-Lee-Yah ("highest, most exalte done" in Swahili), initially came to attention as part ....

Abraham Maslow and the Heirarchy of Human Needs
Abraham Maslow and the Heirarchy of Human Needs Abraham Harold Maslow was born on April 1, 1908 in Brooklyn, New York. He was the oldest of seven children born to his parents, who were uneducated Jewish immigrants from Russia. His parents, wanting the best for their children in the “new world”, ....

Affirmative Actions Influence on College Athletics
Gender and race has become an area of discussion when regarding college admissions. I will be looking at affirmative action cases, problems and solutions, the financial and gender affects of Title IX and how both of these affects graduation rates and other statistics. Affirmative action is the....

Aging in America
In the not-so-distant past, senior citizens often disappeared from the mainstream activities of society. Businesses did not consider them a viable demographic market, community organizations labeled them recipients rather than contributors, and when they were included in commercials, movies or ne....

American Hegemony and Global Stability
Following the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War America emerged as the only remaining superpower in the world. Without the Soviet Union America found itself without bipolarity that had dominated international politics since the end of World War II. This does not necessarily ma....

Artistic Intentions and Morality
I am in a museum looking at a piece of art of an object I see on daily basis. I am filled with wonder as I look at the piece wondering what it is suppose to mean. With this I see that in purely philosophical terms, the precise nature of art’s links with morality has long been questioned. Some hav....

ASEAN Regional Trading Bloc
ASEAN Regional Trading Bloc The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was formed as a regional trading bloc in 1967. The first members were Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. In 1984 ASEAN expanded with the admission of Brunei Darussalam. Vietnam joined in 1995,....

Athletes as Role Models
Athletes as Role Models Primetime timeslots, Monday Night's main attraction, a large slice of the daily paper, and worldwide attention and recognition. This is the life of America's superstar athletes, but only in part. America's professional athletes, their political standings, and their ....

Balloon Rocket Car
Introduction Cars are by far our main transport to go somewhere. Business wouldn’t exist without it because we use it for transporting goods, be on time at work and carpooling. Without cars the economy wouldn’t be as good as today’s society. . But how do cars work? In this report I will show....

Beginning of the End - My Son My Executioner” by Donald Hall
For its relative brevity, “My Son My Executioner” by Donald Hall, is an example of a deeply interpretive piece of literature. Upon initial evaluation, it would seem that a poem of less than 60 words would be rather straightforward and leave little to subjective interpretation. This poem, however, ....

BIOPURE PAPER Recommendation: I strongly recommend that Biopure launch Oxyglobin immediately at a price of $150.00 and initially focus principally on large primary and emergency practices that perform the greatest number of transfusions. If this segment proves successful, a full market strategy co....

Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar Disorder Manic-depressive illness is among the most identifiable of all mental disorders, and is one of the oldest, discernable in description of the Old Testament and recognized in clinical medicine almost 2,000 years ago. Bipolar disorder is the medical name for manic-depressive illn....

Blue Jeans Market Failure
Generally blue jeans are becoming more and more overpriced. This article deals with the fundamentals of the overpricing of blue jeans Jeans belong to the sense of fashion for many but also do not mean anything to those not interested in fashion. There are some people who are willing pay $200 for a....

Booby Trap for 9/11 Skeptics
The idea that no 757 crashed at the Pentagon is easily the most controversial and divisive issue among researchers of the 9/11/01 attacks. Effectively promoted since early 2002, this idea has enjoyed an increasing acceptance in the 9/11 Truth Movement, despite its blatant incompatibility with the ex....

Book Of Romans
The letter written to the Church at Roman is thought of more as theological discourse written by the apostle Paul who identifies himself as the author. It is more than likely that Paul found himself in the vicinity Corinth for a time, probably in about AD 55 to 57 and from there dictated his lette....

Both Sides of Capital Punishment
Murder is the unlawful killing of another human being with an intentional or criminal intent. In today's world, terrible crimes are being committed daily. Many believe that these criminals deserve one fate: death. Capital punishment, the death penalty, is the maximum sentence used in punishing peop....

Both sides of Capital Punishment
Murder is the unlawful killing of another human being with an intentional or criminal intent. In today's world, terrible crimes are being committed daily. Many believe that these criminals deserve one fate: death. Capital punishment, the death penalty, is the maximum sentence used in punishing peo....

Bottoming out
Hitting ‘rock bottom’ in life relates to the lowest point of the mental, physical, and emotional state a person reaches. “Bottoming out” means life becomes so difficult and unmanageable that there is no other option except to change it. Where bottom actually is, how to know when that point has ....

Breaking Cultural Barriers
Breaking Cultural Barriers Pack your bags, hop on a plane, and fly to your destination of choice-simple as that. Thanks to increasing technological advances and world globalization, we truly live in a small world after all. The rapid spread of globalization, the interlocking of peoples and natio....

breaking cultural barriers
Breaking Cultural Barriers Pack your bags, hop on a plane, and fly to your destination of choice-simple as that. Thanks to increasing technological advances and world globalization, we truly live in a small world after all. The rapid spread of globalization, the interlocking of peoples and natio....

Business and Ethics
Ethics in Business From a business perspective, working under government contracts can be a very lucrative proposition. In general, a stream of orders keep coming in, revenue increases and the company grows in the aggregate. The obvious downfalls to working in this manner is both higher quality....

Business Communication Trend Era
Looking at the world of business today, there are some treads of this day and age that will change the communication in the society of business at a rising fast pace rate. The areas of treads are as followed, Information technology, which will look at the customer's quality of need, ownership ....

Capital Punishment
Today, capital punishment can be looked at in two different perspectives, right or wrong. Capital punishment, to me, is an unjust punishment. For example, if one is tried and convicted of murder in the first degree and sentenced to death by execution he or she may never have the chance to talk to th....

Carbohydrates feeding during exercise
Carbohydrate Feeding During Exercise Introduction It is widely recognised that athletes often benefit from the intake of various fluids during exercise (Cinvertino et al., 1996; Casa, 2000). Such benefits include improved performance, reduced fatigue on the athlete’s muscular and physiolog....

Case Analysis of Teletech Corporation
Headquartered in Texas, Teletech Corporation operates under two main business segments: the Telecommunications Services segment, providing various telephone services to business and residential customers and the Products & Systems segment, which manufactures computing and telecommunications equi....

Case Solution of Horniman Horticulture, in Case Studies in Finance - Managing for Corporate Value Creation by Bruner, Robert - 5th Edition
Horniman Horticulture Background Horniman Horticulture (HH) is a privately-owned wholesale nursery business in Lynchburg, Virginia. Bob Brown and his wife, Maggie Horniman, bought HH from Maggie¡"s father in 2002 for $999,000. The nursery¡"s operations fill 52 greenhouses and 40 a....

Case Study: Warren Buffet,
Of the most successful American businesses over the past four decades, one in particular has been the focus of countless analyses due in part to its remarkable success. Berkshire Hathaway, self-described as a holding company with subsidiaries engaged in a number of diverse business activities, was o....

Case: Bank of Green
Bank of Green It is the responsibility of the advisors at Bank of Green to determine how changes in the Federal Reserve System, the Fed, will affect investments. We will first analyze past data and current forecast to determine whether or not the investors current concerns are reasonable. The ne....

changes throughout history
Audrey Mann MWF 2-2:50 Final Paper Yesterdays turned into today and today will turn into tomorrow. What we did then becomes the outcome of now and what we do now will be the outcome of tomorrow. Therefore the history of this world is not a story told in class but a dominoes reaction of events....

Chemistry Coursework-Investigation of much copper an anode loses after every 120 seconds of being in
Plan Aim: To see how the weight of the anode (positive copper electrode) changes over time through electrolysis. Prediction: I predict that over time the weight of the anode will decrease and that the weight lost will be consistent i.e. the mass lost will decrease by the same amount over the s....

Our civilizations are merely a wrinkle in time. Billions of years ago, during the Paleolithic Culture people had only knowledge for basic survival. The Stone Age was a time for hunting and gathering, building tools, and making fire. As the human race evolved, so did the culture. This is when the....

Clarkson Lumber Company
Mr. George Dodge, Clarkson Lumber Company is doing well but there is the issue of whether or not there is too high a risk in granting the request for the $750,000 line of credit. There are many supporting strong points but it also has some problems to work out. This is a company that has many good c....

Clinical Biochemistry - Ahmed critical review
Upon receiving the book I felt exciting to dive right into it, and as a child does I jumped about the book, skipping the chapters to the subjects I enjoy best. Just starting a 4th year in Applied Bioscience my self I already have a large collection of study reference, textbooks, and access to journa....

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloning “To Clone, Or Not To Clone?” What would it be like to have a child that is the exact replica of you? How about finding the cure for heart disease or cancer? Well, these fantasies are not far away. They can be reached through a process called cloning. C....

Cloning in Light of Frankenstein
As scientists continue to piece together nature's mysteries of science, and as technology is becoming the dominating force in numerous areas worldwide, there is often a crucial piece of the puzzle that goes missing: responsibility. Though many people praise the abundant benefits of modern technolog....

cloning right or wrong?
With the advancement and expansion of technology science has been able to achieve new wonders. These improvements and discoveries in science have allowed the human race to explore and learn more about the world. One such phenomenon is cloning. Cloning has opened the doors to explore human beings in ....

Compairing Kant and Mill's Ethics
As I make decisions each and every day, usually I take into consideration the consequences of my decisions and how it will or will not benefit me. Two early philosophers named Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill give us different approaches on how we should make our decisions and why we should make....

Comparing Connie from "Where are you going, where have you been, with the grandmother in "A Good Man is Hard to Find"
Both ��oeWhere Are You Going, Where Have You Been,” written by Joyce Carol Oates, and ��oeA Good Man is Hard to Find,” by Flannery O��<sup>TM</sup>Connor, are stories that have different characters, different plot lines, different themes, and relay different messages ....

Comparsion of The Giver and the Messenger
The Giver not The Messenger Many books have been given the honor of winning an Newbury Award Medal and The Giver was one of Lois Lowry's books that won. The Giver was written in a form that kept the reader allured and suspenseful throughout the novel compared to The Messenger that portrayed a more ....

Concept of fashion and theories of fashion
Concept of fashion and theories of fashion applying to Kyrgyz youth society. For centuries peoples have used clothes and other body decoration things as a form of non verbal communication to indicate occupation, rank, gender, locality, wealth and status. Clothes are the main attributes of person....

Contrast Kurtzs African Mistress with his intended. Are both negative portrayals of women? Describe how each function in the narrative.
Contrast Kurtz's African Mistress with his intended. Are both negative portrayals of women? Describe how each function in the narrative. Does it make any difference in your interpretation to know that Conrad supported the woman's suffrage movement? Kurtz's Intended is his fiancé, and is effectiv....

Contrasting Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill
As I make decisions each and every day, usually I take into consideration the consequences of my decisions and how it will or will not benefit me. Two early philosophers named Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill give us different approaches on how we should make our decisions and why we should make....

Cooling Rate of Certain Liquids
Scientific InvestigationsExperiments to Determine the Cooling Rate of Coffee, when Milk should be Added and what Container should be UsedThe aim of the first experiment was to find out and record the cooling rate of coffee under three different conditions and thus showing when milk should be added a....

Cooling Rate of Coffee
Experiments to Determine the Cooling Rate of Coffee, when Milk should be Added and what Container should be Used The aim of the first experiment was to find out and record the cooling rate of coffee under three different conditions and thus showing when milk should be added assuming you have a phone....

Corrections and Alternative Forms of Justice
The issue of criminal punishment can be seen within the media with respect to the various debates that surround the controversy of sentencing policy changes. When examining the various disputes regarding criminal punishment policies it is important to critically analyze the context in which they app....

Creating Effective Messages
Creating effective messages is key to maintaining relationships and avoiding miscommunications. In recognizing the principles and elements of verbal messages and conversational principles, one can gain a better understanding of effective messages and ways to avoid poor conversation practices. In ana....

crime theory
The Future of Crime Theory In the criminal world, criminological theories play a major role in defining and creating a logical explanation of crime and the causation of the criminal behavior. These theories explain the birth, history, and psychological phenomenon, along with circumstantial evidenc....

CrysTel Communications - Change Management Research
Running head: CHANGE MANAGEMENT Change Management Research University of Phoenix Change Management Research CrysTel Communications is currently facing many difficult and challenging decisions with selecting the correct model of chang....

Cultural Challenges of Doing Business Overseas
The Cultural Challenges of Doing Business Overseas Going into business or owning a business is always exciting and risky, but moving a business overseas can create challenges related to business that even the best entrepreneur finds difficult to overcome. Not only does business overseas endure cul....

Cultural globalisation
1) Introduction to Cultural Globalization Cultural globalization refers in essence to the growth in international exchange of cultural goods, services and practices since the 1970s. This is the best definition agreed on by our group, but by no means the exact definition since there are as many defi....

1. Compare the dominant personality types in the Dell corporation before and after the Internet Bubble burst in 2001. Looking at the way Dell operates before the Internet bubble burst in 2001, I personally feel that Dell has a mixture of the Type A personality and the Core Self Evaluation personali....

Describe two communication problems which youyour organization faced. Explain how they were handled or should have been,
Communication and relationship go everywhere and strongly influence human activity -- from war and peace among nations to whether a marriage works; from political actions to personal friendships; from keeping it together to success in the workplace, school, or life in general. Effective Communicat....

Destiny of Oedipus the King
Sophocles demonstrates in the play Oedipus the King that a human being, not a God, ultimately determines destiny. That is, people get what they deserve. In this play, one poorly-made judgment results in tragic and inescapable density. Oedipus fights and kills Laius without knowing Laius is his fathe....

Deutsche Brauerei
History: Deutsche Brauerei, founded in 1737 by Gustav Schewietzer produces two varieties of beer, dark and light. The company had been in the family for twelve generations with an etching of Gustav himself on every label of the beer. The company, located just outside of Munich, Germany, is capable....

Diabetes Diabetes is a very serious disease that attacks millions of people around the world. This is a disease that affects the body’s ability to respond or even produce insulin. Without insulin, the body’s sugar is not able to enter the cells and be used for energy. Therefore, there is a la....

Dilemma for organizations to execute gender equality
1.1 Introduction-The paradox of women’s orientation in a society “Women have been taught that, for us, the earth is flat, and that if we venture out, we will fall off the edge” (Authuor Unknown). This myth has been for decades a barrier to women who wants to expresses their feelings, to show oth....

What factors determine how intelligent an individual is? This question has been asked, analysed and discussed over many years. Numerous psychologists have debated whether certain behaviours or traits are either biological or environmental. This controversy is known as the “Nature versus Nurture....

Do Great Men change the course of history? Discuss with reference to either Lenin or Stalin or Gorbachev
Do “Great Men” change the course of history? Discuss with reference to either Lenin or Stalin or Gorbachev Stalin Today the great man theory is out of favour as a singular explanation for why things happen. Historians look at other factors such as economic, societal, environmental, and techn....

Drinking Age
“You've got to fight for your right to party!" Drinking is a privilege that has been in this country since its founding. It was briefly taken away during prohibition, but society's favor of alcohol showed its strength with the repeal of prohibition. After prohibition, alcohol was legally available....

Dynamics and Conflict in Teams
Dynamics and Conflict in Teams Abstract In this paper we will present the value of teams in the work environment. We will address the differences between a team and a group, take a brief look at team dynamics, discuss the strategies for making a team efficient and touch upon dealing with conf....

E-Commerce: Tiffany and Co.
Introduction Tiffany and Co. is an exclusive business that deals with the manufacturing and distribution of high end accessories. Tiffany and Co. was established in 1837 by Charles Louis Tiffany. The headquarters is located on 727 5th Ave. in New York, New York. Since 1837, Tiffany and Co. has ad....

Economic Decision-Making
Making economic decisions is not as easy as it sounds. Decisions require rational thought. To every economic decision, a cost has to be considered and a benefit to be compared. At times, a necessary trade-off for the economic decision is required. The comparison of costs and benefits are not as obv....

Economic Indicator Forecast Paper
Economic Indicator Forecast Paper Economic indicators are a key tool used by companies and governments to understand market trends. These indicators can help to analyze market movements and track historical actions, giving one a better understanding of the history of the market. With this understan....

EGYPTIAN ART Egyptian art is one of the most significant periods in art history. Their modern advances were made unknowingly and helped to shape art to what it is today. Many people don’t realize how amazing the Egyptian art really is just by looking at it. You have to dig deeper to see what val....

Ethics in Business
From a business perspective, working under government contracts can be a very lucrative proposition. In general, a stream of orders keep coming in, revenue increases and the company grows in the aggregate. The obvious downfalls to working in this manner is both higher quality expected as well as the....

Evaluate the role of strategic managment
It is difficult to summarise strategic management in one line, as it is based more on putting certain theories in practise in order to achieve long term goals. Strategy can be described by matching the activities and resources of an organisation to the environment in which it operates known as the s....

Evolution of Database Technology Research Paper
Evolution of Database Technology Research Paper Businesses, employees, students, and individuals, use everyday data as a means of conducting business, keeping track of statistics, testing equipments, and everyday information, etc. We rely on data such as games, scientific data, business transacti....

Explain the view that Successful Families Need Two Loving Heterosexual Parents
It is undeniably difficult to define exactly what constitutes a ‘successful family’ and indeed what the term ‘family’ actually means. Depending on the interpretation being used, the explanation of this particular view will vary. Some would state that a successful family is one where the children....

F1 Race Car Driver
My dream has always been to be formula one race car driver. Although many people have strong opinions against this as a long term profession. Race car driving can be an honorable profession that takes courage, commitment, perseverance, and teamwork. On the contrary people believe that formula one d....

fall of Communism in RussiaSoviet Union
Communism in the USSR was doomed from the onset. Communism was condemned due to lack of support from other nations, condemned due to corruption within its leadership, condemned due to the moral weakness of humanity, making what is perfect on paper, ineffective in the real world. The end of this syst....

family history
In the process of recreating my genogram, I come to understand my family dynamics, the history behind it all and how my family came together. My genogram reveals my family’s multigenerational issues in terms of it family stages ethnic background, gender issues and they way my family interact with e....

First Language or Second Language?
Ever since God punished the people who wanted to build the Tower of Babel with the confusion of tongues in the time of old testament, people around the world have faced the problem of communication. When giving out a historical overview of second-language teaching in Second-Language Acquisition in C....

ford marketing plan
I. Business Overview of FORD Ford Motor Company was founded by Henry Ford in 1903, in the United States, and has become one of the largest automakers in the global market today. Ford Motor Company is a family of automotive brands comprising: Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, Mazda, Jaguar, Land Rover and ....

Foreign direct investment of Carlsberg
1. Introduction Looking into FDI in emerging markets as a part of a company's global strategy was originally often considered in a transaction cost perspective looking for cost savings (Hennart 1993). This view though, has changed drastically. Today more than 50 % of all Danish investments made in ....

Future of Pay TV in Singapore
Contents Page Chapter 1 – Introduction 1.1 Definition of Pay-TV 1 1.2 History of pay-TV in Singapore 1 Chapter 2 – Current Situation / Media Environment 2.1 Starhub as the Only Pay-TV Operator 2 2.2 Unhealthy Market? 2-3 2.3 Invitation for Second Pay-TV Operator 3 ....

Gang Control
When I was little I would always hang out with my favorite cousin. For years we would spend time together and have fun, he was considered my first best friend. Then as we got older and were starting middle school, everything would change. He started hanging out with the wrong people and eventually ....

Gender & Advertising
Gender & Advertising The United States today is a country of commercialism. Our culture is built carrying commercial messages. Look anywhere: schools, events, movies. Product placement ads invade our televisions, catalogs, books, magazines, dinners, telephones, taxis, fax machines, T-shirts, d....

Genetic Engineering
Genetic Engineering is the technology of alternating the genetic material in a living organism. In the process of the alternation, the DNA of a living organism would be cut up and add fragments from another organism in order to create the 'product' the scientists want. The DNA contains a code which ....

Running head: GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS BENCHMARKING Global Communications Benchmarking University of Phoenix Global Communications Benchmarking Global Communications is in one of the most difficult situations any company can face in the telecommunications industry. It ....

Global Economics: Falling trade Costs
Global Economics: Falling Trade Costs Remington College Scott Cheek September 8, 2005 Abstract This paper examines the response of industries and firms to changes in trade costs. New firm level models of inter....

Global Population: A Threat
We can all agree that Planet Earth has limited space and resources. With more than six billion people inhabiting the earth, we are concerned that the population will consume too many of our shared resources and use up too much of our precious space available. Unfortunately for us, there is not one ....

Hatred in all its Forms Through The Eyes of Hitler
Judaism is the practice of the Jewish faith. People of Europe who were of the Jewish faith were penalized for it. What gives people the right to discriminate against people because of their religion? Adolf Hitler thought he had the right and power to do this, so he did. Hitler wrote a book ....

haunting fears of pakistan economy
Economy is the system or range of economic activity in a country, region or a community. The economy encompasses everything related to the production and consumption of goods and services in an area. Pakistan, an impoverished and underdeveloped country, has suffered from decades of internal politica....

Hip Hop: An American Culture
Hip-Hop Over the course of history music has been a center piece in every culture. Every genre of music can be linked to a specific culture or demographic group. Within that link one can look at music beyond the sound of it. Music can be seen as an emotion, an inspiration, and a tool for....

history of cell phones
Ever wondered where the thought of not being connected to a phone cord in your kitchen, but atill able to talk on the phone? Who could have ever thought to do something like this and continued to act on it. Not many people had thought it was even feasible. Personal wireless communications were sa....

IKEA Invades America
Decision Statement Our team has decided that IKEA continue with its plan to build more stores in the United States. However, we recommend that IKEA take a more conservative approach and build 22 more stores by 2013. Executive Summary IKEA is considering whether to build 36 additional stores in....

Importance of International Cooperation
Imagine a tree whose roots penetrate and infiltrate the ground profoundly such that if it is pulled out, other trees might get deracinated because their roots are mingled together. This is how the world has become one and affairs of one particular country will affect other nations. It is not unlike ....

The exclusion of some items from the asset section of the balance sheet often leaves tongues wagging as to why they are not included. For a particular item to be treated as an asset for accounting purposes, a probable future benefit of owning it must exist; the business must have an exclusive rig....

India: A comprehensive study of International finance topics
I. Financial and Economic History: Since India has gained its independence from UK (1947), the economy has played a more diverse role. Defined as “socialist,” the government conservatively makes decisions especially when investing in foreign politics. Foreign aid has generally never been us....

Innocent Drinks (HBS 9-805-031) - Case study solution
Innocent Drinks is a company that bases its strategy on very efficient elements. First of all the managers follow a special marketing strategy that add up to a powerful statement about the personality of the brand and is therefore the core of Innocent�s success. The company doesn�t follow ....

Innovations of the Walt Disney Compnay
Abstract There are several characteristics that a company must have in order to be recognized and noted as an innovative organization. Since the founding of the company more than eight decades ago, the Walt Disney Company has mastered incorporating many aspects of innovation into its business str....

Investigation into T-shapes
Investigation into T-shapes Looking at the 9-9 grid below and the T-shape drawn on it, The total number of the numbers on the inside of the T-shape is called the T-total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 ....

Investigation to show the distribution of rest harrow (Ononis repens) plants on different stages of the dunes.
Investigation to show the distribution of rest harrow (Ononis repens) plants on different stages of the dunes. Abstract: The main aim of the investigation was to determine if there is a significant difference in frequency of Ononis repens plants on different stages of dunes. Preliminary in....

Is it art?
Introduction Art is something that we have always been aware of and we know more about the earliest form of art than we do about the people who did it. Over 40,000 years ago cave paintings were produced but meanings behind them are still not clear, only the people who did them know. Through the d....

Jean-Louis David + Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Question : In what ways and to what extent is an understanding of historical context important in approaching the works of (a) David and (b) Rousseau? "The Lictors Returning to Brutus the Bodies of his Sons", is a painting by the French artist Jean-Louis David in 1789. Having led the fight whi....

Job Satisfaction
Job satisfaction is defined by the Free Management Library as one's feeling or state of mind regarding the nature of their work. Job satisfaction is an issue that all organizations have to deal with and also is a symptom of employee turn over, job performance, and the culture of the organization. J....

John Deere: R & D Effectiveness
“R & D Effectiveness” Paper Nathan Koenig Duane Morris Chris Smith Vikas Tonpe February 20, 2006 TMGT 570 Workshop II Introduction John Deere is a leading manufacturer of agricultural and forestry equipment as well as advanced machines, services and concepts for customers on....

Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare
“Hateful to me as the gates of Hades is that man who hides one thing in his heart and speaks another” -Homer In the play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare many characters are scheming, manipulative, conniving, and deceitful. They are marked by deliberate deceptiveness especially by pretend....

Knitex - A time for change
Change Management Knitex – A Foundation for Change 1 Contents 1 CONTENTS........................................................................................................................................................1 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................

Kokoro - coping with the changes of a modern Japan
Kokoro, written by a Japanese scholar, wrote this compelling novel as a well established novelist to cope with the changes of a modern Japan. Taking place during the Meiji Period (1868-1912), Soskei write about a life companionship during a time when the nation was under great pressure to become apa....

Leadership role in organisations from Modernist and Postmodernist perspectives
Abstract In this essay the author is looking at the key issues of leadership, and the leadership role in the well known company Ryanair - the biggest low cost air company in Europe. These paper exams the role of the leadership in organisation, looking from modernist and postmodernist pe....

Leadership vs. Management
The Difference Between Leadership and Management I. Introduction There is certainly a difference between management and leadership, although the two concepts often are found together. Usually, leadership is aligned with personality and vision and it differs from mere manageme....

Life of a Graffiti Artist
Close your eyes for a moment and visualize your idea of a graffiti artist. What do you see? Do you see a hardened bandana wearing gang member, with a cigarette in his mouth? Or perhaps you see a crazy-haired heavily tattooed kid with a skateboard under his arm? Although there are graffiti artists th....

Likelihood of Compliance of Unusual or Usual Requests from Male or Female
Likelihood of Compliance 1 Running head: COMPLIANCE FROM UNUSUAL/USUAL REQUESTS & GENDER Likelihood of Compliance of Unusual or Usual Requests from Male or Female Negar Shakibai, Jennifer Stier, and Niloofar Behmanesh University of California, Los Angeles ....

Lloyd George and his 1918 Success and the fall of Lloyd George in 1922
Lloyd George and his 1918 Success and the fall of Lloyd George in 1922 In 1918, for a number of possible reasons, Lloyd George had won the General election. Now he was leader he needed good organisation to successfully lead his party. He had a problem instantly, regarding, his reputation. Alth....

Looking at Chaim Potok’s The Chosen
Anonymous Honors Theology 221 October 7th, 2005 Looking at Chaim Potok’s The Chosen David Malter was part of the Jewish sect that took on a more modern approach. He is very understanding, and he cares very deeply for his son Reuven. Reuven and his father's relationship would be considered healt....

Marketing Mix
Marketing mix is the combination of elements that you will use to market your product. There are four elements: Product, Place, Price and Promotion. They are called the four Ps of the marketing mix. • Product: Defining the characteristics of your product or service to meet the customers' need....

marketing plan

One of the memories that stands out most in my mind took place in 1993 when I was five years old. It was late autumn and the leaves, which had used to hang on the trees, all green and fresh, had become a vast carpet of glorious colours. The burning reds, fiery oranges and golden-browns made ....

Men Treated Equally at Probate Court
Men Treated Equally at Probate Court James Retos May 1, 2006 Men Treated Equally At Probate Court Probate court is one of the most difficult courts to present a case in, yet it is one of the most widel....

men, women and politeness
1. Introduction About general differences between men and women or boys and girls is probably everyone aware of, since they learned about these characteristics from their parents when they were a child. That there are more details than only the sex which differentiates between men and wome....

Merck & Company: Evaluating a Drug Licensing Opportunity
Introduction In 2000, Merck & Co. was a global research-driven pharmaceutical company dedicated to discovering, developing and manufacturing of a broad variety of health products, addressed to meet a broad range of human and animal medical needs. Merck was doing its research, discovery, developme....

Mind Brain Identity Theory vs. Functionalism
Mind Brain Identity Theory Vs Functionalism Determining the mind’s role in the world can be very confusing. It is not uncommon to relate the mind to the brain. In fact, we know that the mind and the brain must work together. If you have the desire to raise your hand ....

Mise-en-Scne Analysis Exercise on: Do The Right Thing
Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing represents the severe racial tensions that exist between different cultures within a society through specific mise-en-scène elements. Through these visual design and composition choices made by the director Spike Lee, production designer Wynn Thomas, and cinematog....

Morality Play
The novel "Morality Play", by Barry Unsworth, takes place in the 14th century in England and enlightens mainly themes like art and religion, but also oppression - by the church and it's corruption. It is a story that shows us how people in the everyday life take different roles on, but also in pla....

Motivation at work
Introduction Motivation has been defined as the psychological process that gives behaviour purpose and direction (Kreitner, 1995); an internal drive to satisfy an unsatisfied need (Higgins, 1994); and the will to achieve (Bedeian, 1993). In psychology, motivation refers to the initiation, direction....

MPAA Ratings - Sex, Violence, & Profanity
My views and tolerance on sex, violence, and profanity in movies vary in different ranges and considering this is an opinion essay, I will freely state it. The three categories that I have listed are put in the order of material that I do not really find very offensive (violence) to content that I....

Murphy Ice Land Case Study
1) ANALYSIS OF THE CURRENT SITUATION a) The External Environment: Threats and Opportunities Within the context of a companys external environment, threats are considered as factors that could hinder the companys attainment of a strategic advantage (Ferrell & Hartline, 2011). Threats observed....

My Bedroom - A Descriptive Essay
Everyone has their morning routine, but do we ever really take the time to notice the little things? After stressful days at school and work, I like to lose myself in my own private hideaway. My bedroom is the last thing I see before I fall asleep every night and the first thing I catch sight of whe....

My Childhood
Studying the aged house like a page in my history book, tears escape from my solemn eyes. Colors appear and a familiar life is again present. From the window looking in on the house two pudgy hands appear with heads persistently moving upward. Soon their bright blue eyes are present against the beau....

New Literacy in the Primary Classroom
New Times – Changing views of Literacy Culturally we are going through a transformation. Since the introduction of electronic technology, our world of 'text' has changed dramatically. We no longer have to put pen to paper in order to produce a literacy event, we can now e-mail or text, and no ....

New Movements in Modern Era
If we must describe the Modern Era in only one word, that word will be "diversity". Before this period, there had never been so many styles which followed one another in rapid succession like this. The four most important styles were Impressionism, post-Impressionism, Fauvism, Expressionism. Howeve....

Nissan Skyline
The most exotic car on the planet is the Nissan skyline, especially the Nissan skyline GT-R. The R34 GT-R model was one of the best models they made and the car basically watches it self. Even though the Nissan Skyline is only a second hand buy because of Nissan stop making them, it is definitely a ....

Of Mice and Men
An analysis of how John Steinbeck portrays the theme of loneliness in “Of Mice and Men” In this essay on “Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck I am going to be analysing how John Steinbeck portrays the theme of loneliness. I will do this by showing where loneliness is, which charact....

Oil and Gas Prices
As Americans, we are struggling more to make ends meet. With the price of gas soaring, and no end in sight. We have to make tougher decisions and decide what to do without. Coming up with more efficient fuel sources would ease the burden on the Americans, as well decrease our dependency on foreign o....

Opera House, illustrating the appropriateness and relevance of the design for the user
Sydney’s Opera House is the home of a true risk taking design which has launched itself upon the environment as a building with great success. It is one of the most distinctive and famous 20th century buildings. Though, it was not erected without complications which may be deemed as part of its ris....

Organization Management Kudler Fine Foods
Running head: Organizational Behavior Assignment Organizational Behavior Assignment University of Phoenix MBA 502 May 6, 2007 Kudler Fine Foods is a gourmet grocery store that has experienced significant growth and constantly focuses on expanding its services, improvi....

Is Othello a noble hero brought down by a devil of motiveless malignity or is Othello flawed and self regarding and brought down by a worldly realist?As is shown above, there have been many differentiating opinions of the two most inscrutable characters in Shakespeares history. As both these charact....

Out of the Box Pte Ltd
"Anything and Whatever" have the concept of "what's in the can" in which the flavor may be surprising to the consumers. Currently, the company has been thinking to expand its operation into another country. Therefore Thailand, Taipei, and Indonesia would be a concern. There are, however, similaritie....

Over-representation of Minorities in the Criminal Justice System
Over-representation of Minorities in the Criminal Justice System The rate of incarceration of African Americans has soared to unprecedented levels. The United States prison population has risen to nearly 70%. One out of every 21 Af....

A phobia is an excessive or unreasonable fear of an object, place or situation. Simple phobias are fears of specific things such as insects, infections, flying. Agoraphobia is a fear of being in places where one feels "trapped" or unable to get help, such as in crowds, on a bus, or standing in ....

Phoenix Restaurant - Company Overview
Research Process Outline Phoenix Restaurant is a bar and grill style restaurant popular in the southern states. In addition to its live entertainment, Phoenix offers people pleasing customer service. The menu consists of a variety of foods ranging from steaks to burgers, which include the Phoenix ....

Political Implications of Grace Paleys Samuel
The Political Implications of Grace Paley’s Short Story “Samuel” The political implications of Grace Paley’s Short Story “Samuel” My eyes have been opened. After much research, I was forced to look at “Samuel” in a different light. In Judie Newmans, Napalm and After: Th....

Poverty vs. Minimum Wage
Webster’s Dictionary defines poverty as the state of one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions” (Webster 1). Every year, more and more people both nation and worldwide fall into this social trap, with very little hopes of ever recovering from their downf....

Prejudice beliefs
The scientific study of the reciprocal influence of the individual and his or her social context(Myers,D). Social Psychology revolves around how society influences one another. How are our beliefs and actions shaped by the people around us. It could also be looked as how we want others to perceive ....

Present arguments for or against the notion that there is a specifically feminine or feminist language within visual culture
In this world we are surrounded by visual culture all our lives. Visual culture is a model of critical thinking about the world of images saturating contemporary life; it examines the uses and meanings of images. In this case, I will explore the ideologies of the representation of women and the fema....

Promoting economic growth
In Peter R. Orzag’s “Promoting Fiscal Discipline and Broad-Based Economic Growth” he went into great detail explain the economic problems facing the country. The main issue in the paper is the problem with the lack of economic growth we have seen and will continue to see. The main driving force....

Provide Evidence in a Prosecution Case
Experiments to Provide Evidence in a Prosecution Case with the Pervis Vinegar Company on Unknown ToxinsThe aim of this experiment is to preform tests on two samples of vinegar, one that is commercially safe and the other not (from the Pervis Company) to determine the unknown toxin contained in the P....

Quantity of Beer Demanded in Ontario and its Relationship with the Price of Wine in Ontario
Most papers surrounding the issue of alcohol demand focus on the control of alcohol consumption through increased taxes and less advertising. These studies are useful nonetheless because they provide this research paper with data for wine, beer, and alcohol consumption as well as price and income el....

Racism - Harper-Lee
Indigenous Australians are eleven times more likely to be imprisoned than White Australians are. They account for just 2.4 per cent of the population but 22 per cent of prison inmates. Over 45 per cent of Indigenous Australian men, aged 20-30 have been in prison. A report by the NSW Indigenous Au....

Ratio Analysis and Discussion
There are five major categories of ratios. Liquidity ratios determine if required payments can be made. Asset management ratios determine how efficiently a firm is using its resources. Debt management ratios determine if there is the right mix of debt and equity and if the equity can repay th....

Ratio Analysis and Statement Cash Flow
1. Review the objectives from Week One, and discuss additional insights and questions that may have arisen. 2. Company Selection Paper Select two publicly traded companies within the same industry and submit them to your instructor for approval. These companies will be the basis for this and subse....

Reality Deserves to Be Published: Nora Ephron’s “The Boston Photographs
In Nora Ephron’s “The Boston Photographs,” she discusses the validity of publishing controversial pictures. The photographs that she addresses in her article consist of a failed rescue attempt captured in sequential order. The woman pictured was trying to escape from her burning apartment bu....

Reality television and the way it has shaped America
Due to the overwhelming demand for reality television, sitcoms seem to have become a thing of the past. As hit series such as Friends, Frasier, Sex in the City and numerous others that seem to be the end of decades of television comedy. While flipping through the television guide instead of the usua....

Reflections on Who Moved My Cheese
Cheese. It is such a simple and yet sometimes elusive idea. I read this book some time ago and listen to the audio this time as a refresher. I recalled some of the things I thought were important cheese earlier in my life and the crazy actions I took to hold onto cheese in the past. I now wonder wha....

Relationship Psychology
Abstract This essay focuses on the topic of a healthy relationship as well as an unhealthy one. The perspective in which this essay follows is based upon a model that Sternberg created that is called the Triangular Theory of Love. There are different components that make up the Triangular Theory of....

Riordan Benchmarking
McDonald’s top leadership initiated a high-engagement approach to improve operations leadership pipeline and employee’s career growth satisfaction. The approach would minimize resistance and avoid the headquarters versus field issue if the company engaged employees. Employees were dissatisfied ....

Robert Frost's
It is often natural for one to seek a secluded, peaceful retreat when the pressures and expectations of society become too overwhelming. In his poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening,” Robert Frost dictates the story of a man who passes a snowy wood on his path and is immediately mesmerized by....

Rock Sound is Calling
Rock Sound is Calling Remember that night? It seems so clear now he's back and I’m glad he's here three long years, millions of beers but the devil is back, so girls, dry your tears in his favourite club, in his favourite seat well I saw the Devil, wing tip shoes on his feet, pork pie ha....

Role of Advertising through Television in Consumerism
The Role of Advertising through Television in Consumerism Throughout the world today, consumerism has proven to be a major factor in many people's lives. There're countless concepts in today's society that affect how much we, as consumers, spend on a regular basis. It could range from comparing one....

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