Domestic Terrorism, Whats in a Word
Running head: Domestic Terrorism
Domestic Terrorism, Whats in a Word
Curtis L. Morrison
Excelsior College
Professor Bumgarner
October 22, 2006
Terrorism is a frightening word in todays world which has become t....
Edward Albee
Edward Albee was born in Washington, DC on March 12, 1928. When he was two weeks old, Albee was adopted by millionaire couple Reed and Frances Albee. The Albees named their son after his paternal grandfather, Edward Franklin Albee, a powerful producer who had made the family fortune as a partner in....
Mao Tse-Tung¡¯s Individual Dictatorship is the Root of China¡¯s Backward Economy after 1949
Mao Tse-Tung, a former chairman of Chinese Communist Party, had ruled China for 27 years. Mao had always struggled for his individual power and autocratic rule in his life. All his theories and policies, to some extent, were strictly concerned with dictatorship. The Chinese Communist Party was a mai....