Enterococcus faecalis
Before 1984 Enterococcus faecalis was classified as the Group D streptococci, Streptococcus faecalis. It was reclassified as enterococci and given the name Enterococcus faecalis. There are many species of enterococci, but Enterococcus faecalis is the most common and causes 85-95% of all enterococcal....
A complete cell
There are many parts to an animal and plant cell. The cell wall protects the plant cell and is made of specialized sugars called cellulose. The chloroplast is also another organelle only found in the plant cell. The chloroplast is responsible for photosynthesis and creating sugar....
A Pancreatic Disease - Pancreatitis
Disorders, what comes to mind when we think of this word? One would say a malfunction or breakdown of some thing. Nutrition, what comes to mind when we think of this word? Many would say healthy foods and the way we eat. In today¡¦s society many people find it hard to eat nutritional foods to mai....
A Perspective to metamorphism from the contextual described milieu to the metaphorical place
Retro gradation from metaphor and Figure Vicissitudes of time started and moved its, Orbits between the milky ways hanging the sun and stars beyond our present unknowns and showing the earth in its brightness.
Man was exiled and the soil under his feet was given life and Looked at the sky and a gre....
A Tale of Two Cities
a tale of two cities
The main purpose of this book is to show the contrasts between the peaceful city of London and the city of Paris, tearing itself apart in revolution. This is apparent in the very first line of the book, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...." This....
Abdominal lymphangioma Case presentation
Abdominal lymphangioma
Case presentation
59 year old male gentleman with good past health complained of epigastric discomfort for 2 months. He had no other complaints. His appetite remained good with no weight loss. Physical examination was unremarkable. Blood tests including complete blood ....
Abnormal Cell Growth Leading to Cancer
Abnormal Cell Growth Leading to Cancer
Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States. Half of all men and one-third of all women in the U.S. will develop cancer during their lifetimes. Although it is common knowledge that cancer is generally inherited, this paper will further ....
Many have pondered upon the meaning of abortion. The argument being that every child born should be wanted, and others who believe that every child conceived should be born (Sass vii). This has been a controversial topic for years. Many people want to be able to decide the destiny of others. Everyon....
A couple decades ago, when abortion was illegal, thousands of women died because they did not want to bear an infant and attempted to terminate the child's life by themselves or with an unprofessional approach. After 1973's Supreme Court decision, which allowed women to have the choice to abortion, ....
"My heart got callous to against the fact that I was a murderer, but that baby lying in a cold bowl educated me as to what abortion really was." Former abortionist, Dr David Brewer. Thats were the contradictions about abortion begin. As we all know, abortion is another one of those....
"My heart got callous to against the fact that I was a murderer, but that baby lying in a cold bowl educated me as to what abortion really was." Former abortionist, Dr David Brewer. Thats were the contradictions about abortion begin. As we all know, abortion is another one of those topics tha....
I intend to begin by telling us about issues of abortion and a bit about how the abortion is done.
One of the first things that struck me is that it's very easy to make abortion, sounds like something painful to go through, as they do on Yes to life website. Because if you then read on RFSU's webs....
What is an abortion? An abortion is a termination of pregnancy; its also one of the most heated controversies around today. But the question is why do these women and young teenage girls go through such a horrible thing? About 43% of American women will have one or occasionally more ab....
Abortion is the ending of pregnancy before birth and is morally wrong. An abortion results in the death of an embryo or a foetus. Abortion destroys the lives of helpless, innocent children and illegal in many countries. By aborting these unborn infants, humans are hurting themselves; they are not al....
Abu Ghraib
On September 11th 2001, two hijacked planes crashed into the World Trade Center buildings in New York City. The attacks were quickly tied to a terrorist group known as Al Qaeda, located in the Middle East. Soon after, President Bush declared war, and U.S. troops were sent to Iraq. U.S. soldiers took....
Acid rain and its incidence in present world
Acid rain and its incidence in present world
In the mid 1800s, many features of a series of acids falling from the atmosphere were discovered and detailed by the chemist and Britains First Alkali inspector, Robert Angus Smith. It was in 1872 when Smith published the book Air and Rain, which sho....
ADHD: Is your child's behavior normal?
According to Michael Fumento, the old saying Boys will be boys is now known as Boys will be medicated. In addition, Fumento believes the old lost my homework excuse is now My child has ADHD (1). Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is defined by Paula Anne Ford-Martin as a....
Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Adult (acute) respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is the rapid onset of progressive malfunction of the lungs, especially with regard to the ability to take in oxygen, usually associated with the malfunction of other organs. The condition is associated with extensive pulmonary inflammation and small....
Advances in Stem Cell Research
Many discoveries within stem cell research is playing a role in advancing knowledge on how an organism develops from a single cell and how healthy cells replace damaged cells in adult organisms. This very promising area of science raises many questions as rapidly as it generates new discoveries, bu....
Advantages of Engineered Nanosystems
Advantages of Engineered Nanosystems
Chris Phoenix, Director of Research, CRN
Today, biology implements by far the most advanced nanomachines on the planet. It is tempting to think that biology must be efficient, and that we can't hope to design nanomachines with higher performance. But we alrea....
Against Animal Experimentation
Imagine having a headache and not having aspirin to take, or being diabetic and not being able to take certain types of insulin (Williams 3). It seems impossible that these drugs could be unavailable to humans, but they would not be attainable had scientists not tested these drugs on non-animal sub....
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, better known as AIDS, is caused by the incurable HIV virus. AIDS is a deadly disease that deteriorates the immune system. There are two groups of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), HIV-1 that occurs throughout the world and HIV-2 that mainly occurs in Africa. ....
Nov. 24 An estimated 5.3 million people, including 600,000 children under age 15, became infected with the virus that causes AIDS this year, the World Health Organization said today. For the first time the number of new infections in sub-Saharan Africa stabilized, but that was offset b....
"Fresh air can seriously damage your health". A most unlikely Government Health warning but, for the patient with Acquired Immunodeficiency Disease Syndrome, AIDS, air-borne infection presents a constant threat of pneumonia and death. Nearly all will die of diseases caused by microbes that are every....
Living with HIV/AIDS
AIDS was first identified in the United States of America in 1981. Since then, the epidemic has been steadily growing and by the end of 2004, there were estimated to be just over 1 million people living with HIV and approximately 415,000 people living with AIDS in the USA. AID....
Aids in Society
Although the HIV/AIDS epidemic is still in its infancy in parts of the
GMS, it poses a serious health problem with disastrous economic and
social implications.
Thailand alone has 800,000 people with HIV/AIDS; Myanmar, 500,000; and
Cambodia, 250,000. Yunnan Province in the People's Republic....
AIDS: A U.S.- Made Monster?
AIDS: A U.S.- Made Monster?
In an extensive article in the Summer-Autumn 1990 issue of "Top Secret", Prof
J. Segal and Dr. L. Segal outline their theory that AIDS is a man-made disease,
originating at Pentagon bacteriological warfare labs....
Air Pollution
Air pollution Introduction With the great concern surrounding the destruction of the earths atmosphere due to air pollution, the immediate and direct harm caused to the human body is often over shadowed. While many are aware that our careless use of hazardous chemicals and fossil fuels may leave t....
Alcatraz The Rock
In life there are many choices we make everyday. It is those choices we make that determine our future. Some people make good choices while others make bad choices. According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary prisons were created to keep lawbreakers in confinement, and away from society. Accordi....
Alcohol Abuse
The average age at which Americans begin drinking regularly is 15.9 yrs. Teen drinking can lead to both metal and physical declines. It can affect friends and family around the victim of the alcohol. Teen alcohol drinking is the #1 for teen deaths; the three most common are intoxicated suicide,....
Alcohol and Youths
It is surprising to believe that A normal student who has over consumed alcohol takes about a weeks time to get his cells back to normal. So, basically, if a student drinks every weekend, he would never be back to his senses. It is really a matter of concern among college students because the ....
Alcohol dependence and rationale for prevention
This assignment aims to evaluate current theoretical explanations that are relevant to the field of addiction and to explore the reasons and intentions behind various prevention programmes for hazardous drinkers. There are many different types of theoretical explanations and models relating to addic....
Alternate Energy
Photovoltaic cells (PV cells)
Photovoltaic cells are operated by solar thermal energy, one of the renewable energy sources. Australia has a great potential to generate electricity from solar thermal cells, as the level of solar radiation in Australia is relatively high compared to other countries....
Alternative Energy
Alternative Fuel
It is difficult to imagine a human society without cars. The idea that for millennia humans managed to survive, and even to thrive, without such a contraption is inconceivable to many in todays Western World. Automobiles are everywhere, and in most American cities it is near....
Alternative Energy
Pols 347- Research Project
Alternative Energy Sources
The energy crisis is an issue that will soon affect each and every one of us. As the subject of constant media coverage and a possible motive for the war in Iraq, problems surrounding oil shortages can no longer be ignored. Peak oil, a theo....
Alzheimers disease
Creeping in like a masterminded burglar, Alzheimers disease (AD) has robbed as many as 4.5 million Americans (and by mid century 11.3 16 million) (Ed., A. Cronin-Golomb, P.R. Hof Intro. IX,) of their memories, the capacity to execute....
Alzheimers disease
Alzheimers disease
Alzheimer's disease is a neurological condition that impairs the brain's functioning. The exact cause of Alzheimers disease is not known. Early symptoms of Alzheimers disease are usually memory loss. There are other symptoms that include having problems with learning, a....
Alzheimer's disease is a form of dementia. It is the leading cause of mental decline in the aged. Many older
Americans have Alzheimer's, experts say the number is getting bigger everyday. Two and a half to three million
Americans have been diagnosed with Alzheimers. . (The facts about Alzheim....
What are amphetamines?
Amphetamines are synthetic drugs, which means they are made up by combining various chemical ingredients rather then occurring naturally.
Amphetamines are a family of drugs that include methamphetamine. These drugs are very similar in their chemical make-up and affect me....
An Alternative for Prison
America's prisons have been called "graduate schools for crime." Itstands to reason: Take a group of people, strip them of possessions andprivacy, expose them to constant threats of violence, overcrowd theircell-block, deprive them of meaningful work, and the result is an embitteredunderclass more....
An Inconvenient Truth on CO2 emissions
An Inconvenient Future
Time is up. We can no longer deny the current state of the world and the environmental deterioration we have caused. The surface of Earth is constantly changing and the effects of our negligence are apparent. The federal government must intervene to put an end to the slip....
Anabolic Steroids: A Panacea Or A Murderer?
Anabolic Steroids: A Panacea Or A Murderer?
Hey, its good to see you back at this high school reunion. Joey! How have you been doing? Not too well, I have to get a liver transplant. Why? I took steroids Oh well Mark! I havent seen you since the senior p....
Anabolis Steroids and Athletes
Anabolic Steroids: And Athletes
Anabolic steroid abuse has become a national concern among many athletes. There has been a dramatic increase in the number of athletes using these performance enhancing drugs. Even though anabolic steroids have been found to increase muscle tissue, they can caus....
Analysis of an Oregon County Jail
In regards to the tour of the Jackson County Jail on November 4, 2003:
The Jackson County Jail would probably be considered a relic when compared to other jails of today. It sits behind the county buildings on the west side of downtown Medford. As you enter into the lobby and are allowed thro....
Animal Cloning
Animal cloning remains to be a challenge for scientists to perfect, and is causing many conflicts and reasons for cloning not to be done.
The definition of an animal clone, as defined by Encyclopedia Britannica is an individual organism that was grown from a single body cell of its paren....
Animal Rights
Ethics: Animal Rights
By: Marty Miller
Vivisection, the practice of experimenting on animals, began because of religious prohibitions against the dissection of human corpses. When religious leaders finally lifted these prohibitions, it was too late - vivisection was already entrenched in medic....
animal rights
Animals, wild and domestic, have long been used by people for food, clothing, shelter, and kept as pets. Recently, they have been used for research purposes to develop and test and new medicines or medical treatment. In the United States, there has been a growing animal rights movement. Animal right....
Animal Rights: Do They Exist?
For the past 20 years, there has a been an on going heated debate on whether experiments on animals for the benefit of medical and scientific research is ethical. Whether it is or isn't, most people believe that some form of cost-benefit test should be performed to determine if the action is right. ....
animal testing
Off of the Fence
Who has the power to determine what is morally wrong? I always thought that an individual had the right to choose his or her own morals and beliefs. If this is true, then when it comes to testing on animals, why do so many people pass judgment on others? If a gene, capable o....
So many people argue about abortion, some believe its wrong and others believe its okay. There are so many debates about this issue of abortion. One of these debates focuses on a woman's right to have abortion. According to the Webster's dictionary an abortion is defined as miscarry, something missh....
Antibiotic Resistance: The war against bacterial pathogens
Amanda Dodd
16 November 2006
Exam 3
Antibiotic Resistance: The War Against Bacterial Pathogens
Antibiotics are an extremely important discovery in the treatment against bacterial pathogens that may invade the human body and cause multiple problems. Antibiotics are a class of antimicrobials, wh....
Antioxidants and Their Effect on Free Radicals
Scientific research has proven that antioxidants are substances that can prevent damage done to cells by free radicals. Vitamins E, C and beta carotene are the antioxidants that are being referred to that protect these cells. These antioxidants can help to prevent cancer, heart disease and also slo....
Anxiety Disorders
Imagine someone is lying in a beautiful green meadow. Its a perfect day, the sun is shining and there is a gentle breeze wafting trough the trees all around them. Sounds of nature fill the air as they chat and laugh with their family and friends. They are surrounded by people that they love ....
AP Enzyme Lab
The Affect of Enzyme Catalase on the Rate of Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide
An experiment was conducted in order to identify the effect of enzymes on the rate of a reaction. The experiment was divided into two sections. In one part, the rate of decomposition of H2O2 under normal environment....
Aplastic Anemia
Aplastic Anemia
Aplastic anemia, an unusual hematologic disease, is the paradigm of the human bone marrow failure syndromes. Absence of hematopoietic cells has been recognized from the characteristic morphology for a century; an immune pathophysiology has been infer....
architectural definition
An architecture can be defined simply as the portion of a system that provides and manages the primitive resources of an agent. For a cognitive architecture, these resources define the substrate upon which a physical symbol system is realized. The many issues surrounding the choice, definiti....
Are We Winning the War on Cancer?
Are We Winning the War on Cancer?
In the American society, cancer is the disease most feared by the majority of people within the U.S. Cancer has been known and described throughout history. In the early 1990s nearly 6 million cancer cases and more than 4 million deaths have been reported....
Felicia Lane
In 384 BC Aristotle was born in Greece, but more than a human was born, a piece of history was made, and Aristotle the father of Nichomachus, made him part of the royal family.
His first skills were in medicine, but in 367 he decided to switch professions to philosophy and with the ....
Artificial Insemination in beef Cattle
The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service defines Artificial Insemination as the procedure of collecting semen form the male of a species and transferring it to the female reproductive tract so that conception can take place. Artificial Insemination is used throughout the world fo....
Aspirin: A New Look at an Old Drug
Aspirin: A New Look at an Old Drug
by Me
In purses and backpacks, in briefcases and medicine chests the world over, millions of people keep close at hand a drug that has both a long past and a fascinating future. Its past reache....
Asthma is a disorder of the respiratory system in which the passages that enable air to pass into and out of the lungs periodically narrow, causing coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. This narrowing is typically temporary and reversible, but in severe attacks, asthma may result in death. As....
atkins diet
Today local reporter Lindsay Lehrer will tell us how dangerous high protein low carbohydrate diets are for your body and cells. First a little background information; the four major macromolecules of life are nucleic acids, proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates. Now back to the real surprising story. ....
Avain bird flu
Is the avian bird flu so big of a deal? Well it seems like it since it is mentioned in all different types of media no matter where you get your information. The main point of focus seems to be that the bird flu is steadily advancing through the continents. Its true the bird flu, also known as A(H....
Avian Flu - H5N1
Avian Flu When Birds Disease Infects Humans
While the world is rejoicing because of the end of World War I, a certain virus is rapidly catching the worlds attention. The H1N1 virus caused the Spanish Flu in 1918, leaving some 20 million people dead. In 1957, the H2N2 virus, believed to....
Bad News for Vegans
A male college student with good health thought he should start eating healthier because of the well-known theory that college students turn heavier and degenerate their health during college years. He was also informed by student groups on campus about the anti-earth views of animal consumption and....
Barth Syndrome
DeWease, Michael Cory DeWease 1
Mrs. Richardson
2 / 14 / 04
1st period
My name is Billy Bob Jones I am 11 years old and was diagnosed with Barth Syndrome at birth. This is a genetic disease that is located on the âxâ chromosome and is only expressed in males while....
Beauvoirs The Second Sex,
Interpretation Paper #1:
Beauvoir, The Second Sex
& Ibsen, A Dolls House:
In Beauvoirs The Second Sex, she sets out a feminist existentialism that carries a major Freudian aspect. An existentialist herself, Beauvoir accepts the principle the existence precedes essence. Mea....
Beginning of Communication
The Beginning of Communication
Havent you ever wondered just how children are able to pick up such a complicated language like English so quickly and how they learn and develop biologically? Well babies first learn on a neural network level, then they learn how to make sounds and finally they ta....
Behaving Brain
At the beginning of the video, Philip Zimbardo explained that the human brain is the most complex structure known to man and added that there are more cells in the human brain than there are stars in the sky. The cells of the brain are called neurons, their only purpose is to receive infor....
Behaviourism, Psychology
This paper will discuss behaviourism in detail, its history and its relationship with the justice field. Key concepts, major theorists and theories in the field of behaviourism will also be discussed. In addition the author will discuss the pre-suppositions of the theory behaviour....
Being Deaf in a Modern World
Being deaf is a handicap that affects millions of people around the world every year. Hearing loss can result from any number of reasons that can affect the outer, middle, or inner ear. The range of hearing loss can also vary from mild to severe. The ear is made up of the outer, middle and inner ear....
benefits and harms of using cell phones of Mariano Marcos State University students
This research paper is all about the benefits and harms of using cell phones of
Mariano Marcos State University students.
The mobile phone or simply cell phones (others even named it into only to it's
Abbreviation - c.p.) could have is its portability, for you can vary and use ....
Benefits of Knowing your HIV status
HIV is a dangerous, life-threatening disease that attacks the human body and results in the formation of aids. HIV tampers with the bodys power to fight off bacteria, viruses and many other harmful diseases. Short term symptoms are rarely present in the beginning; however, by the time Aids devel....
Benefits of Optimism
The benefits of optimism are improved physical and mental health, longer life expectancy, better academic and athletic performance (Seligman, pp.96-97, 151-152), career success, easier time making and keeping friends, and more enjoyment out of life (p.186). Optimistic explanations energi....
Benefits of Vegetarianism: Going Green
Currently, obesity has affected nearly one third of the United States population. Obesity has become a major problem faced in America today, largely because of the amount of meat consumed. Vegetarian diets, which do not necessarily include avoiding all animal products, are followed by more than ....
bio the need the day
Biology (from Greek Βìο meaning life and Λoγος meaning the study of) is the study of life. Biology encompasses a broad spectrum of academic fields that are often viewed as independent disciplines. However, together they address phenomena related to living organisms (bi....
Biochemical Pathway
Biochemical pathways are essentially linked series of enzymatic reactions that are interdependent. Their activity is coordinated by sensitive means of communication. This laboratory experiment examines the kinetic parameters, Vmax and Km, of three enzymes including creatine phosphokin....
Bioethical and Political Debates Surrounding Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Introduction to Embryonic Stem Cells
When it comes to the area of contemporary biological research, no topic is as debatable and controversial as the infamous Stem Cell. Stem cells are currently the hottest topic under scrutiny in this country. Very few other ongoing areas of biological research h....
biological psychology
Psychology studies different areas of the mind and behavior, especially the link between biology and behavior. Biological psychology explores behavior through genetics, evolution and physiological, especially through the study of the nervous system. Biological psychology explores biology in an effor....
Biology and Chemical Warfare
IntroductionChemical and Biological Warfare, use of harmful or deadly chemical or biological agents as weapons of war. These agents can kill many people and are considered weapons of mass destruction. Chemical weapons are made up of poisonous chemical compounds, whereas biological weapons are living....
Biology Assignment On Diseases
Around the world, human beings suffer from many different diseases. I have decided to write about Yellow Fever (viral), Typhoid Fever (bacterial) and Polio (viral). Thankfully, these diseases dont exist in Australia and in most first world countries anymore due to eradication efforts, but they sti....
Biology: Separation of Proteins
Lab Report 1: Separation of ProteinsAbstract/Summary: “Proteins account for more than 50% of the dry weight of most cells, and they are instrumental in almost everything organisms do” (Campbell, 1999). The significance of proteins to the continuation of our biological systems is undeni....
Bioterrorism on the Farm
Bioterrorism is defined as an intentional, belligerent attack on a population through biological, chemical, or nuclear means (Weelis, 2000). While the first thought that comes to mind when the word, bioterrorism is mentioned, is Anthrax or another disease aimed directly at our hum....
Bipolar Disorder
Everyone has days where they are feeling a bit gloomy or unhappy about their life and also days when they feel cheerful and lighthearted. However, there are some people who tend to have extravagant mood swings. For example, in one-moment an individual might feel as though they can do anything and ....
Bipolar Disorder in Teens and Children
Everyone has ups and downs in their mood; such as, happiness, sadness, and anger are normal emotions and an essential part of everyday life. In contrast, bipolar disorders a medical condition in which people have mood swings out of proportion, or totally unrelated, to things going on in their lives.....
Blood Donors- A Dying Breed
Blood Donors - A Dying Breed
Did you know that every three seconds, someone is in desperate need of blood? Among these are sick children, accident victims, cancer patients and hemophiliacs. We all need blood to survive, but for these people and many others, a shortage of donated blood means t....
Brain Damage
The main purpose of this project is to learn various areas of human psychology and how to work well as a group through contributing equally in the task. Our group was allocated the topic of brain damage, trigger # 4. We found that the topic is quite broad and various sickness can occur brain damage ....
Breast cancer
IntroductionBreast cancer is only one of 200 different types of cancer. It is considered a woman’s disease but both men and women have the disease. Every year, more than 200,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer. Twelve percent of all women will get the disease and 3.5% of them will di....
Breast Cancer
She lived the ideal life with a husband, 2.5 kids, white picket fence, and her ideal home. One day her life changed drastically. It was the day her doctor told her it was something to worry about. It was stage three cancer, and he wanted to operate right away to remove the tumor and lymph nodes and....
Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is a worldwide problem found in men and women; however, women develop this disease more often (Breast 1). Also, skin color has some affects on breast cancer. Caucasian women develop breast cancer more often, yet African American women have a higher death rate from this disea....
Breast cancer
CANCER: A cellular malignancy whose unique trait loss of normal controls results in unregulated growth, lack of differentiation, and ability to invade local tissues and metastasis. (Merck Manual 1992, pg. 1263)
Cancer can develop in any tissue of any organ at any age. Most cancers if detected ....
Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer is a lump that is called a malignant tumor that is developed from the cells of the breasts. Furthermore, Dr. Arrindell stated that it is the number one causes of death in women today. It is interesting how a small lump can evolve into a heinous death.
According to Doctor....
Breast Cancer
Breast cancer
General Purpose: To inform
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about Breast cancer
Org Pattern: Topical
I. Breast cancer is a maddening disease the claims countless lives
unnecessarily each year.
II. According to Vanderbilt University at a breast....
Definition Bronchitis is the inflammation of the bronchi. It may developsuddenly, following a head cold (acute bronchitis), or it may persist orreturn regularly for many years, causing progressive degeneration of thebronchi and lungs (chronic bronchitis). Certain people are more susceptiblethan....
calcium chloride & its uses
Calcium chloride is an ionic compound formed when calcium and chlorine come together. It is highly soluble in water and it is also deliquescent. It is a salt that is solid at room temperature, and has several common applications. Calcium chloride can be produced directly from limestone, but larger a....
Calcium Transport Study
Calcium transport study of SF-9 lepidopteran cells and bull frog sympathetic ganglion cellsABSTRACT The intracellular calcium level and the calcium efflux of the bull-frog sympathetic ganglion cells (BSG) and the SF-9 lepidopteran ovarian cells were investigated using a calcium-sensitive fluores....
What is Cancer?
Cancer is a complex group of over 100 different diseases. Cancer can affect just about every organ in the human body.
How Does Cancer Develop?
The organs in our body are made up of cells. Cells divide and multiply as the body needs them. When these cells continue multiplying w....
Cancer in Australia
Cancer, as we all know, is a disease in which cells in the body divide in an uncontrolled way, resulting in the formation of tumour. Nonetheless, not all tumours are cancerous: those which are not cancerous are called benign tumour while those which are cancerous are called malignant tumour. Maligna....
Cancer: When You Think It Couldnt Happen To You
Martha Ann Jones
Professor Stafford
English 101 26
September 24, 2007
When You Think It Couldnt Happen To You
No, I screamed as I was crying and tearing the hospitals towels. My momma was dying after struggling with cancer for some years. She was finally givin....
Capital Punishment
Capital Punishment is essential in the maintaining and governing of The United States of America. The death penalty has been on the plate of controversy for sometime now. For example, the death penalty, while somewhat grotesque offers many benefits. Protestors would rather see potential death row in....
Capital Punishment: Sentenced to Life
Capital Punishment: Sentenced to Life
For many years capital punishment has been a critical and unresolved issue on society. The words capital punishment and death penalty are used alternatively to describe the punishment of death on persons convicted of crimes.
Many times these term....
Carnivorous Plants
Although Florida has the largest count of exotic plant life in the United States, few happen to be native. Most are considered to be invasive and quite destructive approximately 31% of the plant species outside cultivation to be specific. There are however many plant species that are native and ver....
Case Study Nocturnal Hypoglycemia
Introduction Diabetes is an epidemic in Counties Manukau. It is no
longer a disease for the 40 to 65 years old, but the youngest diagnosed with
Diabetes Mellitus are 6 year old children. In 2008, an estimate of
$57,000,000 is being spent every year by Counties Manukau District
Health Board for d....
Case study: coronary artery disease (CAD)
Heart disease is any of conditions that can affect the heart. There are many different types of heart disease such as coronary artery disease (CAD), heart attack, heart failure, and ischemic heart disease. The most predominant type of cardiovascular disease is CAD and myocardial infarc....
The Fluid Mosaic Model - according to this model, the membrane is a bilayer of phospholipids with proteins at random inserted in and on the bilayer.
Phospholipid Structure
Glycerol backbone (C3)
Fatty acids are esterified to two of the carbon atoms.
One fatty acid is usually saturated, the ....
Cellular Reproduction
Cellular Reproduction is the process by which all living things produce new organisms similar or identical to themselves. This has to happen because if a species were not able to reproduce, that species would quickly become extinct. Reproduction consists of a basic pattern: the conversion by a paren....
Central Dogma of Molecular Biology
Describe the Central Dogma of Molecular Biology
The Central Dogma refers to the flow of genetic information in biological systems. According to Watson-Crick,
Deoxyrobonucleic Acid (DNA) consists of two polynucleotides chains which are held together by hydrogen bonds
complementary bases: Adenine....
Chicken Pox
This common childhood disease has syptoms such as:- Fever- Weakness and fatigue- a red, itchy rashCaused by a herpes virus called 'Varicella' this disease is very contagious. When an infected person sneezes, coughs, or breathes, the virus enters the body through the mouth and nose transported on re....
Christopher Reeve
The word autobiography is defined as the biography of a person written by that person www.dictionary.com. This book is an autobiography of Christopher Reeve, enlightening the readers of his life, and in particularly concentrating on his equestrian accident, the affects to which....
Cigarettes: What's Killing Our Country
This year alone cigarettes will kill over 420,000 Americans, and many more will suffer from cancers, and circulatory and respiratory system diseases1. These horrible illnesses were known to originate from cigarettes for years, and recently nicotine, the main chemical additive in cigarettes, was decl....
cloned organs
Cloning and Cloned organs
Successful cloning became notable when Dolly, the first mammal to be cloned from adult DNA of another sheep was created. Feb. 14, 2003 she lived to be six years old and died of lung cancer (Cloning Fact Sheet). There are a few different ways one could go to get a cloned ....
The cloning of human beings has been an issue that many people believe strongly in. The cloning of animals such as cows and sheep have already been successful, and many people think that the cloning of human beings is just the next step. This, however, has not gone over well with the government of t....
The issues concerning human reproductive cloning are shrouded in controversy, perhaps overshadowing the true advantages of cloning technology. Therapeutic cloning, which is often misunderstood as reproductive cloning, is less controversial than the latter as it does not involve the creating of an in....
Introduction Todays technology develops so quickly that many impossible things become true; the cloning technology is the example. What is cloning? Cloning is a process used to create an exact copy of a mammal by using the complete genetic material of a regul....
Cloning has become a fast developing, yet very controversial procedure. Cloning has been
defined as the production of one or more individual plants or animals that are genetically
identical to another plant or animal. The three different types of cloning include embryo c....
Mary-Katherine Wall
Many people are ready to say they are entirely against cloning when they do not fully understand the meaning. Cloning is an identical copy of an organism by copying its genetic material. This happens naturally in single-celled organisms as they reproduce in cell di....
A clone is a group of organisms that are genetically same. Most clones formed of new organism develops from only one parent. Cloning was just an idea until scientists in Scotland cloned a sheep and later in Oregon cloned a monkey. The first successful experiment in....
Disadvantages of Human Cloning - Loss of Human Identity
Cloning has always been a subject whose thoughts both fascinates and frightens the world. On February 27, 1997, a stunning announcement appeared in the British journal Nature that rocked the scientific world: for the first time ever record....
Cloning is a very controversial topic since it relates to moral values of human beings. Scientists began extensive experiments on cloning and have since then cloned both plants and animals successfully. Unlike the prospects of human cloning, the prospects of animal cloning are endless, and scienti....
Cloning is one of the most widely talked about topics in this world. It is one topic that evokes a great public response worldwide. The defenders of cloning believe that cloning and genetic engineering will be the answer to most of the diseases in the future. On the other hand, the people against cl....
Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloning
To Clone, Or Not To Clone? What would it be like to have a child that is the exact replica of you? How about finding the cure for heart disease or cancer? Well, these fantasies are not far away. They can be reached through a process called cloning.
1 Center Drive
Bethesda, MD
MSC 0148
May 9/07
Harold Varmus
1 Center Drive, Bethesda, MD
Dear, Mr. Harold Varmus
Human cloning is an issue of concern in today's society. Cloning should be allowed. People only think about the worst that can happen. For example, if....
Cloning Editorial
For many years now, cloning has been a never ending controversy between ethics and scientific innovation. Many people believe it is blasphemy trying to do Gods work in creating human life. They believe, religiously, that it is not anybodys place to take human stem cells and use them in creating fa....
Cloning Human Beings
The cloning of human beings has been an issue that many people believe strongly in. The cloning of animals such as cows and sheep have already been successful, and many people think that the cloning of human beings is just the next step. This, however, has not gone over well with the government of....
Cloning humans and other animals
The scientific world has advanced rapidly over the past few decades. New medications, cures, and techniques to tackle diseases are researched upon day by day. Significantly interesting techniques that are still deeply researched upon are modern cloning techniques. In 1952, Robert W.Briggs and Thomas....
Cloning in Light of Frankenstein
As scientists continue to piece together nature's mysteries of science, and as technology is becoming the dominating force in numerous areas worldwide, there is often a crucial piece of the puzzle that goes missing: responsibility. Though many people praise the abundant benefits of modern technolog....
Cloning in our World
One of the latest advancements in technology is that of cloning. Cloning is the process of creating an identical copy of an original. In general, cloning is used in three contexts. First is using specialized DNA technology to produce multiple, exact copies of a single gene or other segment of DNA. T....
cloning right or wrong?
With the advancement and expansion of technology science has been able to achieve new wonders. These improvements and discoveries in science have allowed the human race to explore and learn more about the world. One such phenomenon is cloning. Cloning has opened the doors to explore human beings in ....
Cloning: A Short Report
Cloning: A Short Report
1. Introduction
2. The Four Areas of Cloning:
i) Recombinant DNA Technology
ii) Vegetative Cloning
iii) Therapeutic Cloning
iv) Reproductive Cloning
3. The Impact of Cloning on Society
i) Hazards
ii) Benefits
4. Conclusion
5. Glossary
6. Bibli....
Cloning: Alternate Perspective
Consider humans as we know them today; their habits, their lifestyle, and their diets. How much of what we consider normal daily life activity is something at one time we never thought possible? Even further, how much knowledge have we gained from pushing the envelope, and taking things further th....
Cloning: The cure, The Answer, The Future
Cloning: The cure, The Answer, The Future
An average of nearly 10 people die every day in the U.S. because they need an organ transplant and no organ is available. In 1996, nearly 4,000 people died while on waiting lists for a kidney, pancreas, liver, heart, lung or intestine. That year, more th....
Cloning...Is it right?
Cloning Is It Right?
What if it was you that lost or is losing someone just because no one else had the right organs for him/her? Would you still be against cloning, or would you do everything in your power to make sure that your child, sibling, spouse, or just a friend got the proper care?....
Cochlear Implants
Running Head: The Controversy of Cochlear Implants
Cochlear Implants
Rachel Strickler
CD 303
Indiana State University
A cochlear implant is an electronic device that restores partial hearing to the deaf. ....
Communication Trends
Communication Trends
Through the years, communication has significantly changed societys method of communicating. Communication methods began with body language and later developed into verbal language. Smoke signals, lanterns and drum beats were later used to communicate through short distances....
Concepts of Horticultural Science
The Latin words hortus, garden, and cultura, culture, and together form horticulture, classically defined as the growing of plants. Horticulturists work in plant propagation, crop production, plant breeding, and genetic engineering, plant biochemistry, and plant physiology. It is the part of plant....
Confirming the Requirements of Photosynthesis
Abstract: Photosynthesis is a process that gives green plants the ability to produce their own food from inorganic compounds. This process has not only completely changed our atmosphere but it also produces the food supply for our biosphere. The aim of the controlled experiment is t....
Controlled Population in China
Introduction: Define the Issue
Controlled population in China is a very serious issue. The law, which has been in place for a few years now, puts a lot of restrictions on the citizens. It affects all those who live there, deaths, abortions, and infanticides have gone up exponentially, abuse of wome....
Controversies of Genetically Modified Food
Genetically modified food is a highly controversial topic. There are people that believe that genetically modified food is unsafe to eat. While the government and the American Medical Association believe that the modified crops are not a threat to humans or the environment. These bioengineered cr....
Controversy of Stem Cell Research
What are stem cells?
In looking into stem cell research it was easy to see that this was a very controversial subject. It seems everyone from local religious leaders to the President of the United States have weighed into this controversy. In researching this subject, I wanted to gain a little....
Crichtons Study of Technology, Relationships, and Culture and Intelligence in Congo
Crichtons Study of Technology, Relationships, and Culture and Intelligence in Congo
Something inhabits it
(Crichton 18; ERTS Houston).
Being Michael Crichton is not easy. He is known for inventing the techno-thriller, a work that combines technology, suspense, and contemporary soc....
Criminals are born, not made
What makes someone a criminal?
To begin it is impossible to put down one cause of criminal behaviour. The result of any kind of behaviour is the interaction of genetics, social and environmental causes.
To cover any of these issues the question should be raised; what is criminal behaviour? ....
Crystal Meth
In the 1890's the first chemical stimulant was produced. In 1919 phenyl isopropyl methyline, or methamphetamine, was created by Japanese chemist A. Ogata. During World War II, the manufacturing and use of the stimulant amphetamine came of age. Included in U.S. Army survival kits, amphetamines were....
Current concepts and mechanisms in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis is a type of arteriosclerosis. It comes from the Greek words athero, meaning gruel or paste, and sclerosis, translating to hardness. It involves deposits of fatty substances, cholesterol, cellular waste products, calcium and fibrin in the inner lining of an artery. There are many ris....
Customer car strategy / loyalty
Loyalty, in day-to-day life, implies an unselfish belief in institutions. Loyalty also suggests monogamy: one choice above all others.
Retail loyalty is not like that. There is not a customer alive who will consider using one shop for every need. When retailers look at winning an....
Cystic Fibrosis
Your child is under weight, has greasy, smelly diarrhea, a chronic cough and seems to always be getting pneumonia. He wheezes when he breathes and has impaired exercise ability. He seems to never being growing to the average size of his peers and his skin is very salty. The doctors first instinct ....
Cystic Fibrosis
Cystic Fibrosis
You might ask, what in the world is Cystic Fibrosis? Unfortunately, this disease does not get the publicity that other diseases get, although it should because Cystic fibrosis is an inherited chronic disease that affects the lungs and digestive system of about 30,000 childr....
Cystic Fibrosis
Cystic Fibrosis is a progressive lung disease that results in the decline of lung function. Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is an inheritable disease that affects the bodys ability to produce efficient mucous. The affect of the disease causes the mucous throughout the body to be very thick and sticky, makin....
Danse Macabre: The Soundtrack to The Flowers of Evil
While keeping his strict form, cadence etc. and using appalling language to construct his masterpieces, Baudelaire made a soundtrack of life. In comparison with the movie industry, viewers will notice that nearly every film that a person sees today has some sort of relationship with sound. Soundtr....
Darwins Laws of Evolution
Darwins On the Origin of Species (1959) explained his theory of evolution. This was his attempt to explain how the diversity in the natural world developed and is maintained (Unisci, 2002). The theory consists of certain laws, which can be interpreted from the original text as:
1. Repro....