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119 My Mother Essays, Term Papers and Book Reports

"Those Winter Sundays" and "My Papa's Waltz"
What is love? Don't hurt me. Even after pain and suffering, a love between a father and son will usually survive. The poems "Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden and "My Papa's Waltz" by Theodore Roehtke are illustrations of two children who still love their fathers despite their actions tow....

1981: The Year of My Birth
“1981: The Year of My Birth” It was a dark and stormy night…actually it was a sunny snowy morning in January, the 29th to be exact. The setting is Parkersburg, WV in the year 1981. Most people were probably still trying to keep their New Years Resolution or paying off their Christmas bills. ....

A Doll's House
To Be, or Not To Be? In Henrik Ibsen’s play, A Doll’s House, a circle of people, of family and friends, is revealed through dramatic and realistic scenes. One of the things that Ibsen exposes about the characters in the play is their obsession with appearance. Torvald says, for once being co....

A Father's Betrayal
A Father's Betrayal A defining moment is different for every person. First love, death, joy or betrayal, are specific and meaningful to only one person at one point and in one time. For me, that moment began on a warm spring morning in May 2000. I awoke to the sun on my face, thanked God for g....

A Life and Death Situation: Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide
My dog turned sixteen on August 12, 2006. I had chosen him; I had walked up to his kennel and pointed to him, and chosen him. I was five years old and I had made a life-changing decision, now, sixteen years later, I am making another one. Toby is blind now --- cataracts and glaucoma. The pressure on....

A Visit to a Countryside
I have lived in a big city, XX, with six million people since I was born. XX, is a very crowded city in China. Skyscrapers, supermarkets and stores are everywhere. Whenever you go out, you can see lots of people, bicycles, cars and buses except at midnight. Everyone liv....

Acceptance Essay
My educational goals have not always been an easy task for myself. I always thought I would go in the direction of fashion or business, but in the past year I have completely taken a turn into secondary education for economics and psychology. I have always taken an interest in psychology and learni....

When Mrs. Fallon first described this project to us, I was a little bit skeptical about it. I kept thinking that I had no problems in my life and that I didnt need any type of conditioning. But then I thought, Im definitely not perfect and I knew I was definitely overlooking som....

An Unexpected Act of Bravery
When someone commits a true act of bravery, it is a life changing experience that they will never forget. To me, bravery comes in the form of putting the ones you love before yourself and to be selfless and courageous. An act of bravery does not only affect and extend to someone else, but to yoursel....

Analysis of Mother/Daugter Relationship in Letter To My Mother by Barbra Kingsolver
“Letter to My Mother”, by Barbra Kingsolver is a letter about the evolution of the relationship between mother and daughter. Many feelings and emotions encompass the relationship between parent and their child, Kingsolver shows these emotions in a confessional type of letter. There are fee....

Armenian Gneocide
Armenian Genocide It was a pretty peaceful time around here. Days were long and tiring but people cared for one another and had respect. My mother and father worked hard yet always came home with a smile on their faces. Even though we were treated as such se....

Cancer: When You Think It Couldnt Happen To You
Martha Ann Jones Professor Stafford English 101 – 26 September 24, 2007 When You Think It Couldn’t Happen To You “No,” I screamed as I was crying and tearing the hospital’s towels. My momma was dying after struggling with cancer for some years. She was finally givin....

Celebrity Advertising
Celebrity Advertising In today’s culture advertising is everywhere. In the morning newspaper, on television, radio, in magazines, at school, at your job, in grocery stores, in public bathroom stalls, on buildings, on buses, embossed in the sand at beaches, even on the green in golf holes....

Challeges of Life
Managing school, work and my family obligations are very difficult. There are times when I feel like a professional juggler trying to keep all the balls up in the air afraid that if I drop one everything will come crumbling down. Many college students I have talked do not have the added pressure of....

Challenges of Obtaining a Good Education
The Challenges of Obtaining a Good Education The fundamental purpose of education is to gain knowledge. I believe education serves as the means to develop oneself physically, mentally and socially. Education is important for our youth as it is the time to develop the basics and principles of li....

Children’s Books
Part I: Children’s Books The first book that I will discuss is Albert and Lila by Rafik Shami. This book is about animals on a farm. Albert is a white pig and all of the other pigs are of different colors. As he is the only white pig on the farm the other do not want to be friends with him. Thi....

Choose your friends wisely
Choose Your Friends Wisely "The righteous should choose his friends carefully, for the way of the wicked leads them astray." Proverbs 12:26. It is quite difficult to find a real, true friend in a lifetime. A friend is somebody that you can trust to share your thoughts and feelings with; and who wil....

Compare and contrast the influence that power, authority, gender, and technology have on your life experiences and decision making now with
Things have certainly changed since 1983, when my mother was 16 years of age. However, after conducting an interview and using my own personal reflection I have found that some aspects and stereotypes have remained the same since that time. Interviewing my mother on the societal and cultural concep....

countenance of pain
Diana Kazempoor Mr. Dalin English 3(H) 1 October 2005 Countenance of Pain The means in which parents raise their children has a tremendous affect on them. The measures that a father goes to in the poem,” My Papas Waltz”, by Theodore Roehke, is nearly unbearable for a child to face.....

Creating Home in the Classroom - Carollyne Sinclaire - Looking for Home
A TRUE FAIRYTALE “Wherever a story comes from, whether it is a familiar myth or a private memory, the retelling exemplifies the making of a connection from one pattern to another: a potential translation in which narrative becomes parable and the once upon a time comes to stand for some renascen....

Cyber Bullying
As a year 12 student i wish to debunk the insulting but increasingly common notion that were aren't discerning enough to decide who is dangerous in cyberspace and who isnt. This misconception is evident in the fact that more and more schools are filtering or even blocking our access and encouraging ....

Death of A Salesman
Willy Loman is, what I would call, a confused man. He knows what he wants in life, but he doesn’t know how to get there. His over all goal in life is to be liked, not only by business men and the community, but by his family. But as many of us may not know, there is such a thing as trying too....

Development of Compassion
I believe that compassion can change the world. Compassion is a trait that we do not see expressed enough in our daily lives. It holds the key to peace and happiness. Compassion is something that must be learned through observation to truly grasp the concept. Compassion comes from the caring and wil....

diary of a soilder- trenches
Memoirs & Diaries: Trenches At Vimy Ridge Updated - Sunday, 23 September, 2001 by Harold Saunders As the War had to be, I shall always be glad I was able to play even a negligible part in it, or I should never have known with such certainty the madness of it. During training I was aware on....

Did the violence of Martin Luthers Childhood drive him into the monastery
The question of whether Martin Luther’s childhood experiences affected his views of God, and led him into the monastery is a question that many try to answer. From evaluating Luther’s childhood, it is evident that the abuse he received from his parents, the pressures that he had from his father, ....

They're getting a divorce... What do you think of when you hear about a single mother raising her three kids? Usually, people think of a deadbeat mom, and low life, rebellious kids. However, in my mother's case, you see an independent woman, who is confident in her kids and in her job. My mother....

Dont hope,decide
As I glanced up, scanning the already full subway train. People squishing and squirming to find space caused a man in a stained chestnut brown overcoat to roll his eyes with annoyance. Like crowds of ants huddling over a piece of crumb. Person to person, my eyes jumping around like a robotic scannin....

DREAMS FOR A GREEN FUTURE On a clear night this summer get into your car and drive out into the country. Stake out a place on a hilltop if possible. On your way to this spot look around. What do you see? Do you see cars burning oil out of their tailpipe? Are lines of gas guzzling SUV’s....

Effective Communications Case Study Analysis: The Myth of Silver Fillings
On December 23, 1990, CBS-TV's "60 Minutes" panicked the television audience by announcing that toxins have invaded the American mouth. The "60 Minutes" broadcast, narrated by veteran reporter Morley Safer, was intended to alarm and to persuade its audience that the mercury in dental fillings....

As shtick, Eminem’s somewhat petulant late-2005 decision to prepare the second act of his American life in rehab was tedious, like the Hollywood role that in late 2002 persuaded pundits to validate an artist whose three hip-hop albums had enriched public discourse more than they ever would by the t....

Evolution Verses Creationism
What’s right? “God created all life,” is something that as a child my mother decided to engrave into my head. As a Catholic my mother is a strong believer of the natural aspect of life, and as many other Catholics the idea that God created everything. God himself makes even till now all the bu....

family history
In the process of recreating my genogram, I come to understand my family dynamics, the history behind it all and how my family came together. My genogram reveals my family’s multigenerational issues in terms of it family stages ethnic background, gender issues and they way my family interact with e....

Fast Food Jobs Builds Good Work Ethics
Fast food is good for your children. When I say that I mean it is good for your children to work at part-time jobs like fast food restaurants when in high school. Its helps students gain skills, have responsibilities as well as learn to appreciate money (Halas). People sometimes assume that skills....

First Days Fear
It was nearing the end of summer. Iwas 5 years old and i had just moved to a new town a few months ago. The time was passing fast it was almost september and my first experience to go to school. Having no friends in the area, school was going to be frightening. This new experience was going to be....

First Language or Second Language?
Ever since God punished the people who wanted to build the Tower of Babel with the confusion of tongues in the time of old testament, people around the world have faced the problem of communication. When giving out a historical overview of second-language teaching in Second-Language Acquisition in C....

Free Will
Are We Free to Choose? If someone posed the question to a group of people, “do you have free will?”, the majority would say yes. But do we really have total independent power to make choices? I think people mistake free will with freedom. We are fortunate to live in a country in which we hav....

Free will vs. Fate
Free will vs. Fate What is your life purpose? Many would agree that this is a hard question to answer; but is it really? Our everyday decisions are constantly being debated, as to whether they are a product of free will or fate. Many people view these as two very separate and distinctive ....

Gender and Behavior
Gender and Behavior When examining human diversity in the United States or any other society, it is important to first understand the criteria commonly used for making group distinctions. There are many ways in which diversity and complexity can be explained. These generally are based on cultur....

Georgia OKeeffe
Georgia O' Keeffe is a famous female artist from the early 1900's. She was considered part of the modern art era. My mother recommended I write this paper on O'Keeffe because she felt she was such a tremendous and timeless artist. She is considered to be an abstract artist who had the extraordinary ....

Good to Great by Jim Collins (analysis)
The book Good to Great by Jim Collins taught me as much about being a successful individual as it did about business. Overall, the key points Collins extrapolates from his research not only distinguish great companies from good ones but also provide guidelines for becoming a successful owner, leade....

Grand Avenue by Greg Sarris
Grand Avenue Born on February 12th, 1952, in Santa Rosa California, Greg Sarris has written a series of books, screenplays and articles. This author received an extensive education, ranging from schools like the University of California, and Stanford University where he obtained his P.H.D. Wit....

Why are youths homeless? Causes of homelessness among youths fall into three categories family problems, economic problems and residential problems. Disruptive family conditions and the main reason that young people leave home. Most youths that have to leave home either know they have to their par....

How I learned to read
Before Primary school, I learned how to read and understood the concept of writing. My mother would read to me when I was in her womb before my birth. Although reading and writing has been more positive than negative experience it came with several obstacles and setbacks. My family, role....

How is contrast used in Night of the scorpion? Compare this with the use of contrast in one other poem.
The poem which I am going to be comparing with ‘Night of the Scorpion’ by Nissim Ezekiel will be ‘Blessing’ By Imtiaz Dharker. Both poems are similar but they have different viewpoints as one is positive and the other is negative until the end. Ezekiel portrays the peasants ‘like swarms of fli....

I never thought it would be me
I Never Thought It Would Be Me It was a hot and beautiful summer day, the sun was just falling behind the hills. My mother rings a bell letting my brother Lucas and I know that dinner was ready. As we got on are bikes and head for home I think to myself, I’m such a lucky girl and I would....

I Was a Teenage Mother
Life throws you a curve ball. Do you catch and embrace it, or do you duck and ignore it? I learned at an early age that being a young mother was not easy. My mother became pregnant when she was 15 years old. She had three children by the time she was 21 and went from one abusive relationship to ano....

Ignorant Bliss
(A story of growing up money poor, but family rich) I’m not sure when the realization first hit me that I had grown up in a lower income family. Was it after I joined the Navy and was off on my own? Had the suspicions begun creeping in to my thoughts during high school and I just ignored them?....

It's My World,My Time and All About Me
I’m about to tell you about a very smart, young lady. She goes to Sheepshead Bay High School, in Brooklyn, New York. She is in the 10th grade. Her friends and family say she is much consisted. But she disagrees. She considers herself a very high confident person. This young lady who I’m verifyi....

The ability to read and write and further, the ability to correctly comprehend has always been greatly valued in my family. I feel that literacy is perhaps one of the most important qualities a person may possess. Many people without this vital quality have helped to shape my perspective. As....

Losing My Best Friend
One of my earliest memories is of moving into my new house in New Jersey when I was about five years old. My immediate family was there, of course, but so were my mother’s parents --- my grandparents. My father is an FBI Agent and thus was subject to change locations at the FBI’s demand until he r....

Love is a battlefield
Love is a battlefield. Love is defined as a strong positive emotion of regard and affection that one individual has for another. My question is what makes this love true love? Who decides your soul mate? Further more with thousands of fish in the sea how are you supposed to know when you....

malclom x
Malcolm X was a very hard worker. He worked hard to improve his condition through education. He understood that it was up to him to make a change in his life. Even when the lessons of learning were long and hard he did not give up. His life is an example to people today of what can be done ....

Mariah Carey as a Symbol of America
"People told me my dreams were silly, but I would never let them discourage me" (Smith). Mariah Carey is a person who best stands as a symbol of American society today. In America today, most of the people track their ancestors through immigration and are not born wealthy, but instead have to work....

Me myself and my diabetes
I guess most adolescent males never believe that their young bodies could be fragile and dysfunctional. Often we punish our bodies never fearing the consequences, whether it is physical, when we push ourselves in sporting activities or mentally as we strive to achieve the right answers to daily ques....

Medical Allowance for Marijuana
Medical Allowance for Marijuana Marijuana is a narcotic that has been increasingly growing in the drug rings over the years. Smoking Marijuana (scientifically known as Cannabis) is, according to the Office of National Drug Control Policy, damaging to the lungs, and has shown to kill many....

Mommys Girl
I've been a mommy's girl since I was born. I use to live with my dad in Florida when I was younger, but he started doing drugs and he was not stable enough for me to live with him. I moved in with my mom and stepdad Jason when I was five. Jason joined the army; my mom and stepdad moved to Fort Bragg....

Most Memomrable School Day
I have spent the majority of my life in school as of now. I have numerous memorable days but there is one certain instance that protrudes and is the most memorable. School has always been a place to, of course, learn certain subjects and hone skills, but on this day I was probably more educat....

Mother & Son Reunite
Mother & Son Reunite The year is 1984 and there was an eerie feeling to the late cold spells we been having in the small town of Little Rock Arkansas. On April 9th around 12:58 am was when my mother, Deborah Reynolds, birthed me into this world. Having me was happiest day in her and my fathers....

mother love
Well I must have been about ten years old. My mother had told me a hundred times not to run in the house. Here I was bored to death with nothing to do. Mom was busy doing laundry and working in the yard. It was a hot sunny day, about 80 degrees; the sun was shinning bright, the perfect day to play o....

Mothers birth
My Mother's Second Birth I have always believed that the birth of a baby into this world is the most magical experience parents could ever have. The sight of their newborn child takes away all their heartaches and struggles endured in life and make them enter a blissful stat....

my life as a democrat
It is hard to say exactly where I acquired my political views. I was brought up in a very open home so the opinions that I have acquired as far as how I view people I pretty much learned on my own. Even as a child I understood that it was very important to be open minded. I come from an upper middle....

My life as a horse
My life as a horse: Hi! My name is Snickers. I am a 15 year old Quarter Horse gelding. I have brown hair and the thing that hangs off of my butt is black (humans call it a tail). I am going to tell you about my encounter with life. As a baby, I had the perfect life, as far as I was conc....

My mother
There are many people that have had an impact on my life and influenced me in many different ways. My mother, however, has had the biggest impact on my life, and influenced me more than anyone else. She has had an impact on me since the day I was born, and she still does today. Before I could even t....

My responce to the essay America in the book Keywords/identity
After reading the book Keywords/identity this is a book of several different essay by affluent writers all over the world giving us their idea of multiculralizm and identity in the world today. After I read the second essay I felt compelled to write my own in response to the one titled America....

My role model
It took me eighteen years to realize what an extraordinary influence my mother has been on my life. Examining her character I see how many traits she has passed on to me and she made the person that I am today. Hard work is one of the qualities she has passed on to me and she would always tell “you....

never take a single breath for granted
It was about one in the morning on January 20, 2001 and my step-dad, Pete, came in my room telling me to hurry up Vanessa, wake up! I thought he was waking me up for school and it was time for me to get ready. He wakes me up at six before he leaves for work every morning, but then I look....

No Child Left Behind
Children Being Left Behind Starting in 2001, President Bush signed into law the No Child left Behind Act, which caused controversy in schools all across the country. The act was implemented so that students, ranging from kindergarteners to seniors in high school, would increase their test scores as....

Nutrition At Its Finest
Nutrition has always been a big part of my lifestyle mainly because of athletics and the good positive feeling of treating my body well. I knew my food consumption would never be a problem with gaining too much weight, so I never had to consistently watch what I was eating. Because of always weight ....

Padi Chicken
Padi Chicken A travel memoir by Trent Scott The travel experience to the Penang Livestock markets was one never to forget. After an adventurous holiday of jet skiing, parasailing, theme parks and mountain trekking, how could I have realised the effect a simple chicken dinner at the Penang Holida....

Parenting: Our Effect on Children
Parenting: Our Effect on Children “If there is anything that we wish to change in the child, we should first examine it and see whether it is not something that could better be changed in ourselves.” -C.G. Jung, Integration of the Personality, 1939 It is very hard to raise a child, I know, ....

Playing Dinosaurs
Slight glimpses into the past race my mind, but not much becomes of them. I like to pretend that I remember more than I really do. These images reside in me, for no reason more than the fact that my mind has a memory at all, but I can't help but remember particulars and act as if they had some meani....

PLEASING My senior year in high school, I was in the honor society, a valuable member of the track team, popular by all my friends, I lived in a relaxed middle-class home, and seemed to have had a pleasantly standard childhood. Regardless of all the comfort one would think I possessed as an effec....

Prejudice beliefs
The scientific study of the reciprocal influence of the individual and his or her social context(Myers,D). Social Psychology revolves around how society influences one another. How are our beliefs and actions shaped by the people around us. It could also be looked as how we want others to perceive ....

Psychology of people
Growing up in the same environment and sharing much of the same genetic make up with my sister would usually lead one to believe that we are alike. It is actually quite the opposite. My younger sister has blonde hair, blue eyes, she is very skinny and is about five feet six inches, and she is sti....

Psychotropic Drugs: Are They Helpful or Harmful to Children
Psychotropic Medications: Are They Helpful or Harmful to Children? By Tierwanda Bright Children who have been diagnosed with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) are often prescribed some form of psychotropic ....

Reasoning Paper
Introduction I will reflect upon a challenging experience that my family encountered in an environment that involved significant thinking through and reasoning. The subject of this paper is my brother Kenny. I will describe the attitudes and assumptions Kenny brought into the experience and attem....

reflective paper on attitudes and behaviors
Our attitudes and behaviors are constantly influenced by the world around us. As young children, our world view in very small. For the most part, we only have our parent’s viewpoints and beliefs to rely on. As we grow older and our abilities to comprehend what is going on around us improve, we are ....

Report on Thomas Mertons The Seven Story Mountain and Dorothy Days The long lonliness
Backgrounds Thomas Merton Thomas Merton and Dorothy Day are leaders in the Catholic movement and there lives began with the Lord not in their exact mind frame at first. Thomas Merton was born on January 31, 1915 in Prades, France to father Owen Merton and mother Ruth Jenkins. Owen Merton was a Ne....

Richard Cory
Adrienne Taylor The poem that I read is named, “Richard Cory”, by Edward Arlington Robinson. It talks about a young man by the name of Richard who seems to a cool suave and very rich individual who everyone in the town admired. He was the true definition of a gentleman, in every sense of the w....

Robbery of Freedom: The Ultimate Injustice
WRONGFULLY CONVICTED AND IMPRISONED IN ALABAMAMy story is told to you as honestly and as accurately as can be. Over the years, I have felt like I've had to 'defend' something, but I have realized that, as bizarre as it is, just tell the truth and let that be it! I was released in April 10,2001, and....

Rules of the Game
The Rules of the Game The short story, “Rules of the Game” by Amy Tan tells the story of a young Chinese-American girl growing up in a poor section of San Francisco’s Chinatown. Her life changes when she convinces her older brother to teach her to play the game of chess. He was given the used ga....

“I’ve got to get out of here,” I thought to myself as I ran down the darkened road. The air was crisp and cool. I grabbed my shoulder in pain and remembered that earlier that day, my mother had thrown me against a wall to repeatedly kick me. I felt, at that time, that my father wouldn’t let t....

Sad Reality of Substance Abuse
Today an astounding 98% of teens have used or tried pot at one point and time in their life. This number is extremely high, only 2 % of American teenagers have not, and will never use marijuana, which is an illegal substance. It is even more disturbing to consider the numerous other drugs that are....

sex trafficking
Sex Trafficking “Even though I’ve had a lot of better massages...after fifteen minutes, I was much more relaxed...Then I asked for a condom, and I fucked her for another thirty minutes. Her face looked like she was in a lot of pain...She blocked my way when I wanted to leave the room, and sh....

Significant Others
In my life there aren’t many significant others. I think I have pretty much eliminated everyone whose evaluations of me really mattered from my life. I don’t know if you can call that cognitive conservatism. Cognitive conservatism is the tendency to seek information that co....

Sins of a mother
Sins of a Mother I was a smart kid, well known for my academic achievements. I was always featured in the school plays and showcases. When they finally built a resort on the island's waterfront in 1983, I was invited to recite poems I had written and to cut the ribbon at the opening ceremony. My gr....

Socialization through Environment & Heredity
Socialization is a lifelong process, influenced by both environment and heredity, through which people learn the attitudes, values, and actions appropriate for members of a particular culture (Schaefer, 68). There are two types of culture, material culture and non-material culture. Material cultur....

Streetcar Named Desire
Angela Brown Professor Tidwell English 102 November 14, 2004 The Fate of Marriage One hip hop group once put it, "I will never find another quite like you." Marriage is a bond a couple can find happiness within their own setting. Through thick and thin or good and bad marriage....

Summary-Response H2O to Go Ron Spomer is a Field Editor for Petersen’s Hunting Magazine and wrote the article, A “Thirst for Hunting,” in the July, 2005, edition. He feels that “your body needs water to perform flawlessly a field.”(34) He stresses that hunters need to stay hydrated while h....

Teen Pregnacy
On June 7th 2005 I found out that I was pregnant. Four days before my 17th birthday I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know how to tell my boyfriend because I didn’t know how he would react. I didn’t know how to tell my parents because I didn’t want them to think less of me. I was scared. ....

That's Who I Am.
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.” All, I’m sure, can relate to this message Albert Einstein once considered. Yesterday is gone, and apparently we have learned, because I do not see any cave men or women sitting in front of me. Today we are all living, breathing, taking in....

The Endless Steppe
“Esther should be thankful for her exile to Siberia.” Why / Why not? Esther should be thankful for her exile to Siberia. Although she had been taken away from her extended family and faced starvation, Esther learnt how to cope with many different things and made many new friends. If she had ....

The Exploding Plastic Inevitable
The Exploding Plastic Inevitable When I was a little girl, I had this toy. This toy was very special because of the precise reason that I had bought it myself. I saved up so, so much money for it and worked very hard to earn that money. I babysat, I had a paper route, plus I helped my mom w....

The First Seed
THE FIRST SEED “What the hell are the Eagles doing? They are wasting too much time!” I can feel the bass from the mammoth speakers pounding into my chest with every wor....

The Flood that affected my wedding
Vishnudat Dianand English101 Professor: Narration : The flood that affected my wedding. I was living in Guyana, a country in South America that is neighbored to Brazil and Venezuela . My family was living in a small town called Rio Lobo which is situated in the third administrative regio....

the human eye
Three Myths About The Human Eye An eye is the organ of vision that detects light. The one sense that nobody would ever want to be without is vision. I feel that it is the most important of all the senses. There are many misconceptions about eye sight and vision. The way the eye works is quite....

The Incident
One fresh morning at LCC during the 2012 fall semester, an incident changed my life. I lost my parents' respect, trust, and the way they looked at me. My life was good until that morning. But the way I gradually gained their approval and respect was by being honest with them. That morning I woke....

the mothers
The Mothers Going through a divorce is not only hard for parents but for children as well. For most children, thinking about having a step parent is a hard cookie to swallow. Most children usually see having a step mom as scary, and give her names such as “the wicked witch of the west”. However,....

The Rural Family of the Bundrens
The Rural Family of the Bundrens William Faulkner does an excellent job bringing the realities of being a southern rural family in the 1930’s to life in his novel As I Lay Dying. This tragic comedy takes place in Mississippi and is narrated by several individuals. By letting different ....

The Toy and The Desperate Boy
The Toy and The Desperate Boy Boredom overran most of my life when I was a kid; with nothing to do at home, I would always try to find something to do. My mother would never let me do anything, I felt like a monkey in a cage trapped from the free world. On days that my mother worked late, ....

Theodore's Undying Love
Theodore Roethke, a famous literature creator of many astonish works, is widely known and recognized as one of the best writers who exceeds at creating many vivid illustrations such as in his infamous “My Papa’s Waltz.” In “My Papa’s Waltz,” Roethke recalls a precious, yet nostalgic memory, re....

This is my Story
This is my story The rising sun warmed my face, I was watching the magical sun peer through the trees on the top of the paddy fields. The area was a mix of two worlds. On one side the place was a natural beauty which roamed the endless horizon but on the other side was a busy eyesore which was Sh....

Three Keys To My Future
Three Keys to My Future A social, religious, occupational, or other group sharing common characteristics or interest and perceived or perceiving itself as distinct in some respect from the larger society within which it exists, this is a community. Communities where I come f....

Transformation in Macbeth
In the beginning of Shakesphere's, Macbeth, the character, Macbeth is basically an everyday normal type of soldier fighting and killing for his king. His title at this point is the Thane of Glamis. Upon having a great day on the battlefield, including killing MacDonwald, Macbeth has no....

TRUSTWORTHINESS in To Kill a Mocking Bird” by Harper Lee
In the book “To Kill a Mocking Bird” by Harper Lee, it explained the relationship between Scout and Jem throughout the whole book. It demonstrated how they felt for each other. At times their relationship to each other was very fragile and not gained easily. There were times of sadness and anger b....

Tuesdays With Morrie Paper
“To live a perfect life, you must ask nothing, give nothing, and expect nothing.” This is a famous aphorism from an unknown author. It is saying that to have a perfect life in this world, you need not have preconceived notions about what you are going to accomplish, what you are going to receiv....

U.F.O and Aliens
Do you believe in Aliens or life on different planets? There are many people who believe they seen alien or U.F.O and I am one of them. This is how everything started:My family and I were driving back from a holiday in France. On the way back we noticed that there was a light that was following us. ....

The universe is boundless place, and inside the universe there are many different little universes. Something is always disturbing the balance in each one. But, who dares to disturb the universe? Every time you wave a hand, turn a key, or take a breath the universe is disturbed in some way. When....

What is a good friend?
Different people have different opinions about what qualities a good should have. Maybe someone would say a good friend should be caring, trustworthy, supportive, patient, and so on. But as for me, I think there are three most important qualities of a good friend should have which are reliability, a....

What is Ghost?
According to the encyclopedia definition of ghost, it is nothing but a person without a physical body. It is the spirit or soul of a dead person, which is believed to be able to manifest itself to the living. What actually is a ghost? Who are they? Why do they show themselves? Is it the image of som....

What Lies Around the Corner
My mother’s friend had a daughter nicknamed Rollie who was the monster of my childhood. My mom believed that her friend’s daughter was a good kid. I knew her to be a bully and believed that she would have killed me. I constantly lied and stole from my mother following Rollie's orders, to s....

Whats going to Happen
She walks into the cold white room where a man stops her, she looks at him, “Is she going to be okay?” The man looks at her and shakes his head; “We need more information about her past mam, before the specialist can tell what is going on with her.” She looks at the child lying in the cold ho....

White Girls
White Girls The novel White Girls was written by Lynn Lauber which in a nut shell if you will is Loretta’s story. During the course of the novel you will see many self harming decisions that Loretta makes as a teenager. However these decisions were troublesome at the time, they funadamentaly chan....

Who We Are - nature and nuture
The controversy over what determines who we are, whether it is Nature (heredity, our biological make up) or Nurture (our environment) is taking a new shape. Through the past decades, psychologists have developed different theories to explain the characteristics of human-beings; how we feel, think....

why I want to study aerospace engineering
Airplanes and the technology lying behind these crafts have always struck me since very young primarily because they could escape from the conventional routine of vehicles and fly to a place where I have always dreamt of going. As a child I was fascinated by how these huge crafts could actually f....

Why Straightening My Life Out is So Important to Me
Why Straightening My Life Out is So Important to Me. Why straightening my life out is so important to me. Well, I have been through so much in my life, and have did so many bad things in life, I feel that it is necessary that we all grow up sometimes in life. Sometimes, people do....

Wide Sargasso Sea
In reflecting Jean Ryhs' Wide Sargasso Sea, I chose to focus mainly on Part One of the story. I approached the reading from a psychological perspective, along with a feminist analyzation. As the story begins in the mid 1840's, it was a time when slaves were newly freed and slave owners awaited com....

With out a Father
Marriage is something that most of us dream of someday. We hope that when we get married we have a long and meaningful relationship with the one we love and with the children we bring into the relationship. Unfortunately, many marriages these days don’t last long enough to start that family that....

World War 2 The Blitz
The Port of Liverpool played an important role in the Second World War, staying open to provide a vital supply route for Britain's survival. It was an obvious target for German bombers. As a result more than 4000 people died, 10,000 homes were destroyed and 70,000 people made homeless during air rai....

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