Birthday Customs
Long ago, before early people had a way of marking time, little attention was paid to a
person's birthday. Even though everyone knew that people grew older, they had no way of
correctly keeping track of time. It wasn't until the early people learned more about how time passed that they kept note a....
Child Abuse: A Growing Problem
Child Abuse: A Growing Problem
Meg Tilley, an Academy Award nominee, grew up enduring physical, sexual, and mental abuse. She quotes, You spend the first part of your life-or at least I did- trying to fix things, but you realize that youre constantly choking on your own truth(Chiu 101).....
Corporal Punishment
The term corporal punishment means the intentional infliction of pain on the body for purposes of punishment and includes slapping, hitting with objects, pinching, shaking and forcing to stand for long periods of time (Epoch 1). Family researchers define corporal punishment as " the use of physical ....
Corporal Punishment: Should it be Illegalized?
Corporal punishment is synonymous with physical punishment and according to Block (2007), ``it means the intentional infliction of pain on the body for the purposes of punishment or controlling behaviour. It includes slapping, spanking, hitting with objects, pinching, shaking, and forcing it....
Physical Punishment On Our Children
In this paper I will be talking about physical punishment on children. I chose this topic, because I have a three year old daughter and I wanted to find out information that can guide my parenting. I can take all the information I receive and apply it to my everyday life. I will be hitting the ar....
Were you spanked as a child? Do you think spanking effected you? Every parent has been in a situation where a good spanking seems like the only way to put an end to little Juniors temper tantrum. Parents use a number to reasons, some you may have heard, to use spanking as a f....
Spanking Children
The term corporal punishment means the intentional infliction of pain on the body for purposes of punishment. "Spanking can be defined as the use of physical force aimed at causing children to experience pain but not injury, for the purposes of correction and control of youthful behavior"(....
To Corporal Punish or Not to Corporal Punish
To Corporal Punish or Not to Corporal Punish
Today many different people such as doctors, scientists, and even parents, are wondering if corporal punishment, spanking in this instance, leads to a violent society. So much involvement in finding out the answer is due to the raising crime rate in m....