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66 Case Studi Essays, Term Papers and Book Reports

3M Corporate Strategy
3M Strategic Positioning Analysis Paper Minnesota, Mining, and Manufacturing, known to most as 3M, is a very successful company that has a variety of products ranging from scotch tape to video tapes. This brand is recognized and trusted around the world. They are a “diversified technology comp....

Aid is better then long term solutions.
Aid is a short term measure, but investment is long term progress. Discuss. “Half the world, almost 3 billion people live on less than two dollars a day” This essay will focus upon studies of both short/long term aid and longer term investment in Africa and Asia, which have been used to hel....

Aids in Society
Although the HIV/AIDS epidemic is still in its infancy in parts of the GMS, it poses a serious health problem with disastrous economic and social implications. Thailand alone has 800,000 people with HIV/AIDS; Myanmar, 500,000; and Cambodia, 250,000. Yunnan Province in the People's Republic....

Anger Disorder
Unfortunately, anger is an emotion that most people experience from time to time. However, anger disorder, which is also known as, "Intermittent explosive disorder (IED) is a mental disorder that is characterized by specific episodes of violent and aggressive behavior that may involve harm to others....

Animal Rights
Ethics: Animal Rights By: Marty Miller Vivisection, the practice of experimenting on animals, began because of religious prohibitions against the dissection of human corpses. When religious leaders finally lifted these prohibitions, it was too late - vivisection was already entrenched in medic....

Aspects of Cognitive Psychology
Cognitive psychology is the psychological science that focuses on cognition, the mental processes that influence behavior, including reasoning, thinking, decision making, and motivation. Cognitive psychology deals with a large range of research. It examines questions about how our memory works, pe....

Australian Aboriginals/ And Government Policies
Dear editor, I, Bob Marney of St Andrews write to you in relation to the Stolen Generations of the 19th and the 20th century; which I am currently partaking in study on. As a proud Australian, actions carried out by the government and their effects and impacts on the Aboriginal society of the pas....

Blooms Taxonomy
There are six levels of learning according to the teachings of Benjamin J. Bloom. BloomÂ’s taxonomy lists the levels of learning from the simplest behavior to the most complex. These levels are evaluation, synthesis, analysis, application, comprehension, and knowledge. Throughout this paper, I wi....

Can American Management concepts Work in Russia?
Russia 1 Running Head: Can American Management Concepts Work in Russia? Susan Maddox Cohort: AA338 Our Lived Difference Professor: Mark Davis October 31, 2006 Shorter College – SPP Russia 2 A series of qualitative case studies were conducted to examine th....

Canada is an important player in the international peacekeeping system. Canada has been involved in important crises like East Timor, Rwanda, Tsunami and many more. Canada has fifty years of experience in peacekeeping and has participated in most of the missions mandated by the UN security council. ....

Carbon Emmisions
The United States needs to legislate mandatory controls on carbon emissions in order to ensure that the world we live in remains intact. Global climate change is a major factor and we all must understand this concept and come up with solutions to prosper our environment. All of the differe....

Case Solution of Horniman Horticulture, in Case Studies in Finance - Managing for Corporate Value Creation by Bruner, Robert - 5th Edition
Horniman Horticulture Background Horniman Horticulture (HH) is a privately-owned wholesale nursery business in Lynchburg, Virginia. Bob Brown and his wife, Maggie Horniman, bought HH from Maggie¡"s father in 2002 for $999,000. The nursery¡"s operations fill 52 greenhouses and 40 a....

case studies of la vegas sands in 2008 financial distress
Generally, only a firm has sufficient large amount of cash or cash equivalents or has small amount of debt can have investment grade rating. All the above three companies have borrowed a lot of money to support their global expansion before 2008, thus lead to a low rating (the debt to equity ratios ....

Definition Catharsis is a Greek word meaning “purification” or “cleansing” derived from the ancient Greek gerund (transliterated as) kathairein “to purify, purge”, and adjective katharos “pure or clean”. Catharsis can be interpreted as purification or purgation of the emotions (a....

Change Management Research
Introduction CrysTel is a telecommunications company that faces many rapid and frequent technological advances within its industry. The management team is planning to change its product portfolio by adding new and unconventional technology to their current product line up. Based on these intend....

CHILDREN, TELEVISION AND GENDER ROLES ISSUE IDENTIFICATION: The influence television may have on the development of a childÂ’s image building of gender roles and of their own gender identity. STATEMENT: Television influences the children in understanding gender roles during early socializati....

Chinas Emerging Tax Regime - Local Tax Farming and Central Tax Bureaucracy
Abstract: China like other transition economies needs to establish a tax system compatible with a market economy, in particular, an efficient tax administration system with capable tax bureaucrats. The paper singles out the general and China-specific features by which central government attempts ....

Clinical Biochemistry - Ahmed critical review
Upon receiving the book I felt exciting to dive right into it, and as a child does I jumped about the book, skipping the chapters to the subjects I enjoy best. Just starting a 4th year in Applied Bioscience my self I already have a large collection of study reference, textbooks, and access to journa....

communication report
Communication Final assignment Student: Amy VO HONG NGUYEN Class: BBA3 Autumn batch, 2006 Communication, the first time I heard this word was three years and a half ago. At that time, I was just wondering: is it a subject? What we are going to talk about? It ....

Comparision between Canadian law and Islamic Law (Shariah)
Comparison between the Laws of Canada versus Laws of Shariah Islamic Law INTRODUCTION What is law? To define law is like defining the meaning of life. Philosophers and lawmakers, alike, have struggled with both generations since the beginning of humanityÂ’s need for law. However, the simplest....

Computerized Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Anxiety Disorders
Running head: COMPUTERIZED CBT FOR ANXIETY Computerized Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Anxiety Disorders Kevin. A. Tennant B Ed. Faculty of Behavioral Sciences, Yorkville University In partial fulfillment of the requirements for Psychology 6133 Psychopathology: Disorde....

Constitutional Case Studies: Same-Sex Marriages
Constitutional Case Studies: Same-Sex Marriages Same-sex marriage has been one of the most disputed topics since the 1950's and continues to reemerge even now. What makes this such a popular topic is due to several reasons. First, same-sex marriage is one of the hottest election issues debated b....

Corporal Punishment
Corporal punishment, a form of punishment achieved by inflicting blows to the victim's body. It is a common way of disciplining the children in Asian countries. It should be recognized that corporal punishment of children is one of the effective ways to educate children. Therefore, corporal punishme....

Corporate Governance Benchmarking
The scope of corporate responsibilities has raised questions that go to the heart of the purposes and roles of the modern corporation. Such debates include whether corporations exist simply to maximize the value of its shareholders investments, or should a corporation recognize the interests of stak....

Criminal Responsibility
Contents Page 2 Contents Page 3 Introduction Pages 4-7 Mental illness and Criminal Responsibility paper Page 8 Conclusion Page 9 Bibliography Pages 10-11 Supplement ....

Critical Analysis of Alcohol consumption and its effects on Driving
Abstract Driving while under the influence of alcohol is a major problem for many countries. Because of this time and capital is invested into researching the causes and possible prevention strategies. Academic research into the problem of alcohol consumption and its effects on driving can range fr....

CRM in Casino Industry
I. Introduction This report aims to define Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and its crucial role in the casino industry. The current CRM trends within the context of casino will be introduced as well as the preconditions necessary for the success of their implementation. There will be a des....

Cyber-Communism: The New Threat in the New Millennium
My expedition into cyber-communism began when I read Brock Meeks' "Hackers Stumble Toward Legitimacy"[1]. The article addressed a recent hackers' convention. Interestingly, the keynote speaker was Eric Boucher[2] (alias Jello Biafra[3]), a rock star with no technical background. Numerous question....

Developing an Ethical Program: A Must Have in Our Society
As we have read through this class in our case studies many organizations have been found guilty of committing white collar and fraudulent crimes. Enron, Tyco and the infamous Madoff stories make the top ten when we think of organizations that have been flowing and operating in heavy misconduct. Th....

Distribution of Income
I. Introduction Inequality can be evaluated in many dimensions like education, health, life expectancy, welfareÂ…etc. This paper represents the economic perspective of the distribution which is called the income distribution. Lorenz curve is the best and today the standard way to criticize the size....

Downsizing at General Electric
Downsizing at General Electric General Electric History of General Electric Economic instability has hit many corporations, both large and small in the last few decades. Organizational Downsizing is one approach that many companies have employed as a means to survive the uncertain ....

Embarking on an Acid Trip: Analysis of the benefits and dangers of LSD
Embarking on an Acid Trip: Analysis of the benefits and dangers of LSDHP200AbstractA thorough analysis of the hallucinogenic drug lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) and its effect on humans are given. The various uses of the drug are also examined throughout several decades, beginning with its fir....

Ethics in the workplace
The word “ethic” is defined as, “The body of moral principles or values governing or distinctive of a particular culture or group” or “A complex of moral precepts held or rules of conduct followed by an individual” It has been said that having ethics is “doing the right thing” when no one is....

Evaluation of ERIC Database (Educational Resource Information Center)
A database is a collection of information organized in such a way that a computer program can quickly select desired pieces of data when needed. . There are many types of databases. These types are determined by a description of the databaseÂ’s content. Not all databas....

False Memory Experiment Report
False Memory Experiment Report Abstract The aim of this experiment was to study and see how reliable human memory is and how our brain reacts to different stimuli. We used this website: ( to perform the experiment and therefore discuss the written results. Each studen....

Psychology has taken many turns over time, from its beginnings in philosophy to the current study of biopsychology. Psychology has been, at its worst, an investigation of the murky waters of mysticism and, at its best, the study of how the physical brain interacts with the metaphysical mind. As....

Harrison - Keyes Problem Solution
Harrison - Keyes Problem Solution Problem Solution: Harrison-Keyes Inc. Harrison Keyes Incorporated a global publishing company has been able to shift the company focus to meet demands over more than the past one hundred years. The companyÂ’s current shift to e publishing is threatening to do mor....

How important is it for mobile robots to have abilities of learning as animal behavior?
How important is it for mobile robots to have abilities of learning as animal behavior? By Thanit Maleekaew Introduction At first glance, robots in the imagination of humankind look like robots called androids shown in many movies such as ‘C3PO in Star WarÂ’, ‘TerminatorÂ’, or ‘I, RobotÂ....

Hungary for trade
“Hungary for trade” by John Madeley discusses how and why millions starve in Third World countries while there land is being used to feed the already well fed, and in many respects, overfed West. The short answer is “trade” as we know it, particularly the ever more dominant liberalization of tra....

Importance of Communication in a Business
The Importance of Communication in a Business Introduction Communication - which is implanted in every feature of becoming and of enduring to be a culture organization - has not been sufficiently decorated in the organizational prose. What potentially makes the communication in learning orga....

Importance of Comunication in a Business
The Importance of Communication in a Business Introduction Communication - which is implanted in every feature of becoming and of enduring to be a culture organization - has not been sufficiently decorated in the organizational prose. What potentially makes the communication in learning or....

Innovations in Local Government: the Management of Innovations
Innovations in Local Government: the Management of Innovations My paper will discuss the trend towards innovations by local government. I found this topic very interesting after I saw another student give a presentation on the innovations her city had introduced. As far as the ....

ISDN VS. Cable Modem
1.0 IntroductionThe Internet is a network of networks that interconnects computers aroundthe world, supporting both business and residential users. In 1994, amultimedia Internet application known as the World Wide Web becamepopular. The higher bandwidth needs of this application have highlightedth....

John Dewey and Ethics
The nature of ethics—a process of inquiry One of the most arresting aspects of pragmatism, at least as it is represented in the work of the American philosopher, John Dewey, is the fundamentally different nature of a pragmatist approach to ethics compared with more traditional approaches. Ethics i....

Jonah Creighton Business Case Study of racial discrimination
Executive Summary Jonah discovered prospects of racial discrimination at Coulding-HensonÂ’s British unit after a telephone conference with an English manager, regarding the placement of a minority Coulding-Herald Advance Management Program (CHAMP) recruit. As a Kelley-defined exemplary follower, Jo....

keep abortion legal
PART I: NARRATIVE DEFENSE Abortion is one of the most controversial topics in contemporary culture. It concerns biological, legal, social, and moral issues that lead many people to take strong convictions regarding the topic. Many people feel strongly about abortion, where they usually take sides....

Laws and Ethics in Nursing
Law and Ethics in Nursing In every nurse's career, the nurse is faced with many legal or ethical dilemmas. One of the professional competencies for nursing states that nurses should " integrate knowledge of ethical and legal aspects of health care and professional values into nursing practice....

Leader vs. Manager
Leader versus Manager: A Comparative Analysis Over the last several years the fields of business, healthcare management, and military enterprises have all dealt with the question of whether or not a leader and a manager are one in the same. The real issue at hand is whether leading and managing....

Management accounting_relevance lost critique
Management Accounting: Relevance Lost A Critique Critical Appraisal Of The Main Arguments Of Relevance Lost “Today’s management accountant information, driven by the procedures and cycle of the organisation’s financial reporting system, is too late, too aggregated, and too distorted to be....

Managing Change - Business Report
Managing Change – Business Report A key ingredient to successful management is the ability to cope with change. The ability to adapt to a potentially hostile and ever-changing environment is critical to achieving longevity within the marketplace. Most changes encountered by business are external. ....

Millionaire Next Door
Dr. Thomas J. Stanley wrote 'The Millionaire Next Door' after doing extensive research in gathering statistics and case studies of today's millionaires in America. He immediately addresses the culture's false view of a millionaire. There is a great difference in being rich and being wealthy in toda....

Organization Development to Enhance Teamwork
Introduction There is an increasing shift to the use of teams in developed nations (Katzenbach, 2003). This is occurring for several reasons. First, organizations are downsizing and use teams as a way to make better use of the skills of their workforce. Secondly, there is a marked shift away from d....

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) In terms of psychological defining, PTSD is classified as an anxiety disorder previously diagnosed after an individual’s experiencing of events “outside of the normal range of human experience”(DSM III-R, 1987). Unfortunately since then however, growing ....

Power: The Federal Government and the Union Movement
When discussing power and its implications, one must take into account several key things: who the proponents are, what positions they hold, and what they have to gain from exercising power. Generally, it is obvious when power is employed, it is one group contesting the other, and an outcome is ach....

presentation skills
Presentations for business, sales, and training - oral and multimedia Presentations skills are very useful - for business, sales, training, public speaking and self-development. Presentations format, media and purpose vary a lot - oral, multimedia, powerpoint presentations, short impromptu present....

Psychology Research Paper
Psychology is the study of the mind and behavior. Psychology is derived from the Greek word “psyche”, meaning mind or soul and logos, meaning word (Discovering Collection 2). Scientists who study psychology are called psychologists. Psychologists focus on the individual person, either alone or in ....

sales training
EXUECUTIVE SUMMARY: This report discuses and analyses all the aspects of Sales training programs for to executives, managers and sales teams involved in sales. It mainly focuses on different aspects related to sales as needs behind training, training content, techniques, various training options ....

Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and IT Controls
Introduction The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) is the public company accounting reform and investor protection act signed into law on July 30, 2002 in response to a number of Fortune 500 companies� involvement in corporate and accounting scandals. These widely published corporate debacles....

Sigmund Freud and the Psychodynamic Approach
Sigmund Freud and the Psychodynamic Approach Sigmund Freud is the founder of psychodynamic approach and developer of the psychodynamic theory. The psychodynamic approach includes all of the theories in psychology that see the functioning of the human in relation to personality, and to the interac....

Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
Silent Spring by Rachel Carson About the author The author of the book Silent Spring, Rachel Carson, was not only a writer but also a scientist and ecologist, who grew up plainly in the rural river town of Springdale, Pennsylvania. In 1929, Carson graduated from Pennsylvania College for Women p....

The genetic disorder I have looked at in this scientific statement is Tay-Sachs disease or TSD, a serious, inherited fatal brain disorder. The disease is named after Warren Tay, a British ophthalmologist who first described the disease in 1881 and a New York neurologist, Bernard Sachs; who first de....

terrorism - defination and types
TERRORISM- DEFINITION AND TYPES SUB THEME 6-TERRORISM September 11 terrorist attacks on USA highlighted the vulnerability of the worldÂ’s most advance security system to the ingenuity of terrorist menace. The attack has given a new dimension to ter....

the forgotten strategy: arbitrage
It was a Coca-Cola CEO, the late Roberto Goizueta, who declared in 1996: "The labels 'international' and 'domestic' no longer apply." His globalisation program, often summarised under the tagline "think global, act global", had included an unprecedented amount of standardisation. By the time he died....

The History of the Internet
When one thinks of the internet, one may think of America Online,Yahoo!, or of Sandra Bullock being caught up in an espionageconspiracy. For me, it is a means of communication. A way to talk tosome of my friends who live off in distant places such as Los Angeles,New Jersey, and the Philippines. T....

violence and pornography
Violence and Pornography In the late Seventies, America became shocked and outraged by the rape, mutilation, and murder of over a dozen young, beautiful girls. The man who committed these murders, Ted Bundy, was later apprehended and executed. During his detention in various penitentiaries, he w....

What is Research in Your Field
What is Research in Your Field Information literacy Jack Hamilton Fort Hays State University December 5th 2005 What is research in your field? Introduction What is research in my field? Research in my field is as varied as the fields of study I have to choose fr....

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