Health Related Beliefs and Practices
Within the Haiti culture, illnesses are thought to occur due to either natural or supernatural causes. Natural illnesses may be caused by an imbalance with nature (hot food vs. cold food, light food vs. heavy food), and supernatural illnesses caused by s....
Paternity Leave For Men
Pregnancy is all about the woman -or so society seems to assume. A new mother automatically will recieve maternity leave from her work after birthing her child so that she has time to connect with her son or daughter and to recover from some of the raging hormones that toy with her body and mind. Ho....
Post-partum Depression
The birth of the baby can trigger and jumble of powerful emotion, from excitement and joy to fear and anxiety. But it can also result in something you might not expect depression. Depression is a serious medical illness that involves the brain. ItÂ’s more than just a feeling of being....