150 Applicatio Essays, Term Papers and Book Reports
E-Commerce; Jet Blue INC.
JetBlue is an American low-cost airline owned by the JetBlue Airways Corporation. The companys headquarters is located in the Queens borough of New York City (About Us, 2004). Its home airport is located at John F. Kennedy International Airport. The airline mainly serves destinations....
Ontario, Canadas New Welfare Requirements
Ontario, Canadas New Welfare Requirements
The best way to take someone off of welfare is to teach him her, the basics of what they need to know. The basics are reading and writing. They will also need fundamental training such as: learning how to function at a job interview, learning how to ca....
Organizational Behavior
Organizational Behavior Organizations have been described as groups of people who work interdependently toward some purpose. This definition clearly indicates that organizations are not buildings or pieces of machinery. Organizations are, indeed, people who interact to accomplish shared objectives. ....
Physics (history)
Physics began when man first started to study his surroundings. Early applications of physics include the invention of the wheel and of primitive weapons. The people who built Stone Henge had knowledge of physical mechanics in order to move the rocks and place them on top of each other. It was not u....
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) System at Walmart
A System Design at Wal-Mart (RFID)
Wal-Mart is one of the all time great economical success story. Wal-Mart has shown in many ways, how to become one of the largest, successful and profitable retail outlet store in the world. Wal-Mart has achieve this amazing success through a most effective and in....
Selection and Implementation process of ERP system
An Enterprise Resource System selection and implementation is a highly critical and pivotal process. Since an ERP plays an extraordinary role in any businesses survival, it is utter most important to have it right at the first time. Even with the outside help, selecting, ....
True Diversity: Ethics Development, Understanding and Application
Day in and day out, people are faced with making decisions. Whether those decisions are right or wrong is based on ethics. Morals, beliefs and values help determine whether or not a person will make ethical choices. Ethics is defined by www.dictionary.com as "the specific moral choices to be made ....
"In the time of Greatness"
Birth Date. William Shakespeare, surely the world's most performed and admired playwright, was born in April, 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, about 100 miles northwest of London. According to the records of Stratford's Holy Trinity Church, he was baptized on April 26. Since it wa....
"In Search of Excellence" by Thomas J. Peters and Robert Waterman, Jr.
The book titled "In Search of Excellence" written by Thomas J. Peters and Robert Waterman, Jr. is considered to be one of the best management books in the world that focus on keys to successful business management. The book discussed in detail about the various management practices and eff....
18th Century
Mon, Dec 6, 1999
Rick Brainard - your About.com Guide to:
18th Century History
On War
by General Carl von Clausewitz
Volume I
{1874 was 1st edition of this translation. 1909 was the London reprinting.}
HAVING in the foregoin....
2Kings 25:1-11
2Kings 25:1-11
Intro: It is a privilege & a honor to receive a chance this morning to ask the Lord for Forgiveness & His mercy for our humanly errors. In the passage that was read, we see 1 person, ZEDEKIAH. Before he was king, he was a father, he was a husband, and he was a man in the presence ....
7 Suggestions for Better Integrating ICT enhanced
The New Educational Benefits of ICT in Higher Education
7 Suggestions for Better Integrating ICT enhanced
Instructional Approaches into Campus-Based Higher Education
Markus Molz, Antje Eckhardt & Wolfgang Schnotz
Centre for Multimedia Applications in Higher Education, University of Koblenz-L....
A Comprehensive Review of Economic Indicators and the Auto Industry
A Comprehensive Review of Economic Indicators and the Auto Industry
The goal of this paper is to provide a comprehensive discussion of six economic indicators and their impact on the automobile industry. The indicators that will be discussed are personal income, unemployment, retail sales, aut....
A Cosmetic companys penetration into Brazil
Executive Summary
Natural Beauty is a new cosmetic company founded by a doctor and dermatologist. All products are hypoallergenic, fragrance free and made with natural and healthy ingredients. The company is ready to expand into the global market and, after significant research, has decide....
A Few Good Men
A Few Good Men
In A Few Good Men, a military courtroom drama, a Navy lawyer, Lt. Daniel Kaffee and Cmdr. JoAnne Galloway, are assigned to defend two marines. Pfc. Louden Downey and Lance Cpl. Harold Dawson were accused of the brutal beating and murdering of a fellow marine in their unit, Pfc. W....
A Functional Analysis of the Organisational and Human Resources Strategies at Malaysia Airlines
A Functional Analysis of the Organisational and Human Resources Strategies at Malaysia Airlines
November 2005
Table of Contents
A Glimpse at Becoming an Initial Public Offering Company
A Glimpse at Becoming an Initial Public Offering Company
The following is a synopsis contrasting the value of publicly owned companies verses privately owned companies. The profile of one company will show some details that must be undertaken when converting from privately owned to publicly owned ....
A Heart for Photography
Photography had been my hidden passion since I was a child. Whenever I see a camera or anyone taking pictures I get excited. I never got a chance to own a camera though since I know my parents can't buy me one like those of Digital SLR. I wouldn't ask for it but I really want it. When something int....
A History of Christianity
Somewhere in the sixth century BCE Buddhism was born, born from a single man Siddhartha Guatama, the Buddha. After gaining his enlightenment under the Bodhi tree, the Buddha didnt think that the rest of the world could handle all that he had learned. He did not want to teach others, nor did he wan....
A History of Microsoft Operating Systems
The invention of the Altair 8800 in 1975 marked the beginning of the Microsoft software empire. Though Microsoft did not create the Altair, or its operating system for that matter, Bill Gates and Paul Allen created Microsoft to produce a BASIC Interpreter for the Altair in order to make it more attr....
A Semiotic Analysis of a Cosmetics Ad
Every day in our lives we are surrounded by advertisements. Even if we don't read a paper, watch television or walk around with our eyes closed, we will find it impossible to avoid some form of publicity, whether it might be the latest offer at the local supermarket or some adverts on the television....
A Sport Event Manual - An Observation of the Steps Involved in Organizing a Darts Tournament
Vijayantha Sports Club Dart Competition: Event Planning Process
1.0 Introduction
The following manual provides guidelines on the steps to be taken in conducting the Vijayantha Sports Club Darts Competition. It details the stages in the process starting from the planning stage, in which the conce....
Abercrombie and Fitch Research
Research Purpose
The project that our group has chosen to explore is concerning the Abercrombie
and Fitch clothing company. More specifically, the recent issues and cases that have brought against them regarding racial hiring issues and the boundaries that they have chosen in promoting sex ....
Aboriginal / Canada
Since the Europeans landed on Canadian soil a few centuries ago, there has been conflict between the Aboriginal people of Canada and the Canadian political system. To this day the First Nations people feel that they have been marginalized. This is because they have not been able to maintain signif....
Accounting and Auditing Processes
Justin Denman
Accounting and Auditing Processes
March 4, 2000
Writing Assignment #1
Revenue Recognition Policies
The purpose of this paper is to compare the revenue recognition policies of two companies in the search, detection, navigation, guidance, and aeronautical systems industry. ....
Admission Essay for Information Technology
Have you ever had a time in your life when you see something and you become totally fascinated about it? A feeling so strong, so powerful, that no matter what youre doing, this just keeps popping into your mind, and that just makes you more curious about it? That was the feeling that took over me ....
Advances in Stem Cell Research
Many discoveries within stem cell research is playing a role in advancing knowledge on how an organism develops from a single cell and how healthy cells replace damaged cells in adult organisms. This very promising area of science raises many questions as rapidly as it generates new discoveries, bu....
advertising psychology
Psycho-analysis theory
Psycho-analysis and advertising
- Deconstruction of advert (analysis)
- Mood board of psychoanalysis adverts
Advertising: A system of semiotics
In todays society, we are constantly surrounded by advertisements. It seems as though everywhere we look either something or someone is being advertised. At times it appears to become an annoyance to our everyday lives; nevertheless people have been accustomed to it as a habit, whether its an an....
affirmative action
Once upon a time, there were two people who went to an interview for
only one job position at the same company. The first person attended a
prestigious and highly academic university, had years of work experience in the
field and, in the mind of the employer, had the potential to make a posi....
Affirmative Action
Many upcoming high school graduates have aspirations of continuing his or her education at a major university. In order to become accepted into a college of ones choice, he or she must dedicate time and efforts to obtain the grades required. People have been taught that through ....
Affirmative action - A Wolf in Sheeps Clothing
Affirmative action is basically a policy or program giving special advantageous treatment to minorities to make sure they receive equal opportunity. After careful examination of the opinions on affirmative action given by Andrew Valls, Shelby Steele, and John Kekes, I have decided that I must nega....
Affirmative Action - Discrimination has turned the tables in the U.S.
Affirmative action in theory and in thought is intended to promote the welfare of this countrys minorities by supporting the idea that individuals are equal and should not be judged by race or sex. Therefore, in situations like job and university applications, we should consider minorities to be as ....
Affirmative Action Argument
In 1999, when I was thirteen, I was given the incredible opportunity to travel to Japan. Although I was raised as a Buddhist, nothing could prepare me for the vast difference in our cultures. Despite Japans westernized society, on more that one occasion, someone would stop me and ask to take ....
Affirmative Action at SCSU
Affirmative Action at SCSU
Affirmative action is an issue with many sides to the argument. Some say that affirmative action gives an unfair advantage to minority students. Using affirmative action at St. Cloud State University to level the playing field for minority applicants will help the camp....
Affirmative Action Paper
Affirmative Action
Affirmative Action is a measure to level the playing field for all protected classes to compete in education and the workplace. It prevents discrimination based on race, national origin, color, sex, religion or disability. There are misconceptions as to the tru....
Affirmative Actions Influence on College Athletics
Gender and race has become an area of discussion when regarding college admissions. I will be looking at affirmative action cases, problems and solutions, the financial and gender affects of Title IX and how both of these affects graduation rates and other statistics.
Affirmative action is the....
African Americans in Eurocentric Societies
America is known as the land of opportunity or a place where one can build something from nothing. It is a collaboration of profound ideas based on equality. These ideas formed the Declaration of Independence, where all men are created equal. However this equality was constructed upon European e....
Aggression of an elite sports performer
Statement of the Problem
Wayne Rooney is a rare footballing talent, being compared to the best in the world and achieving a great deal of success at a young age. However, at an early stage in his career it was clear that there was a major flaw to his game, his aggression. Wayne was just 17 when he ....
Air pollution
Air pollution is the contamination of air by the discharge of harmful substances. Air pollution can cause health problems including burning eyes and nose, itchy irritated throat, and breathing problems. Some chemicals found in polluted air can cause cancer, birth defects, brain and nerve damage, and....
Airfoil Design
The PSU 94-097 airfoil has been designed for use on winglets of high-performance sailplanes. The design problem is difficult because the airfoil must operate over a wide range of R....
Airline Safety
September 11, 2001 is a day that will not be soon forgotten. The effects of this tragedy reach every aspect of our lives, from the economy, to foreign policy, to travel, and especially airline safety. Anyone who has traveled can tell you the extent of new security in place at airports.Besides chec....
Albert Ellis' Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy
Stress: A Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy Perspective
Prolonged stress and anxiety can have many harmful effects for individuals. The
longer the duration and greater the degree, the more detrimental effects to the
psychological and physiological wellness of an individual. There are....
Alcohol dependence and rationale for prevention
This assignment aims to evaluate current theoretical explanations that are relevant to the field of addiction and to explore the reasons and intentions behind various prevention programmes for hazardous drinkers. There are many different types of theoretical explanations and models relating to addic....
Almond Tree
The Almond Tree
Jon Stallworthy based his autobiographical poem The Almond Tree on the intense, emotionally life-changing experience of childbirth. The strong emotions involved have helped him create, what in my opinion is, an extremely well written, thought-provoking poem. In this essay I i....
Alternative Enegery
The vitality and economic growth of the United States is linked to affordable transportation. In
comparison to most countries, the United States is sparsely populated and development is
pursued assuming access to transportation. This primarily involves highways, but also includes
rail lines,....
As research in memory has grown expansively in the past few decades, especially in recent years, scientists are now focussing on the specific processes involved in memory. In general, memory can be categorized into source and item memory. The term source refers to the spatial, temporal and so....
Amazon.com Evolution
While competition with other online giants is a risky venture, Amazon.com has moved away from its core business model as a necessity to compete in today's business market. Amazon.com aggressively reacted to loss of profits in the late 1990s by analyzing itself. Realization of unused resources is the....
American Monopolies
According to Webster , to have a monopoly is to have exclusive ownership, possession, or control. The following essay is an examination of Microsoft in comparison to this definition and another commonly known monopoly, Standard Oil. Also attention will be given to the necessary role of and problems ....
Americans with Disabilities Act
The Americans with Disabilities Act has a section devoted to nothing but practices by employers regarding the treatment of applicants and on staff workers based on their physical condition or any health problems they may have. Some of the disabilities included are vision, hearing, motion, or mental....
Americas' Homeless
Americas Homeless
The homeless population in the U.S. seems to be growing. People are finding themselves having to sleep in the streets, under bridges and parks without food. Those who are lucky end up in shelters and public housing. Some people choose to be homeless. The rest of homeless Am....
An Act for Human Betterment by Voluntary Sterilization: the effect of culture on biology in turn-of-
An Act for Human Betterment by Voluntary Sterilization: the effect of culture on biology in turn-of-the-century Vermont
Ariel Singer
Most people today have a rudimentary understanding of the fundamentals of biological evolution (whether they believe in the biology, or not, is another question al....
An Overview of Smart Growth Principles in Community Design
I. Critique of Skinner
Burrhus Frederic Skinners philosophical positions were monistic in terms of epistemology. He believed that the senses interacted directly with the physical world, and that there was no distinction between the knower and the known. Skinners views were also deterministic i....
Analyzing Meaning, the No Child Left Behind Act and more
In the education community buzzwords like authentic assessments, excellence in education, no child left behind, educating the whole child, and education that makes a difference fills the hearts of many teachers. However, educators feel that standardized testing only tests a students abil....
Analyzing the Database in your Organization
The company that I used to work for was Wachovia Mortgage and the databases it used in the processing department were Microsoft, ALPS and Query. The main database used is Microsoft; employees used Microsoft to create presentations, used it as a research tool, pull daily reports and most importantly....
Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson may have been our seventh president, but he was first in many ways. He was the first populist president who did not come from the aristocracy, he was the first to have his vice-president resign ( John C. Calhoun), he was the first to marry a divorcee, he was the first to be nominated ....
Animal Cloning
Animal cloning remains to be a challenge for scientists to perfect, and is causing many conflicts and reasons for cloning not to be done.
The definition of an animal clone, as defined by Encyclopedia Britannica is an individual organism that was grown from a single body cell of its paren....
AP students
The Ultimate Demise
My room is dark, except for a bright light shining from my laptop. Suddenly my eyes open and gaze down at the digital time reading from the bottom of the screen. Two AM, and I have once again left an essay half unfinished and fallen asleep. Procrastination and a heavy workload....
Apartheid failed because it had failed economically. Discuss
'Apartheid' refers to more than one type of segregation; socio-economic which is associated with 'Petty Apartheid' and politics which is linked with 'Grand Apartheid'. While the two are intrinsically linked, 'Petty Apartheid' unravelled in the 1980s unlike Grand Apartheid. The thesis in question....
Warren Buffet, the great American entrepreneur once said, "Your premium brand had better be delivering something special, or it's not going to get the business." Apple Inc. exemplifies this more than any other company with its wide and innovative product line all across the board. Apple i....
Apple Case
Many businesses formulate strategic goals to generate a foundational plan to improve and support their competitive performance. Strategic plans must address concentrated areas such as strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, (S.W.O.T.) of external and internal factors. In add....
Application Of CRM and Data mining in Apparel Retail Store
Abstract: The efforts to further customer relationships have become essential due to increased competition in the consumer markets. For which retailers collect tremendous information each day starting from transactional data, to season product sales, to demographics. This data is then organised int....
Application of Marxist Theory of Socialism in Philippine Setting
This integrating paper shows how the Philippines will look like if Marxs theory of socialism is applied in our current situation. It does not suggest, however, that we change our system to socialism. It seeks, rather, to present information and discussion for consideration by those who are interes....
application of personality theories
Application of Personality Theories
John Jay DAmour
Theories of Personality
Prof. Osborne
December 18, 2006
Without theories about personality and the complexity of its nature it would be difficult if not impossible to help those who suffer from behavior related probl....
The theory of graphs is a relatively new field in mathematics and is the subject of intense investigation today. The theory of graphs has found a variety of applica....
Arkansas Environment, Science and Technology
Arkansas consists of three main businesses. The first being agriculture, second is tree- farming and the third is aquaculture or cat fishing. Arkansas has an abundance of yellow pine that is used extensively in the American construction business. So by managing the forest areas in the southe....
Arthur Szyk's Political Cartoons
There have been hundreds of men and women determined to make an alternation in this world we exist in. Those who have matchless thoughts and work vigorously to get their point heard most likely make a difference. One powerful technique most frequently used to get express ones views is by construct....
Aspirin: A New Look at an Old Drug
Aspirin: A New Look at an Old Drug
by Me
In purses and backpacks, in briefcases and medicine chests the world over, millions of people keep close at hand a drug that has both a long past and a fascinating future. Its past reache....
Asthma is a disorder of the respiratory system in which the passages that enable air to pass into and out of the lungs periodically narrow, causing coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. This narrowing is typically temporary and reversible, but in severe attacks, asthma may result in death. As....
At the Heart of Darkness
Chinua Achebe claimed Conrad to be a thoroughgoing racist, in his highly acclaimed lecture, An Image of Africa, but the very essence of Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness lies in the fact that it does not condone imperialism in the Congo. In his essay, Achebe states that, there is a prepostero....
Attack in Pearl Harbor
Attack in Pearl Harbor in December 1941 shocked United States to its core. It signaled not only an utter destruction of an important naval base and the loss of many lives, it in the first place signified the beginning of a great struggle for nations survival. At time when France fails to Germany, an....
Australia: Anti-Terrorism Proposal Threatens Civil Liberties
Australia: Anti-Terrorism Proposal Threatens Civil Liberties (New York, October 13, 2005)New counterterrorism measures proposed by Prime Minister John Howard severely threaten Australians civil liberties and violate international law, Human Rights Watch said today.
Putting people und....
Auto Engineer
I would like to work in the field of automotive engineering and designing. This career is basically taking an automobile idea and formatting it on to paper or computer programs. After this, a person would figure out all the stress factors, weight, torsion, and make sure this design on paper will wor....
B.F. Skinner as Represented in George Orwells 1984
B.F. Skinner, one of the worlds most influential psychologists, has been credited with the theory of operant conditioning. Operant conditioning is the idea that behavior is determined by its consequences, either reinforcements or punishments, which make it more or less likely that the behavior wil....
Basel II
Basel ¢ñ was established in 1988 by Basel Committee (BCBS) in Switzerland. BCBS was primarily formed as a response to the failure of Hersatt Bank in Germany in 1974. As a result the committee had then published a framework which sets out minimal capital requirements for banks. Bas....
Bead Bar
Systems Development for the Bead Bar
The Bead Bar has a much put together systems development. Its company goals are to have a system that they are able to use and can be managed in a very timely manner. In developing a system it takes a lot of thinking to make sure that the Bead Bar has a very ....
Become Well rounded by learning Microsoft products.
There are literally hundreds of desirable traits in the workplace. Of these, one of the arguably most important is to be well rounded in the workplace. Many skills can assist an individual in being a well-rounded employee. Oral communication skills, written communication skills, teamwork, technical ....
Behavioral Testing to Gain Employment
Effective Persuasive Writing Com/110
Carmen Jones
Western International University
Behavioral Testing to Gain Employment
Behavioral Testing to Gain Employment
While behavioral tests are a valuable tool used i....
Behaviourism, Psychology
This paper will discuss behaviourism in detail, its history and its relationship with the justice field. Key concepts, major theorists and theories in the field of behaviourism will also be discussed. In addition the author will discuss the pre-suppositions of the theory behaviour....
Riordan is sustaining turnover and declining sales due to a noncompetitive salary structure. Riordan has not recognized the significance of supporting productivity levels by motivating employees through a well-designed compe....
Bendigo Bank Case Analysis
In 2007 alone Bendigo Bank saw cash earnings increase by 15.6 per cent, to a respectable $118.5 million (Hunt & Johanson, 2007). In addition to this, the bank added an extra 77,000 customers to its already sizeable client base, and opened 22 new branches throughout Australia, not to mention a $4 bil....
benefits and harms of using cell phones of Mariano Marcos State University students
This research paper is all about the benefits and harms of using cell phones of
Mariano Marcos State University students.
The mobile phone or simply cell phones (others even named it into only to it's
Abbreviation - c.p.) could have is its portability, for you can vary and use ....
Benefits Of A Career in Pharamacy
Pharmacy: A Career Full of Benefits
As high school is approaching many are considering what types of careers that they want to go into. Many have no clue on what type of field they want to get into. Medical is a career choice many consider. The reason for this is because there ar....
Benefits of Genetic Engineering
Genetic Engineering is one of the most debated topics in science of recent times. It is the direct human alteration of genetic material in a way that it does not occur under natural circumstances. Its benefits include the resistance to widely spread pests, the erasing of hereditary defects, and to a....
Benjamin Franklin-Scientist and Inventor
Benjamin Franklin has influenced American technology, and indirectly, lifestyles by using his proficiencies and intelligence to conduct numerous experiments, arrive at theories, and produce several inventions. Franklin's scientific and analytical mind enabled him to generate many long lasting achie....
Bernanke Testimony
Since Ben Bernanke has been assigned as President George Bushs chief economic advisor to replace Alan Greenspan many people agreed that speculative opportunities for profit will exist during his term but Bernanke has the credentials to be a good Fed chairman, and the market spoke favorably of him ....
A French chemist, Fredrich Wohler, discovered Beryllium (pronounced beh- RIL I em) in 1797. Beryllium is the second group of the periodic table. The second group is also known as the Alkaline Earth Metals. Some other elements in the alkaline earth metals group are, Magnesium,....
Beta: Beat of the Future
If we allow the past to teach us anything, we will know that those who practiced courageous roles as young adults in their communities somehow are destined to govern our states and nations. The future of our country is in the hands of teens like myself, many of whom enjoy time committed to ....
Bill Gates
William Henry Gates, III was born October 28, 1955 in Seattle, Washington. He was the middle child of three born to William and Mary Gates. ATrey,@ as he was called because of the III, was sent to a private school by his father, a lawyer, and mother, a former teacher now on several prestigous boar....
Fuel sources have been present on this great Earth since the beginning of time, but throughout history we have witnessed advances in technology that have given us the ability to store, transport, and burn fuel for energy. In 1898 Rudolph Diesel, a German inventor became famous for his discovery of a....
Bioethical and Political Debates Surrounding Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Introduction to Embryonic Stem Cells
When it comes to the area of contemporary biological research, no topic is as debatable and controversial as the infamous Stem Cell. Stem cells are currently the hottest topic under scrutiny in this country. Very few other ongoing areas of biological research h....
Biological washing powders
Enzymes have been around for quite a while now. They have a wide range of applications and they range from them being used in hospitals to remove blood stains and kill bacteria on the tools used, to our very own house where they are used in washing powd....
Biometric Identifier
Replacing Passwords with Biometric Identifiers
In todays world, in which, we are placing an increasing emphasis on information. Security, accuracy and timeliness issues are considered priority when processing any security measure. Information is the basis for effectives and efficiency in the wo....
Running head: BIOMETRICS
My Name
Troy University
IS 6679
DR. His Name
22 April 2006
Most people in todays society are aware of DNA evidence and how it has revolutionized for....
Black, White, and Southern
American South
Slavery became an issue that divided the American people from its earliest existence to its latter years. Some historians believe a leading factor in why slavery was such an issue was because of its economic achievements. The South thrived on slavery and this led to horrific race r....
Bloom's Taxonomy
Daniel 1
Emily Daniel
Donna Szymczak
April 24, 2006
Although developed in the heyday of behaviorism, Blooms Taxonomy has proven itself a flexible and enduring structure to help define the parameters of the constructivist classroom, lend rigor to the teaching of critical t....
Blooms Taxonomy
Benjamin Bloom created this taxonomy for categorizing level of abstraction of questions that commonly occur in educational settings. The taxonomy provides a useful structure in which to categorize test questions, since professors will characteristically ask questions within particular levels, and if....
Blooms Taxonomy
There are six levels of learning according to the teachings of Benjamin J. Bloom. Blooms taxonomy lists the levels of learning from the simplest behavior to the most complex. These levels are evaluation, synthesis, analysis, application, comprehension, and knowledge. Throughout this paper, I wi....
Bluetooth Essay
Bluetooth is the name of a wireless technology standard for connecting devices, set to replace cables. It uses radio frequencies in the 2.45 GHz range to transmit information over short distances of generally 33 feet (10 meters) or less. By embedding a Bluetooth chip and receiver into products, cabl....
Bluetooth. A Growing Technology
The aim of this investigation is to inform readers of the function, modality (energy transformation and technological advancements), issues and impact of the new and advancing form of wireless technology, Bluetooth. The information within this report has been accumulated and processed....
When studying economics one is naturally drawn to comparing what is being learned to real-world situations and companies. A good subject to study when figuring out the application of what learned in economics is the competition of the Boeing airplane manufacturing company to the Airbus airplane man....
Bond Market in Oman
This report covers real data gathered from guaranteed sources, in addition to academic analysis and observations. Information and date provided are applicable to the bonds market in Oman and they are supported with read examples as well.
Helicopter View of Bonds:
Basically a bond is legal obli....
Bones of Contention
Bones of Contention
Allison Vasquez
Introduction to Archaeology
ANTH 334-01
April 30th, 2005
Archaeology was rocked to its core on November 16th, 1990 when the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) was signed into law. This act gave c....
Book Of Romans
The letter written to the Church at Roman is thought of more as theological discourse written by the apostle Paul who identifies himself as the author. It is more than likely that Paul found himself in the vicinity Corinth for a time, probably in about AD 55 to 57 and from there dictated his lette....
Not many people know about a sport called bowfishing. When people think of bowfishing, they think that you must lose a lot of arrows because the archer has no way of retrieving his or her arrow after launching it off its rest. This is a very big misconception in a very misunderstood and mysterious s....
Braingate - Connecting the Human Brain to the Outside World
The idea of directly connecting a human brain to a computer or machine is no longer science fiction. Here, in the 21st century, major advancements in information technology, miniaturization, and neuroscience have made such an idea become reality. This paper will describe brain-computer interface tec....
Breast augmentation
Breast augmentation has become a major concern, especially in the American Society. After all the roots of the first silicon prosthesis started in Las Vegas. The first use of silicone was immediately followed by World War II, when doctors in Japan and Las Vegas began injecting the substances to enl....
briefing of the avena case - Avena and Other Mexican Nationals
Case Concerning Avena and Other Mexican Nationals
(Mexico v. United States of America)
International Court of Justice (2004)
Facts: Mexico instituted proceedings against the United States of America in a dispute concerning alleged breaches of Articles 5 and 36 of the Vienna Conventi....
Abstract: Coordination, accuracy detailing is the main target of the BIM as its main concept is to generate a complete digital model of a building based on complete databases that provides a full bill of materials cost estimate, with the coordination with drawings. T....
Bureaucracy is a poor form of organisation but the alternatives are not better
Bureaucracy and De-centralisation
In general, organisation exists to enable individuals to communicate with each other and contribute action to achieve a common purpose (Litterer, 1969). Organisations adopt different structures depending on their operating needs. There are two main forms of organ....
Bush Doctrine
After the tragic attack on September 11, the U.S public, and congress looked to its newly elected leader for an answer to the attack on U.S soil. At this time President Bush was willing to respond in an unprecedented way, and to expand presidential power. The Bush administration turned to some new a....
Business Ethics - Worker rights and obligations
Business ethics is a type of applied ethics that examines principles within a business context, the different ethical problems that can be seen in a commercial or business setting, and any moral obligations that apply to persons related to or engaged in commerce. It is concerned with practical dilem....
Business Intelligence Systems
Business Intelligence (BI) is defined by IBM as, "the discipline that combines services, applications and technologies to gather, manage and analyze data, transforming it into usable information to develop insight and understanding needed to make informed decisions." (IBM.com, 2006) In ....
Business Systems Upgrade Proposal
Service Request SR-rm-012 Riordan Manufacturing
September 16, 2004
Service Request Riordan Manufacturing
Riordan Manufacturing began business as Riordan Plastics in San Jose, CA in 1991 as a research and development company and licensing of its polymer processing patents. Over the years, ....
Business-to-Business Paper
These are new times, with new rules and new players. Business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce (sometimes called e-procurement) will become a main underpinning of the strategy, operation, and technology systems of companies. It is vital to understand the B2B components and wh....
business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce
Executive Summary
With the explosion of technology in todays society it has offered a multitude to resources as a whole. More importantly, however, it has provided businesses with an opportunity to reach and accomplish things never thought of. Business-to-business is already a familiar term wi....
CAD CAM Software Comparisons
Elliott Proffitt
BSc (Hons) CAD
CAD/CAM Software Comparison
November 2006
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Problem Definition
1.2 Scope
1.3 Rational
2.0 Review of existing knowledge
2.1 CAD/CAM packages used
2.2.1 Introduction
2.1.2 CATIA
calcium chloride & its uses
Calcium chloride is an ionic compound formed when calcium and chlorine come together. It is highly soluble in water and it is also deliquescent. It is a salt that is solid at room temperature, and has several common applications. Calcium chloride can be produced directly from limestone, but larger a....
Calcium Transport Study
Calcium transport study of SF-9 lepidopteran cells and bull frog sympathetic ganglion cellsABSTRACT The intracellular calcium level and the calcium efflux of the bull-frog sympathetic ganglion cells (BSG) and the SF-9 lepidopteran ovarian cells were investigated using a calcium-sensitive fluores....
Can A Successful Bookie Have an IQ of 55?
Max Weisberg is a successful bookie. He has made nearly $700,000 from illegal gambling, can repeat a string of numbers without any errors, and can do complex calculations in his head. However, Max only scored a 55 on an IQ test, making him borderline mentally retarded (Plotnik, 302). It seems highly....
Can Capitalism Lead to Human Happiness?
Capitalism is good at meeting many of our wants but has big blind spots when it comes to others, such as family relationships, a sense of community. Capitalism, by unleashing rapid changes in technology, business organization, and social and economic status, sometimes undermines institutions and sy....
Canadian Drug Laws: Need to Decriminalize Marijuana
Marijuana industry would not generate the profit margins that the criminal industry usually demands if marijuana were decriminalized. This research supports decriminalization rather than legalization of marijuana and bases its grounds on the assumption that legalization is politically unattainab....
Capital asset pricing model
The most important component in asset pricing model is Capital Asset Pricing Model or CAPM.
Capital asset pricing model was developed by William Sharpe (1964) and John Lintner (1965) and Mossin (1966). It suggests that high level of expected return is directly linked with high level....
Capital Asset Pricing model Vs. Discounted Cash Flows model
This paper will compare and contrast the Capital Asset Pricing model and the Discounted Cash Flows model. It will also discuss how an organization can evaluate its debt and equity mix and its dividend policy. In this paper, the characteristics and the cost of various debt and equity instruments ar....
Capital Punishment
Capital punishment is not consistent with the ideal our criminal justice system strives to achieve and therefore must be abolished. It does not accomplish any of the classic principles of justice such as proportionality, distribution, and most obviously, rehabilitation. The death penalty is premised....
Capital Punishment in Review
Capital Punishment in Review
The issue of the death penalty and capital punishment has long been one of the most controversial issues debated in the history of the United States. It is an important issue because it deals with life, the value of life, and personal liberties. The death....
Capital Punishment Is Wrong
To this date, Seven hundred and seventy two criminals in the U.S. alone have beensubject to Capital Punishment. (Executions USA 2002). Using specific examples such asthe Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Timothy McVeigh execution, capitalpunishment is seen as inhumane, wrong and an unusu....
Career in Computer Science and Programming
In the year 1995, our family received their first ever computer. It was a Pentium I with a 75 MHz processor, 64 MB ram, a 16x CD-Rom, a 5-gigabyte hard drive, and Windows 95 operating system. I thought it was the coolest thing man has come to know. It had games, and a completely new world called the....
Career in Radiography
In exploring all or many of my career options through the years I have clearly come to the conclusion that one thing I love is working with people and helping others in some form. Therefore, after several years doing many jobs where I was able to work with people and children in different arenas....
Caribbean Single Market and Economy
1.0 Background
Throughout the history of the Caribbean there have been many attempts towards integration. The first attempts were made through the adoption of the British West Indian Dollar in the late 1940s (a common currency being one aspect of integration). Its demise however came to an end foll....
Carlille V Carbolick Smoke ban Co. 1893
The Carbolic Smoke Ball was invented by Fredrick Roe, who applied to London Patent Office for a Patent in 1889.
According to his application, the device consisted of "hollow ball or receptacle of India Rubber or other suitable elastic material, having an orifice or nozzle provided with a porous or ....
Case Analysis : FedEx
Project Purpose
The purpose of this project is to analyze the strategic management of the FedEx Corporation through the process of external and internal analysis (SWOT), strategic alternatives and recommended strategy.
It is also our aim to have a better understanding in the use of competitive....
Case Analysis: Advanced Photonics Ltd.
Andrew Hall,
MGMT 122 - Section 232
Case Analysis
September 6, 2007
Thomas Chan, the vice-president of software engineering at Advanced Photonics Ltd., is having a problem with retention. He is specifically dealing with the decision of quitting by Suzanne Chalmers. She is ....
Case Assessment - Case of China Jose
This case assessment reflects an eight-year-old adolescent female named China Jose, who displays behaviors related to ADHD and PTSD. Applied within this paper are current theories of counseling with children and adolescents. A plan will be developed for the improvement of cultural divers....
Case Study 4.10 Medictest Laboratories
Problem Statement
Faced with a seventeen percent decrease in funding from OHIP, and to obtain eligibility of a restructuring credit offered by The Ontario Ministry of Health, Medictest has to reduce their costs beyond industry standards, of their large subsidiary in Sarnia. To meet these obligati....
Case Study Alltech Inc
Case Study Alltech Inc.
1. What factors have been involved in making Alltech a market leader in its sector?
Scope of Strategic Marketing beginning with Research:
The main driving force behind Alltech Inc. was Dr. Pearse Lyons, who is entrepreneurial, scientific and innovative business skills ....
Cash Flow Analysis
Cash Flow Analysis
Described below, are the different methods used by our group to analyze the cash flows given in the case. Each analysis of the cash flow is accompanied by the theory and the advantages and disadvantages of the method.
Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 1
Internal R....
Cattell's Big Five Factors
Cattells Big Five Factors of Personality, Behavioral Genetics, and Evolutionary Personality Theory.Current ResearchRaymond Cattell (1905-present) designed the Big five Factors of Personality, in which five classifications are revealed. Big Five factors: #1 extraversion vs. introversion, #2 agreeabl....
IntroductionFirst we will start with the definition of refractories and ceramics. Refractories and ceramics are non-metallic materials capable of maintaining physical and chemical stability at high temperatures. Refractories in modern practice are usually ceramic in nature, and are used in a wide va....
Cerebral Palsy
Botulinum and its contributions in Cerebral Palsy Treatment
Cerebral Palsy is a neuromuscular disorder in which continuous contraction of muscle leads to difficulties in normal activities. This neuromuscular disorder occurs in young children mostly the infants. There are four types of....
Changing Psychological Contract & its Impact on Human Capital Management
Psychological contract is defined as the perception of the two parties, employee and employer, of what their mutual obligations are towards each other. (Rousseau, 1994) These perceived obligations are often imprecise whereby they may be inferred from current or past actions, as well as statement....
chaos theory
Mostly, its a boxcar full of incomprehensible terminology. Mandelbrot sets. Linear versus non-linear systems. That trite and wearying butterfly effect everyone uses when they want to sound informed. Fractals. Simple attractors. Strange attractors. Iterated growth and erosion. Self-similarity. ....
When looking at a text it is always useful to examine the macro-structural aspects so as to establish a workable framework from which to read further into the meso- and micro-structures. Study of the macro-structural features of a text gives the reader possible explanations for the events occurring ....
Chaotic systems and Determinism
The belief that the world runs as a machine, and is merely a result of cause and effect, has been the underlying assumption of physical science for the last several centuries. The recent discovery of chaotic systems that seem to contradict this assumption has forced modern scientists to reevaluate ....
Characteristics of a Corporation
Characteristics of a Corporation
A corporation is a legal entity, meaning it is a separate entity from its owners who are called stockholders. A corporation is treated as a person with most of the rights and obligations of a real person. A corporation is not allowed to hold public office or vot....
Choosing Free Software and Linux for Computer Use
A New Trend in Computer Operating Systems
In the early nineties, a new computer operating system for personal computers was born. It was not crafted by a huge software company, but by a student who longed to recreate his universitys computer experience on his own computer. Unbeknownst at the t....
Circumcision was an essential part of religious practice for the nation of Israel. Is circumcision a required practice for Christians today? This paper examines the biblical evidence and explores the truth of arguments concerning old covenant customs, relating them to the New Testament, and the ques....
Ciscos success of ERP Implementation
1. What is an ERP system? What does it do?
Enterprise Resource Planning systems (ERP) integrate (or attempt to integrate) all data and processes of an organization into a unified system. ERP attempts to integrate all departments and functions across a company onto a single computer system that ca....
Civil & Criminal Law
Civil & Criminal Law
Civil and criminal law are just two types of law within the English Legal System and differ from each other entirely. In this essay I shall be discussing the differences between criminal and civil law and how their differences result in different outcomes and remedies.