alice and wonderland
Finding the Child in Us All Lewis Carrolls classic Alices Adventures in Wonderland has entertained not only children but adults for over one hundred years. The tale has become a treasure of philosophers, literary critics, psychoanalysts, and linguists. It also has attracted Carrolls fellow mat....
Contemporary Issues - The Death Penalty
There are crimes considered by our society to be so atrocious and intolerable such as murder or rape of a child that if convicted, that the only punishment suitable for committing these crimes is the Death Penalty. The Death Penalty, also called Capital Punishment, is the execution of a convicted c....
Dante's Inferno
In Canto I, Dante has strayed from the True Way into the Dark Wood of Error. He opens his eyes and sees the mount Mount of Joy which is lit up by the sun. He sets out to try to climb the mountain, but his way is blocked by the Three Beasts of Worldliness: The Leopard of Malice and Fraud, The Lion o....
First Person Journal On Romantic Poetry
This week, we read some of the Romantic poets and studied one on our own. Although Wordsworth and Coleridge were interesting, my favorites were Blake and Keats. Part of the reason I liked reading these poets is the characteristics that they all have in common as a group of Romantic poets. The Romant....
Meaning of Names Chronicle of a Death Foretold and Thief and the Dogs
Both Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Naguib Mahfouz use carefully-chosen, significant names for their main characters in the novels, Thief and the Dogs and Chronicle of a Death Foretold. However, it is obvious that Mahfouz commonly chooses names for symbolic significance, or in some cases names, names th....
Roger Chillingsworth As The True Evil
Roger Chillingworth is True Evil
The question of what evil really is has been debated throughout human history. Evil is something that cannot be defined easily. It is instead, based on a personal perception of what is evil and what is good. Evil can come in many different forms. For most peopl....
Merchant of venice
William Shakespeare was born to John Shakespeare and mother Mary Arden some time in late April 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. There is no record of his birth, but his baptism was recorded by the church, thus his birthday is assumed to be the 23 of April. His father was a prominent ....
The Hawk Essay
Ted Hughes and Robbin Jeffers offer many similarities and differences in their poems about hawks. Although written using contrasting styles, the poems share numerous ideas and themes. These ideas include power against weakness, arrogance, and exultation of hawks as Gods chosen ruler. Yet, Hughes and....
The Lottery
Saskatoon Collegiate is one of the best high schools in Saskatoon. It is looked up to by all other schools in the region. With high grade standards and superb athletic abilities, no wonder it is so idolized.
But this perfect surface is highly superficial. What lies beneath is daun....
The Power of Imagination used in Frankenstein
The Power of Imagination used in Frankenstein
Frankenstein is considered to be the greatest Gothic Romantic Novel. It is also generally thought of as the first science fiction novel. I have always been impressed and amazed by the fact that Mary wrote this novel when she was eighteen years old. W....
the truth about religion
The Truth About Religion
From past to present, society has always tried finding some organized group, organization or any other means of "belonging" to call their own. Since the beginning of time, people have continued the "habit" or "tradition" to involve themselves in....
To kill a mockingbird - Harper Lee
Harper Lee remarks, in various part of the novel that is a sin to kill a Mockingbird.
When he gives Jem and Scout the air-rifles he warns them saying that if they where going
to shoot birds (he didn't like the idea neither), shoot all the bluejays, but don't kill any
mockingbird because....