Fredrick Douglass Speech
Memorial Speech for Frederick Douglass
Today is day to remember Frederick Douglass and his achievements. Frederick Douglass is remembered as a very prominent abolitionist leader, speaker, and writer. He has influenced thousands in his time and will hopefully continue to in ours. Frederick D....
Speech for Introducing a Standard Computer Operating Environment
Speech for Introducing a Standard Computer Operating Environment
High level agenda:
Length of presentation=10 mins
Reference to follow-on documents
By March 2011, the Singapore government aims to have saved almost 1/2 billion Australian dollars by implementing....
Speech for Team Captain Election
Speech for Team Captain Election
(Speech Time: 3 Minutes)
Bismilla Herrahman Nirraheem. Mr. President, Honorable Teachers and my dear fellows, today, I am here to describe my feelings, which I would hold, if elected as the team captain. If you look back over the history of Islamabad Convent Sc....
The Recovering Dysfunctionals
The Recovering Dysfunctionals
Art Linkletter, a once famous television personality, coined the phrase "Kids say the darndest things!" I have found this also to be true of friends. We all have friends, from mere acquaintances to intimate relationships, with social friends being somewhere in....
Speech for animal testing.
Imagine the makers of your favourite shampoo, forcing your eyes open, inserting shampoo into your eyes, subjecting you to your death; when instead it could have been some dumb animal. Can you imagine that?
We believe that animal testing is used to enhance a human life....