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28 Traumatic Essays, Term Papers and Book Reports

Achilles in Vietnam
Achilles in Vietnam The Vietnam War is one the most controversial wars in American history. The objectives and purposes of the war were unclear to the soldiers as well as the citizens of the United States. Due to constant protests, President Richard Nixon ordered the last American troops out in ....

Adversity Gives Birth to Healing
Adversity Gives Birth to Healing As wars go, Vietnam is the one that will always stand out. Because of its enduring service as a mark in international government communication and the movies and books it set off, the Vietnam War still dwells in the psyche of Americans. (Wintle) Perhaps the ma....

Australias Involvment in the Vietnam War
Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War came as a result of the belief that if South Vietnam fell to the communists, the rest of Asia and then Australia, would fall to communism too. During the years of the war, it was seen that the war was the downward push of communism. The United States annou....

Black and Blue Novel: A letter to Frannie Benedetto from a friend Lucy
Dear Lucy, It is Frannie Benedetto, your old friend. I have been wanting to talk to you but I wasn't sure how. As you know I moved away to Florida and I have changed my name to Beth Crenshaw. I can't call you, as I am afraid he will trace the call. I'm sorry for moving away so abruptly but it had ....

Brain Damage
The main purpose of this project is to learn various areas of human psychology and how to work well as a group through contributing equally in the task. Our group was allocated the topic of brain damage, trigger # 4. We found that the topic is quite broad and various sickness can occur brain damage ....

“Bullying happens when someone hurts someone else on purpose.” (Grunsell, 1990) Bullying can be anything from name calling, damaging personal property, talking behind someone’s back to actual physical abuse. The effects of bullying can range from mild to severe. We are going to explain a few of ....

Can Violent Behavior Be Predicted
Human violence is fast becoming a global epidemic. All over the world, police face angry mobs, terrorists disrupt the Olympics, hijackers seize airplanes, and bombs wreck buildings. Violence in the United States grew even faster than inflation during the past year. Violent behavior can be predict....

Causes of Neurosis
Causes of Neurosis Table of Contents Page I. Introduction 1 II. Definition and History of Neurosis 1 III. Primary Causes of Neurosis ....

Child and Family Social Workers, Assisting Families and Children in Need
According to the Department of Labor Statistics (2010-11), Child and Family Social Workers provide social services and assistance to improve the physical and psychological functioning of children and their families. The purpose of this essay will be to explore the methods social workers use to acco....

Effects of Stress on the Body
The body is very fragile and one crack in its immune system could cause total failure. Stress can cause a downward spiral to the body and here's why; when stress occurs, many problems arise such as mental, physical, and severe medical problems. Some mental side effects of stress are memory loss, ....

My life and all about me
I grew up in Southern Georgia a very poor area; it was indeed a struggle for me looking back now I knew I had a good life growing u compared to today. I find it hard today even in the society I live in to make it. I'm a single parent of three kids, going through a divorce, and trying to obtain a c....

Phobias: Things that go bump in the mind
Introduction Phobias aren't just extreme fears. They are irrational fears of a particular thing. For instance, you may be able to ski the world's tallest mountains with ease but be unable to go above the 5th floor of an office building. (NIMH, 1995) Even though adults with phobias realize that the....

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) In terms of psychological defining, PTSD is classified as an anxiety disorder previously diagnosed after an individual’s experiencing of events “outside of the normal range of human experience”(DSM III-R, 1987). Unfortunately since then however, growing ....

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
(1) Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Jeffery H. Hankins Psychology 386 Start Date: March 11, 2004 Completion Date: May 3, 2004 ....

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
DATE: JANUARY 7, 2007 SUBJ: FINAL EXAM RESEARCH PAPER POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER (PTSD) In the face of disaster, each of us reacts in our own way. Just hearing news of shattering events, such as the September 11th destruction of New York’s World Trade Centre and incidents during ....

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Have you ever wondered why soldiers and rape victims seem to be depressed and or seem to be avoiding certain things in everyday life? After experiencing a traumatic event, the mind has been known to horde away the details and memories and then send them back at unexp....

Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
John Jackson #663186 Psychology 250 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder The first real diagnosed case of PTSD was not given until 1980 when the third edition of the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical manual of Mental Disorders) was published by the American Psychiatric Asso....

Post-traumatic Disorder
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD The post-traumatic stress disorder occurs when the person has suffered some kind of traumatic stress from accidents, disasters, violence etc. This may sometimes be confused with a disease. This is not a disease, it is an injury. Most of the....

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, is a psychiatric disorder that can occur following the experience or witnessing of life-threatening events such as military combat, natural disasters, terrorist incidents, serious accidents, or violent personal assaults like rape....

PTSD and its effects on Troops
The basic theory of this research study is to examine how the length of time served in active duty is related to the likelihood that a soldier will develop PTSD. The likelihood spoken of here is as found after the treatment given by the military. The reasoning for this is because almost every soldi....

PTSD post traumatic stress disorder
The Mental Scars of War (How does Post traumatic Stress Disorder affect returning Middle East soldiers, compared to the soldiers who returned home from the Vietnam war?) Post traumatic stress disorder, and the effects of PTSD are a big part of returning war veterans these days, presently fr....

The Truth about Rape Rape is a very serious crime that falls under the category of Offenses against Persons- sexually related. Rape at common law is defined as the act of having unlawful carnal knowledge by a man of a woman, forcibly and against her will not the spouse of the perpetrator. Tha....

School Dropout Causes, Effects and Cultivating Teacher and Parental Support
The purpose of this literature review is to acknowledge consensus that there is a crisis in secondary education in the United States, and that the dropout rate is increasing yearly. The consequences are adverse for students, teachers, the school and the economy as a whole. For the purpose of this ....

Sociological Look Into Rape
Introduction Recently, rape has become a very prominent issue in Canadian society. It affects the lives of women, everyday. Imagine yourself, a 20-year-old first year student entering a new city, a new group of friends, a new house, a new life. You are going out every night to the student hot sp....

Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a severe disability which is occurring at a rapid pace each year. Statistics show that more than five million children worldwide suffer from Traumatic Brain Injuries on a yearly basis (Jantz and Coulter, 2007). The impact and consequences of Traumatic Brain Injury v....

Traumatic Brain Injury in Children
Introduction to Traumatic Brain Injury Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is defined as an external physical force to the brain, causing either total or partial functional disability in the areas of the brain affected. The damage can be a result of the head hitting a hard surface forcefully (closed inj....

Violence in Society
Violence is a major issue in society today. It is seen throughout our daily lives in many forms, including but not limited to family violence, community violence, domestic violence, child and elder maltreatment, mass casualty incidents, and suicides. Many theories of violent behavior have been devel....

What was trench warfare and what was its impact in World War 1?
In 1905, General Alfred von Schlieffen devised the Schlieffen plan which Germany would use in 1914. The Schlieffen plan was a bold and courageous plan to knock France swiftly out of any war before using the German army against Russia. For the plan to be successful the German army and its troops had ....

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