Justifiable Revenge in Medea
Justifiable Revenge
A serious play with a tragic theme, often involving a heroic struggle and the downfall of the main character, is the definition of a tragedy. In this tragedy by Euripides, Medea is the heartless protagonist. Although as you read on, the reader realizes Medeas motives and....
Revenge in
Patricia Hudson
October 26, 2006
2nd period
Enghlish II Honors
Revenge in The Crucible
Have you ever wanted to get revenge on someone for doing something that you didn't like? Everyone does from time to time. Revenge plays a major role in the story, The Crucible. The doors have now open....
Revenge In Hamlet
Revenge. Revenge causes one to act blindly through anger, rather than through reason. It is based on the principle of an eye for an eye, but this principle is not always an intelligent theory to live by. Young Fortinbras, Laertes, and Hamlet were all looking to avenge the deaths of their fathers. Th....
Revenge in Hamlet
In Elizabethan tragedies, revenge is a common theme, and in this respect the play "Hamlet" is no exception, as revenge drives its plot from beginning to end. Traditionally, revenge is endorsed by the main character who wants justice for a crime committed against his family, when the law cannot or wi....
Revenge in Titus Andronicus
The characters in Titus Andronicus are driven mainly by revenge, fueling the rape and carnage that occur throughout the play. Characters like Tamora are driven purely by revenge, however some escape this labeling such as Titus himself, who also allows honor to be a guiding force in the action he tak....