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43 Origins Of Essays, Term Papers and Book Reports

Affirmative Action
Affirmative action can be described “as a policy or program aimed at increasing the representation and opportunities of members of groups that have traditionally been discriminated against” (Wikipedia 1). These groups can be characterized by race, gender, religion or ethnicity and are often refe....

In 1964, the Civil Rights Act and other antidiscrimination laws eliminated most of the obvious discriminatory practices in the workplaces of America; however, there has been a strong resistance to the enforcement of these laws. Discriminatory employment practices are becoming more understated and mo....

Prescription drug abuse has become a prevalent problem in the United States today, and one that is showing an increasing trend. The accessibility of prescription drugs is thought to be the main stimulus behind this growing national trouble. More medications are being prescribed today than ever bef....

Ancient Greek Theater
In ancient Greece, Greek comedy, tragedy, drama, and theater were essential parts of the Greek people’s everyday life. Greek drama impacts today universally very much the same way it did in the 4th-6th century BC. Controversial and yet entertaining at the same time, the origins of Greek theater int....

Charles Darwin and Evolution
A nineteenth-century Englishman, Charles Darwin shown at left, was the first to present a coherent scientific theory of human origins. His famous book, On the Origins of Species by Means of Natural Selection, published in 1859, advanced the theory that species came into existence by evolution, or gr....

Conflict in Sri Lanka
The civil war is an ongoing conflict in Sri Lanka since 1983 between the government and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, a so-called "terrorist" organization who wants to create an independent state in the north-east of the island. It has been reported that the war has left more than 70,000 p....

Development is fundamentally a political process
In this essay, I will argue that development is fundamentally a political process. I will define key terms to put the concept of development in context. I will show how power distribution is ingrained in every aspect of upgrading the capabilities and potential of a nation. Using Marxism and the West....

Excavating Truth
Excavating Truth Nestled in an estate near Woodbridge, Suffolk, England, is an Anglo-Saxon cemetery called Sutton Hoo. The word “hoo” means spur of a hill, which appropriately identifies the several burial mounds located on the property. Positioned on the eastern bank of the River Deben, Sutt....

Four types of delusions
There are four main types of delusions: grandeur, persecution, reference and nihilism. Those suffering from one of these may be of the belief that they are a famous figure from the past or that they are being tracked by an organisation such as the FBI. They may also think that an object is sending....

German History
A Consise History Of Germany IMPORTANT DATES AD 9 Germanic warriors decisively defeated Roman forces at the Battle of Teutoburg Forest. 486 The Frankish king Clovis overran the Roman province of Gaul. Clovis introduced features of Roman life into western Germany. 843 The Treaty of Verdun di....

Hannah Arendt’s Totalitarianism
In Totalitarianism: Part Three of the Origins of Totalitarianism, Hannah Arendt attempts to provide a historical analysis of the origins and development of what we have come to know as totalitarianism. She believes that totalitarianism is unlike any other form of political government that we have se....

Herbert Hoover
Herbert Hoover called it a "noble experiment." Organized crime found it to be the opportunity of a lifetime. Millions of Americans denounced it as an infringement of their rights. For nearly 14 years—from Jan. 29, 1920, until Dec. 5, 1933--the manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcoholic....

History and Evolution of Banking
Banks have a long history, and have influenced economies and politics for centuries. A simple form of banking was practiced by the ancient temples of Egypt, Babylonia, and Greece, which loaned at high rates of interest the gold and silver deposited for safekeeping. Private banking existed by 600 B.C....

Human Species
Eight million years ago a small thread of human species existed and overtime it has evolved into the greatness that human kind is today. What is interesting to notice is how hominids have experienced a big bang 50,000 years ago, although they lived several years before that. Through many years, and....

Influnce on christianity in europe
Christianity may not have been what it is today without people of high authority that believed in the Christian faith. Of the many influences there are contributing to the evolution of Christianity three man of command are prominent in the expansion of the Christian doctrine in Europe. Flavius V....

its all about dance
Dance (from Old French dancier, perhaps from Frankish) generally refers to human movement either used as a form of expression or presented in a social, spiritual or performance setting. Dance is also used to describe methods of non-verbal communication (see body language) between humans or animal....

Jesus Christ, Fact or Fiction
Is Jesus Christ really the savior of all mankind? Is Jesus Christ really the son of the almighty God? Was he born of a virgin, crucified and resurrected three days later? Whether we serve Christ or not, we should all be able to ask these questions and thus question the belief. These questions hav....

JRR Tolkein and the Concepts of Place and Identity
Everyone’s identity is linked to places that carry a special meaning to them which is dependent upon many aspects of their lives and experiences. Places such as these contain elements that one loves or hates, have a connection with a certain experience or element of one’s life. The Lord of the Ri....

Like You, I Too, Am a Revolutionary - Strawberry and Chocolate
Strawberry and Chocolate is a 1993 production situated in Havana, Cuba in 1979. Diego is an inexperienced, and at times, ignorant Communist militant who despite wanting to be a writer, studies political science as a sign of appreciation for the revolution. On the other hand, Diego is an intel....

Mesoamerican Ballgame
The Mesoamerican Ballgame The ball game played by the people of Mesoamerica was much more than a “ballgame.” The significance of the game went far beyond competition and sport. The game had deep ties to native society, ritual, and belief. This game seems to be a central and integral pa....

Organizational Behavior
Motivation Paper Organizational Behavior Motivation Paper The Consumer Research Department (CR) is a sales department at Carnival Cruise Lines (CCL). The department has a sales force of approximately 600 Personal Vacation Planners (PVP), 20 Sales Coaches, six Sales Managers, a Sales Director....

Origins and Conflicts Contributing to the Second World War
Origins and Conflicts Contributing to the Second World War Between the years of 1939 and 1945, most of the world was engulfed in what would be the largest and deadliest war in history. World War II was a global military conflict which was fought between The Allies and aggressor nations of the ....

Origins and Results of the Spanish-American and World War I
Introduction The United States of America waged a brief war against Spain from April 25th to August 12th, 1898. There were many factors that started this war making it a turning point in American history (Leckie, 1968, pp.53). 20 years later, The United States was involved again in another war,....

Origins of Islamic Policy
Setting up political and economic policies is the most important task for newly developed civilizations. The creation of an entire religion, and ultimately a whole new society, as in the case of Islam, requires thorough planning and management of new guidelines to shape that society. Muslim policy ....

origins of seed ferns
Seed ferns constitute a heterogeneous assemblage of fossil plants that are characterized by having fernlike leaves on which ovules (or preovules) and pollen-producing (or prepollen producing) structures are borne (Taylor 1981; Stewart 1983). Ovules and microsporangia were borne on unmodified or only....

Origins of the English Language
Origins of the English Language The story of English finds its beginning with the fall of the Roman Empire. Beginning in 55 B.C. Roman general Julius Caesar led a series of raids on the British territory as vengeance to the Britons, who aided the Celts in their dispute with the Romans. The Roman....

Origins of the Persian Empire
Origins of the Persian Empire The speakers of Iranian languages may have migrated into that part of Asia as early as 1500 BC Presumably they were originally a nomadic tribe who filtered down through the Caucasus to the Iranian plateau. They apparently subjugated peoples already there and mingled....

Origins of the Vietnam War
In most Southeast Asia the anti-colonial movements wanted to achieve independence either through peaceful negotiation or through fighting for it. Vietnam was special in that way; Franc's policies were firm and uncompromising towards the national movements, which eventually brought Communist....

Pre-World War II Years in the United States
Albert Einstein once said "I don't know what weapons will be used in World War III, but in World War IV people will use sticks and stones." This rather interesting quote resembles the same mentality that many people had in the United States after the First World War, a mentality plagued wi....

Religious Beliefs and Practices of the Andean and Mesoamerican People
The world around us has always amazed and captivated our imagination. This has never been truer then for ancient civilization. In ancient civilizations they based their religious beliefs and everyday life off of the natural world that surrounded them. This was especially true for the Mesoamerican an....

Shiism , Khomeini and Iranian Revolution
Shi’ism , Khomeini and Iranian Revolution In February 1979 the Pahlavi monarchy finally collapsed after a year of mass demonstrations, strikes and confrontation. This cataclysmic event resulted in the deaths of thousands by execution and in the ensuing war with Iraq while at the same time fo....

surviving the threat of terrorism
Surviving the Threat of Terrorism Tara McEachren 30005686 Criminology 129 Terry Waterhouse Words: 1527 INTRODUCTION It is year 2006 and terrorism is a subject that lies imbedded in the minds of millions, some fortunate enough to only witness it through media,....

The African Spirit in “The Negro Speaks of Rivers”
Over the history of literature, there have been many writers that were naturally gifted; intriguing literature just flowed from their pen with little effort needed. Langston Hughes, one of the most influential writers during the Harlem Renaissance, did just that one day riding on a train bound for ....

The concept of race
The Concept of Race Race is defined as a subspecies or population of species differing in the frequency of some alleles or traits from the other populations of the same species (Haviland 2005). Man’s need to categorize people into “races” dates back as far as ancient Egypt. The Egyptian....

The Discovery and Controversy over the First Use of Surgical Anesthesi
Dennis Brindell Fradin wrote in ”We Have Conquered Pain”: The Discovery of Anesthesia, “We take it for granted that we can sleep through operations without feeling any pain. But until about 150 years ago, the operating room was a virtual torture chamber because surgeons had no wa....

The French Revolution
From its outbreak in 1789, the French Revolution changed the social values and political systems in France, in Europe, and eventually throughout the world. France's revolutionary regime conquered much of Western Europe with it’s ideologies, but not without a fight at home and abroad. The Revolut....

The Impossibility of Utopian Marxism
The Impossibility of Utopian Marxism In the United States, if not most of the world, Marxism and communism are infamous words. Karl Marx, who together with Frederick Engels wrote The Communist Manifesto in 1848, never imagined their political philosophy would be judged this way. Marx’s notion....

The Origins of Death: A comparison / Contrast
Thoughout history, myths have been essential for our society. They deal with a variety of concepts. They explain why things are the way they are. Myths can be found in all cultures and usually contain archetypical characters. These characters help to shape the myth.This essay w....

The Origins of the Lebanese Civil War
The Origins of the Lebanese Civil War The origins of Lebanese Civil War stemming from 1975-1990 had underlying religious conflicts rising from the Ottoman Empire in 1120 to 1697. Tolerant Muslim leaders that practiced religious and social tolerance for all religions ruled the Ottoman Empire. In the....

Wallerstein's World System Theory
What is Wallerstein’s ‘World System Theory’ and do you think it is accurate or inaccurate? In "The Modern World System: Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the European World Economy in the Sixteenth Century", author Wallerstein says that the birth of capitalism brought with it a ne....

What do catholics Believe
Riruals A ritual in Christianity is a Religious ceremony where it can be celebrated by baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Marriage and when a person enters eternal life. Symbols There are many symbols in the Christian world. There are the statues of Mary, Jesus Joseph, but the most powerful Chri....

World Religion Report
Today Christianity has many different faces called denominations; these denominations have different opinions attached to them and the areas in which they preside are vast. The Roman Catholic Church and the Pentecostal Church share and differ in many ways. The historical existence of each denomina....

world war I
World War I World War I was a military conflict from 1914 to 1918. It began as a local European war between Austria - Hungary and Serbia on July 28, 1914. It was transformed into a general European struggle by declaration of war against Russia on August 1, 1914 and eventually became a global war inv....

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