Is Minimum Wages Unconstitutional?
Every nation in this world has specific ideas and beliefs associated with it. The French are associated with wine and fine food, while Italy is known for their geographic beauty. Up until 70 or so years ago the words Lassie Faire went hand and hand with the United States. Lassie Faire, or free ma....
On the surface, an increase in the federal minimum wage may appear to be very appealing to most American citizens. It may seem like the best remedy to cure poverty and improve the living conditions of the poor. However, upon closer studies, the minimum wage law may have some perverse effects on emp....
minimum wage
Welcome to the land of Oz
Conservatives and liberals envision two essentially different economic systems. Liberals believe that the rich have acquired their wealth at the expense of others who are paid second-rate wages, working in second-rate conditions, receiving second-rate health care. Libe....
Poverty vs. Minimum Wage
Webster’s Dictionary defines poverty as the state of one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions” (Webster 1). Every year, more and more people both nation and worldwide fall into this social trap, with very little hopes of ever recovering from their downf....
The debate over minimum wage
The Minimum Wage and Why We Should Leave it Alone
When was the last time a "value" meal from McDonald, let alone any other fast food chain, did not cost five dollars or more? When was the last time premium gas was under a dollar a gallon? It's hard to remember, isn't it? Wouldn't it be great if ....