The Titanic
The Dimensions of the Titanic are described below:
Length-882ft and 5 inches
Beam- 92ft and 5 inches
Height-60ft and 5 inches (water line to boat deck)
Weight-46,328 tons
The Titanic set out on its maiden voyage April 10, 1912 with Edward John Smith as its captain.
The Titanic could ....
Unsinkable Ship, Sinks - The Titanic
The Titanic was supposedly indestructible and was actually called "practically unsinkable" by Captain Smith, when watertight compartments were shut. The sinking of the ship left the whole world in shock when the impossible happened. The story of the Titanic will live on in history for th....
Whos to Blame for the Titanic Sinking?
On April 10, 1912, the Titanic set off on her maiden voyage with a destination of New York. The Titanic was the largest of her time and carried many famous and wealthy people on board. [Website 3, The Grave of the Titanic, 1] Titanic was 882 ½ feet long and carried over 2,000 people. Divided int....