"What is Feminism..."
What is Feminism?...
Contrary to popular belief feminists are not "ugly, man-hating, bra-burning, radicals outside of respectability." Despite such absurd accusations and rumors, feminists are passionate humanitarians that are invested in pursuing the continual progress of equality for a....
Inequalities within the Workplace
Inequalities within the Workplace
It is generally agreed that, in a rapidly changing and highly diversified world characterised by strong domestic and global competition, without structured teamwork and a sense of equality organisations struggle in their quest for survival (Pettengell, 2008, p. 1....
Knitex - A time for change
Change Management
Knitex A Foundation for Change
1 Contents
1 CONTENTS........................................................................................................................................................1
2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................
Women in Mathematics
Florence Nightingale was not only a nurse, but she was also an amazing mathematician. She is remembered most for the work she did during the Crimean war and her contributions towards the reform of the sanitary conditions in military field hospitals. But what most people dont know about Florence w....