150 Commercial Essays, Term Papers and Book Reports
Africa and Africans in the making of the Atlantic World
Kelvin Fields
Dr. Brackett
Hist. 300
Africa and Africans in the making of the Atlantic World
In John ThorntonÂ’s book; he approaches the question of the first Africans in Africa and how they played a part in....
Advertising Reinforces Stereotypes
Advertising perpetuates the stereotypes of racial minorities because it depicts preconceived attributes that the white majority consider the norm. Advertisers do this for several reasons: one is that the customer base may be made up of mostly w....
Marketing plan Coco Cola
Executive summary
Giant soft drink company Coca Cola has come under intense scrutiny by investors due to its inability to effectively carry out its marketing program. Consequently it is seeking the help of Polianitis Marketing Company Pty Ltd to develop a professional marketing plan which will....
DB Cooper - Man of Mystery
Throughout the history of the United States there have been many airplane hijackings, but only one is left unsolved. Casey Mcnerthney writes " In the thirty six years since his jump, the FBI have gained little more hard evidence "(1) The FBI has no clue who this mysterious man who boarde....
Marketing Mix is a concept that involves the four PÂ’s of Strategies for Marketing
Marketing Mix Paper
Marketing Mix is a concept that involves the four PÂ’s of Strategies for Marketing. The four PÂ’s are Product, Place, Promotion and Price. Each element plays a huge role for the Strategies of Marketing. Mr. Neil H. Borden published an article call The Concept of the Marketing Mi....
Marketing plan Coco Cola
Executive summary
Giant soft drink company Coca Cola has come under intense scrutiny by investors due to its inability to effectively carry out its marketing program. Consequently it is seeking the help of Polianitis Marketing Company Pty Ltd to develop a professional marketing plan which will....
Sirius Satelite Radio
“What does Sirius Satellite do?” Sirius offers over125 channels of
satellite radio. It includes over 60 channels in sports, news, talk, weather,
traffic, entertainment, and data. It also has 67, commercial free, music
channels in almost every genre possible.
“What’s Sirius’ ....
What is democracy?
Here are four (4) facsimile section reproductions taken from a 156 page book officially compiled and issued by the U.S. War Department, November 30,1928, setting forth exact and truthful definitions of a Democracy and of a Republic, explaining the difference between both. These definitions were pu....
100% Condom Use Program among Sex workers
100% Condom Use Program among Sex workers
100% Condom Use Program is a policy which encourages 100% condom use in 100% sexual acts in 100% entertainment establishme....
1981: The Year of My Birth
“1981: The Year of My Birth”
It was a dark and stormy nightÂ…actually it was a sunny snowy morning in January, the 29th to be exact. The setting is Parkersburg, WV in the year 1981. Most people were probably still trying to keep their New Years Resolution or paying off their Christmas bills. ....
2008-2009 Economic crunch overview
The world wide financial crises that started at the end of the year 2007 and continued all the way down to 2009 has caused a lot of chaos and financial losses. The crisis was a result of market degeneration brought about by Collateralized Debt Obligations CDO's. These were just but bonds attached wi....
3D modeling and Sketchup Overview
[Computer Applications in Architecture]
Mohamed Badr
[ Building 3D models is tricky enough without having to think like a computer. Instead of making you input coordinates, SketchUp has an advanced guidance system of colors, lines and text hints that help you ke....
A Beutiful Mind
Mental illness is a disorder of the brain that results in a disruption of a personÂ’s thinking, feeling, mood, and ability to relate to others. For someone whoÂ’s never had a mental illness, it may be hard to imagine what life would be like for someone who does. I chose the movie A Beautiful Mind s....
A Breif History Of Plastics
A History of Plastic
Plastics are a huge part of our lives. Most people use different types of plastics hundreds of times a day. Most of those people donÂ’t even know what type of plastic they are using. If you would walk up to someone on the street, and ask them if they knew th....
A carrer in the field of nursing
Thesis: A career in the field of nursing has a wide variety of different positions and is
worth the hard work a person puts into it.
There are thousands of different job opportunities throughout the world. Most of
these jobs have branches that give a person even more opportunities. Alth....
A Catalyst to the Roman Empire
A Catalyst to the Roman Empire
The Punic Wars had a great effect on Rome Empire. The Punic Wars were fought between Rome and Carthage . Since Rome took over most of Italy and Carthage controlled most of North Africa , it was soon that these two would come in contact with one another. Th....
A different kind of protection in High Schools - sexually active students
So you think you know what is going on in your daughter's life? She gets good grades, very popular, and is not sexually active. Are you sure? You can see her grades, you know she has a lot of friends, but do you see her on a late Saturday night? In a Recent poll by Teen People 42% of all girls s....
A Functional Analysis of the Organisational and Human Resources Strategies at Malaysia Airlines
A Functional Analysis of the Organisational and Human Resources Strategies at Malaysia Airlines
November 2005
Table of Contents
A Griots' Way
Back in the early sixties, when French ethnomusicologist Tolia Nikiprowetzky introduced the first commercially-issued field recordings of West African Griot music on two Ocora-label LPs, he found it appropriate to begin his liner notes for Senegal: La musique des griots (Ocora OCR 15) with a questio....
The Economic Crisis of 1890 through to Federation
The period commencing with the crisis of 1890 represents. “something of a watershed in Australia’s financial history”2. .Although warnings of the impending pr....
A Jewish Identity in an Arab World
Judaism is one of the oldest religions in the world today. Since its creation thousands of years ago, Judaism has gone through many changes, and, as a whole, the Jews have survived through many tragic hardships. However, despite many attempts to hinder the faith of the Jews, the Jewi....
A John Deere Legacy
A John Deere Legacy
When assessing the real bottom-line success of this famous company, the obvious conclusion is that without the foundation of strong, basic values, any success would have been fleeting and it would never have endured. John DeereÂ’s amazing longevity and prosperity....
A Nuclear Reactor
The term Nuclear Reactor means an interaction between two or more Nuclei, Nuclear Particles, or Radiation, possibly causing transformation of the nuclear type; includes, for example, fission, capture, elastic container. Reactor means the core and its immediate container. Nuclear Reactors are used t....
A Rising Epidemic in Child Obesity
A Rising Epidemic in Child Obesity
Child obesity is and has been for quite some time now a serious problem throughout the industrialized world. It is a physical and social struggle, predominately in the United States, which has grasped many people by the throat, granting th....
A Study on the impact of Dams on 18th-19th in New England
AmericaÂ’s landscape of today was shaped by damsÂ’ and their constructive and destructive forces over the past ten thousand years. Dams in America have been both natural and man made. Beavers were the first to do this; they built dams here in America as long ago as 10,000 years. Before the Europe....
A Survey of Gambling Statistics
Gambling in the United States is a growing concern and this issue is more serious than ever in The State of Alabama at this time. Gambling has become a highly discussed topic in Alabama because many believe that it will increase revenue in the state. At the current time many casinos are open that ....
Aaliyah Dana Haughton, 16 January 1979, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA, d. 25 August 2001, Marsh Harbour, Abaco Island, Bahamas, West Indies. Although she grew up in Detroit, Michigan Aaliyah pronounced Ah-Lee-Yah ("highest, most exalte done" in Swahili), initially came to attention as part ....
aaron copland
Of the dozens of famous and not so famous works by Copland, I would have to say that my favorite by far is Rodeo. Like most average joes I heard a snippet of this masterpiece for the first time in a commercial for beef when I was little. Years later when I was in high school I had the opportunity t....
Abortion in the United States
Abortion has evoked considerable debate and controversy
throughout history. In the United States too, it has been a
subject of heated debate through most of its history. In recent
times, "pro-choice" and "pro-life" movements have taken
diametrically opposite positions on the ethical, legal....
Abraham Maslow
Abraham Maslow is known for establishing the theory of a hierarchy of needs, writing that human beings are motivated by unsatisfied needs, and that certain lower needs need to be satisfied before higher needs can be satisfied. Maslow studied exemplary people such as Albert Einstein, Jane Addams, Ele....
Abraham Maslow
The hierarchy of needs and the hygiene theory are alike but are also different. I shall go through each one of these theories and inform the reader of these differences and similarities. Each one in its own right is correct but now that we near the millenium, we should rethink or atleast re-read the....
Accounting and Auditing Processes
Justin Denman
Accounting and Auditing Processes
March 4, 2000
Writing Assignment #1
Revenue Recognition Policies
The purpose of this paper is to compare the revenue recognition policies of two companies in the search, detection, navigation, guidance, and aeronautical systems industry. ....
Accounting cycle paper
Accounting Cycle Process of Western Growers Assurance trust
In 1957, Western Growers Assurance Trust (WGAT) was developed to provide Western Growers members with insurance options and prices for healthcare benefits that could not be obtained from commercial insurance providers. Today, WGAT is....
Accounting Paper
So what is accounting and why is it so important to big businesses in the 21st century? This discussion will identify the audiences, purposes, and natures of financial statements and managerial reports. These reports will help to better understand how accounting works in t....
Acid Rain
Acid rain is a serious problem with disastrous effects. Each day this serious problem increases, many people believe that this issue is too small to deal with right now this issue should be met head on and solved before it is too late. In the following paragraphs I will be discussing the impact has ....
Acid Rain
Acid Rain
Acid rain is a serious problem with disastrous effects. Each day this serious problem
increases, many people believe that this issue is too small to deal with right now this
issue should be met head on and solved before it is too late. In the following paragraphs I
will be discussi....
Acid Rain
Acid rain is a serious problem with disastrous effects. Each day this serious problem increases, many people believe that this issue is too small to deal with right now this issue should be met head on and solved before it is too late. In the following paragraphs I will be discussing the impact has....
Virtual product advertising, in other words, commercials advertising some kind of product are a great way to advertise products during television programming although, they might should be limited. Personally, I would like to see advertisements in a stadium or just appearing in some for....
ADVERTISING is part of the modern competitive business world. Advertisements are messages, paid for by those who send them, intended to inform or influence people who receive them.
That is adverts contain a message. This message may be expressed in words - "Persil washes whiter", or in pictures, mu....
In today's society, one must consider - Is there any advantage of advertising? In many cases, it is only disadvantage - an annoying hindrance in our daily lives. It gets on our nerves, distorts the truth, and adds to the cost of the product. Advertising is designed for one purpose - to sell. To ac....
You cannot believe everything you see in an ad. Advertising is brainwashing, in games, commercials, magazines, newspapers, etc. Advertisers tell you what you want to do or what you do not want to do, all the while making you believe that you, the consumer, are making the decision all on your on. Wel....
Advertising affecting the way we feel and act
Living in New York city one realizes the overwhelming presence of advertising today here in America. Every where you look you see an ad, magazine stands, television, movie theaters, on most walls on the streets, web pages, busses, subway stations and cars, the list could go on forever. Modern Adv....
Advertising and children
Sex Appeal and The Happy Meal:
A Look at the Marketing Tactics on Women and Children
Advertisements affect our lives in every way possible. From the television to the billboards on the main roads, the marketing agencies are constantly trying to persuade us into buying their product. However, th....
Advertising Campaign for Toyota Prius In Australia
Integrated Marketing Communications
Toyota Prius; Marketing Communications Plan
Prepared by “Brutal Brutus” For Toyota Australia
Table of Contents:
Ref. No. Topic Of Discussion
Page No.
1.0 Executive Summary 5
2.0 Introduction 5
3.0 P....
advertising in women magazines
First of all we should ask what does advertising means. Oxford Dictionary gives the following definition: 'the activity and industry of advertising things to people on television, in newspapers, etc.' So, the advertising activity is bringing a product (or service) to the attention of potential an....
Advertising information
For my advertising campaign I have looked into different types of advertising and how it works:
There are two types of advertising – direct response advertising and brand advertising.
Understanding the distinction between the two will immediately save you a fortune.
Brand advertis....
Advertising Plan for a deodorant
An advertising plan is crucial to the success of any product, service or company since it basically lays down rigid guidelines upon which to communicate its strengths and build its image to the masses. Therefore a well constructed advertising plan will yield good advertisements and media strategies ....
Advertising Plan for Smart Fortwo
I. Situational Analysis
A. History of brandÂ’s advertising
The Smart Fortwo is relatively popular in various countries such as: Japan, Canada, Australia, and Europe. The Smart Fortwo is predominantly sold and distributed through Mercedes-Benz dealerships due to the vehicle being a bi-product o....
Advertising to Youths
Before they can walk or talk, advertisers expose youths to a marketing stream that may have an eternal consequence on their performance. Leaving lasting influences on their behavior, unethical advertising intentionally targets adolescents. Through research, advertisers discover target audiences and ....
The world of advertising can be exciting and distinct. It has the capability of influencing the whole society to follow a certain trend or idea; or to buy a certain product. All around the world there is some type of advertising. There is an advertisement for just about everything made. Advertis....
Advertisments: Shaping Our Culture
Advertisements: Shaping the Culture
There is a four year old girl named Riley, who one day her grandmother over heard her say that she was fat. Her grandmother was taken back for a minute, and had no idea what to say to her. This got me thinking about how self conscio....
Affluenza- An unhappy relationship with money
Causes & Cures In this essay I plan to analyze a dangerous disease that is infecting people through the U.S. This disease is called affluenza it is very contagious and once infected with the disease it is difficult to unseat. Affluenza us characterized as an unhealthy relationship with money....
Africa and Solutions to the Underdevelopment Problem
As we all know, much of Africa is riddled with poverty, from the Arab North, although to a much lesser extent, to the south, with many Sub-Saharan African nations among the poorest in the world, which is where we shall concentrate our efforts.
The problem is not anew one, but has ....
Africain Spirituals
It seems almost impossible to state when the first spirituals were created, most speculate that these songs flourished near the end of the 18th century and during the last few decades leading up to the end of legalized slavery in the 1860Â’s. During this long period of active music making, Americans....
African Americans in Eurocentric Societies
America is known as the land of opportunity or a place where one can build something from nothing. It is a collaboration of profound ideas based on equality. These ideas formed the Declaration of Independence, where “all men are created equal”. However this equality was constructed upon European e....
Aging in America
In the not-so-distant past, senior citizens often disappeared from the mainstream activities of society.
Businesses did not consider them a viable demographic market, community organizations labeled them recipients rather than contributors, and when they were included in commercials, movies or ne....
AIDS: A U.S.- Made Monster?
AIDS: A U.S.- Made Monster?
In an extensive article in the Summer-Autumn 1990 issue of "Top Secret", Prof
J. Segal and Dr. L. Segal outline their theory that AIDS is a man-made disease,
originating at Pentagon bacteriological warfare labs....
Air Pollution
Air pollution Introduction With the great concern surrounding the destruction of the earthÂ’s atmosphere due to air pollution, the immediate and direct harm caused to the human body is often over shadowed. While many are aware that our careless use of hazardous chemicals and fossil fuels may leave t....
Airline Fares and the impact on the economy
Soaring oil prices and a collapse in consumer confidence has left airlines in a worse state than after September 11
Airlines' fuel bill was going up even faster than other oil consumers because refiners had increased their profit margins from $6 a barrel to $40.
That meant that when crude oil was ....
Airline Pilots Armed with Guns
Airlines have stepped up to avoid terrorism onboard their aircrafts by allowing airline pilots to carry guns inside the cockpit and having installed expensive x-ray machines at several major airports. Whether we would like to admit it or not, airline terrorism is a very real and deadly subject. Insi....
Airline Safety
September 11, 2001 is a day that will not be soon forgotten. The effects of this tragedy reach every aspect of our lives, from the economy, to foreign policy, to travel, and especially airline safety. Anyone who has traveled can tell you the extent of new security in place at airports.Besides chec....
Alcoholism: disease or not?
We have all seen the commercial ads were they are trying to promote alcohol. They even get really good looking girls to show off their body just so we can buy there alcohol product. Alcohol is used in about every movie and commercial. It shows us that we can let go of our shyness when we are in fron....
Philip's passing created hope for freedom among some Greeks. And, in 335, Thebans heard and believed a rumor that Alexander had also died. They revolted and trapped a Macedonian garrison in their city's citadel. Alexander led an army to Thebes, and in street fighting he overpowered the Thebans. He s....
Alexander Hamilton: The Founding Wizard
Like any other newly developing nation, the United States of America encountered numerous struggles regarding government, law, and foreign affairs. However, the country's devastating financial situation was the first and foremost biggest concern. Newly elected President George Washington appointed ....
Alexander the great
Alexander the Great and His Achievements Alexander the Great was the king of Macedon. Alexander of Macedon, or ancient Mecadonia, deserves to be called the Great. Alexander the Great was considered one of the greatest military geniuses of all times. He was an excellent king, general, and conqueror. ....
Alfred Hitchcock
Films were a great form of entertainment from their debut in the early 1900’s and continued to grow more popular over the years. The film making business hit a growth period in the 1920’s. In Hollywood, the assembly line “studio” system of producing a movie was changed and refined, and the famou....
Alfred nobel and his prize
Alfred's life
Alfred Nobel was an inventor/engineer, whose most famous discover was that of dynamite. He was from a family of Swedish engineers that gained their wealth producing weapons and oil for the Russians. Nobel became one of the world's richest men, due to his businesses and inventi....
Alternative mouse for people with disability
Aluminas Business Dilemma
Alumina Inc. is a multibillion-dollar United States based company located on the fringes of Lake Dira in the state of Erehwon. Alumina Inc. specializes in making aluminum. The company also manufactures automotive components, packing material and has ....
America is over medicated
At the age of 28, Heath Ledger passed away due to a toxic combination of FDA-approved medications that were prescribed to him by his own doctor. OxyContin, Valium, Xanax, Restoril, Unisom and Vicodin were found in his system after his death (Adams 1). It is assumed that if Heath had known that this ....
America the FAT
America the Beautiful Fat
Many years ago my Grandfather had a large farm and garden. Every morning he got out of bed with the sunrise to work his garden, milk the cows, feed the chickens and slop the pigs. This was done every morning for a very good reason; breakfast. Grandpa brought in the fre....
american diet
american diet
Are you over weight? Do you get tired easily? Do you struggle with high cholesterol or with high blood pressure? If so, do not worry you are not alone. Thousands of United States citizens suffer from obesity and other food related health problems. These problems can be traced back to ....
American Dream - How Media Affects our Lives
In today's world, everyone has a dream. Everyone child dreams of their future profession, every adult dreams of a lifestyle they want to achieve. Some kids dream to become pop stars; others want to become teachers. Some grown men and woman dream of being billionaires, sitting by the pool while other....
American fine Arts
American Fine Arts 1945-1970
By: Anonymous
PREFACE: Art during the mid-twentieth century contained some of the most important changes art history. These explosive times were counter-balanced with explosive popular culture. More historical events, abrupt changes, and turbulence occurred from th....
americans in war
The United States has been a major power since its birth. There have been many wars that have involved the U.S., and some that have evolved around it. For every war there are reasons for entering, objectives to fulfill, and consequences to follow. The U.S.Â’s active roles in the Spanish-American war....
AmericaÂ’s involvement in World War Two
When war broke out , there was no way the world could possibly know the severity of this guerre. Fortunately one country saw and understood that Germany and its allies would have to be stopped. America’s Involvement in World War two not only contributed in the eventual downfall of the insane A....
Amusing Ourselves to Death
I have just read Postman's Amusing Ourselves to Death. Postman states that the age of typography has been replaced by the age of television. This has changed the way we look at the world and the way we think, which in turn has almost made us less intelligent. Postman speaks his opinions freely, an....
Amusing Ourselves to Death; Mediums, Friend or Foe?
Electronic media is inferior to print media due to the fact that electronic media can be bias, selective, and evasive for the purpose of entertainment. Electronic media serves as a form of entertainment with a main goal of serving their ratings rather than serving the people. It would seem that Pos....
An analysis of Segmentation, targeting, and positioning strategy of Coca-Cola
I, Introduction:
The Coca-Cola Company is the largest manufacturer, distributor and marketer of nonalcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups in the world. Coca-Cola's headquarters are in Atlanta, Georgia, in the United States of America. It is best known for its flagship product, Coca-Cola, and is....
An Honorable European Union Member
An Honorable European Union Member
The European Union considers itself the guardian of democratic values, entrusted with sustaining the peace that has prevailed in Western Europe since World War II ended. In a February 3 resolution signed by 14 member states, the European Parliament cond....
An Inconvenient Truth Reflection Paper
“I love the whole world. It’s such a brilliant place.” – The last words of Discovery Channel’s commercial on how individuals love our home. Would we say the same things as they did? What are we doing at this time to show the proof of what we call our “love of the world’s brilliance?”
Analysis of Australia Economy
Analysis of Australia Economy
Executive Summary
Australia is the 52nd most populated country in the world with about 20,680,743 people in 2006. Immigration has been a major factor in Australia's development since the beginning of European settlement in 1788 and most settlers came from Britai....
Analysis of Boeing
Today, Boeing is the worldÂ’s leading aerospace company and one of the largest commercial jet manufacturers in addition to the leading military aircraft manufacturer. Boeing has divisions in Commercial Aviation, Integrated Defense Systems, and Boeing Capital Corporation. This synopsis i....
Analysis of commercial vitamin C tablets
To determine the vitamin C content in commercial vitamin C tablets by titration between vitamin C (ascorbic acid) & iodine solution. Hence, compare this data with the manufacturer's specification.
In this analysis, certain amount of iodine solution, which ....
Analysis of Strategic Structure of Southwest Airlines
Analysis of Strategic Structure of Southwest Airlines
Twenty-nine years ago, Rollin King and Herb Kelleher got together and decided to start a different kind of airline. They began with one simple notion: If you get your passengers to their destinations when they want to get there, on time, at t....
Analysis of The Motorcycle Diaries
Who was Che Guevara? The man has been so obscured by the legend that his actual deeds have been rendered obsolete. Che has become a social and commercial icon. His visage is on t-shirts, hats, patches, posters and even underwear. There are Che dolls, lighters and candy dispensers. He is a symbo....
Analysis of Yellow
Human beings possess the desire to challenge themselves. This allows them to identify their capabilities and limits, mental and physical, through situations that place them at the mercy of powerful external forces. Some individuals are reluctant to accept this call to adventure and believe their ....
Analytical Report of the Published Accounts of AMEC
Analytical Report of the Published Accounts of AMEC
Jason Stock
Contents Page:
1. BackgroundÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…..3
1.1. Overview of the CompanyÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â….3
1.2. Overview of AmecÂ’s Op....
Ancient Greece
GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION The Ancient Greek civilization was located on today’s Greek land, Ionian Islands, Asia Minor, South Italy, and Sicily. It is surrounded by mountains and in the north by water. The Ionian and the Aegean seas, together with natural islands and bays, gave the Greeks the op....
Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson may have been our seventh president, but he was first in many ways. He was the first populist president who did not come from the aristocracy, he was the first to have his vice-president resign ( John C. Calhoun), he was the first to marry a divorcee, he was the first to be nominated ....
Andy Warhol Bio
Andy Warhol was born in 1928 in Pittsburgh. His mother was Julia Warhol and his father was Andrej Warhol. He was the youngest of the three sons. His original name was Andrew Warhola. His father worked as a construction worker, he unfortanetly died when Andy was only 13 years old, and his mother drew....
Animal Cloning
Animal cloning remains to be a challenge for scientists to perfect, and is causing many conflicts and reasons for cloning not to be done.
The definition of an animal clone, as defined by Encyclopedia Britannica is an individual organism that was grown from a single body cell of its paren....
Animal Rights
Ethics: Animal Rights
By: Marty Miller
Vivisection, the practice of experimenting on animals, began because of religious prohibitions against the dissection of human corpses. When religious leaders finally lifted these prohibitions, it was too late - vivisection was already entrenched in medic....
Prior to 1995, AOL was so successful in the commercial online industry relative to its competitors CompuServe and Prodigy primarily because of its pricing rate structure which was the easiest for customers to understand and plan for ahead of time. CompuServe and Prodigy offered the same pricing as ....
Apartheid, policy of racial segregation formerly followed in South Africa. The word apartheid means “separateness” in the Afrikaans language and it described the rigid racial division between the governing white minority population and the nonwhite majority population. The term apartheid was ....
Apple SWOT analysis
Apple Computer, the Cupertino, California-based company ignited the personal computer revolution in the 1970s with the Apple II and reinvented the personal computer in the 1980s with the Macintosh. Apple computer is one of AmericaÂ’s most inventive companies. It developed many of the....
Aqualisa Quartz - Strategic Marketing Case
‘As Simple as Water’
1. Problem Statement
Rawlison, managing director of Aqualisa, a U.K. shower manufacturer launched with his company in 2001 the Quartz shower. It is a significant product innovation in the U.K. and is superior to others in terms of water pressure, ease of installation, us....
Architecture of Transition and Production of Meaning
Transition: Architects as Managers of ChangeTransition in a social sense is a change from one system into another. Globally, the modernist paradigm changed to the post-modern with the disappearance of central authorities, universal dogmas and foundational ethics. The post-modern world introduced fra....
Arm and Hammer case study
When we think of baking soda we think of Arm & Hammer in the yellow box. Church & Dwight have been around over 150 years and for many of those years relying solely on sales of baking soda. It wasnÂ’t until 1987 when they started introducing other products. The first to be introduced was the Arm &....
Artificial Insemination in beef Cattle
The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service defines Artificial Insemination as the “procedure of collecting semen form the male of a species and transferring it to the female reproductive tract so that conception can take place.” Artificial Insemination is used throughout the world fo....
Artificial Insemination of Beef Cattle
The first successful artificial insemination (AI) was performed in 1784 by Spallanzani. He performed the procedure on a dog. Sixty-two days later the dog gave birth to three pups. But, the history of AI goes back to 1678. A man named Leeuwenhoek and his assistant were the first people to inspect spe....
Artistic Intentions and Morality
I am in a museum looking at a piece of art of an object I see on daily basis. I am filled with wonder as I look at the piece wondering what it is suppose to mean. With this I see that in purely philosophical terms, the precise nature of artÂ’s links with morality has long been questioned. Some hav....
Aspirin: A New Look at an Old Drug
Aspirin: A New Look at an Old Drug
by Me
In purses and backpacks, in briefcases and medicine chests the world over, millions of people keep close at hand a drug that has both a long past and a fascinating future. Its past reache....
Athletes as Role Models
Athletes as Role Models
Primetime timeslots, Monday Night's main attraction, a large slice of the daily paper, and worldwide attention and recognition. This is the life of America's superstar athletes, but only in part. America's professional athletes, their political standings, and their ....
Australia Needs Nuclear Power
Nuclear power is clean, safe, reliable, compact, competitive and practically inexhaustible. It is the ONLY source of energy that can replace coal, oil and gas, the non-renewable fossil fuel based energy sources in Australia. If we seriously want to prevent climate change, we HAVE to promote the more....
Australian Family Law
A ‘family’ has been traditionally considered as the ‘basic building block’ of the human society. Its many important roles include the rearing of children, providing economic support and protection to the family members, and maintain stability and security for society. Ther....
Autism or PPD (pervasive developmental disorder) is defined by the Columbia encyclopedia as a rare neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by the inability to relate to and perceive the environment in a realistic manner. The onset of the disorder is in infancy or early childhood....
automatic sprinkler systems
" Residential Sprinkler Systems"
Schools, office buildings, factories, and other commercial buildings have benefitted from fire protection sprinkler systems for over a century. To prevent investments in buildings and machinery, the textile mills in New England began using sprinkler systems o....
Automotive Industry and E-Business - A Comparison
Chevrolet, Ford, and Toyota are three successful manufacturers of automobiles. In some instances, these three manufacturers are similar; such as all having web sites that allow the world to view their vehicles at any time of day or night. The overall layout and appearance of each of these three ma....
B-Mobile Management Plan
A strategic plan is a necessity in any world class business. The goals of the B-Mobile company are not very different from other organizations of this type, as their mission statement states, there goal is to be the most successful wireless company, giving customers the best se....
Bajaj Auto Ltd.
The biggest challenge Bajaj Auto Ltd (BAL) had to face in 1993 was an increasing and tougher competition in the Indian market.
Since the firm was created it was able to expand and enhance its production capacity mainly thanks to the strong barriers to entry set up by the Indian government; BAL had....
Balco - Disturbing and Dangerous
“It’s not even cheating because everyone is doing it now, it has become the norm”. This quote is from the infamous 20/20 interview, in which Mr. Victor Conte unleashed his mind-blowing thoughts about the use and general beliefs about steroids and performance enhancing drugs in sports (20/20 inte....
Banking Law
Chapter I
1. Introduction:
1.1 Background
The banking system needs an effective as well as pragmatic laws, the role of effective banking system is a must because without the effective banking system there will be no efficient i....
Barbie's Popularity and Influence on Body Image
Since 1959 BarbieÂ’s have been in the hands and homes of young girls just wanting to play. These girls did not realize it at the time, but over the years the Barbie doll has influenced a certain body type among females. Her slender figure, long flowing hair, and (of course) multitude of careers put ....
Barry Sanders
My article that I choice was about one of the most interesting sports player’s of our time. Barry Sanders arguably the best back ever to play the game of football. Barry is not one of those players who is just out there to make money, no he loves the game and is always trying his hardest whe....
Baseball: A mulitnational sport
Baseball is an extremely popular sport in many countries throughout the world. It is AmericaÂ’s favorite pastime and a lot of its current players are from foreign countries; most from Latin America. Baseball has been played in Latin American countries for many ....
Basel II
Basel ¢ñ was established in 1988 by Basel Committee (BCBS) in Switzerland. BCBS was primarily formed as a response to the failure of Hersatt Bank in Germany in 1974. As a result the committee had then published a framework which sets out minimal capital requirements for banks. Bas....
Bashing of the Sexes
Bashing of the Sexes
Television has been a part of lives for decades and continues to broaden through the years. We as Americans watch T.V for different reasons. In the essay I read titled “Male Bashing on T.V” the author, Michael Abernethy basically points out that men are being portray....
The Bauhaus is certainly the most influential movement in design in the last century. Actually, without the Bauhaus and its teachers and students, comprised of not only engineers or businessmen but also artists, we wouldnÂ’t see the flat-roofed buildings, the smooth white Braun kitchen appliances, a....
Baz Luhrman´s Version of Romeo and Juliet
One of the characteristics of Elizabethan and also Jacobean drama is the low number of stage directions and the lack of details they contain. As a logical consequence theatrical representations or film versions of these ages may allow an important quantity of freedom in the performance. In other ins....
Beauty can be found in many ways
Did you ever wonder why your weight is so important to maintain? Why do people worry about it so much? These are some questions that often come to people minds when they hear people the media's message towards weight. In her article " Weight Issues" Lesley Owusu discusses the problems peop....
Beer Marketing Audit
Marketing Audit
MKT 551 – Marketing Management
Jacqueline Barnett
August 11, 2004
Executive Summary
Adolph Coors Company is the third – largest brewer in the in the US (after Anheuser-Busch and Miller Brewing), but Coors is looking to grow by merging with M....
Behind the Aloha – Unhappiness
Somewhere in the United States a woman is speaking to her travel agent purchasing tickets for her summer trip to a string of volcanic islands that float lazily in the Pacific Ocean, Hawaii. She initially got the notion to visit the islands when all her girlfriends told her how special their stay wa....
Belfast: Irelands Other Capital
Belfast is a city with a world wide reputation but perhaps not for the best of reasons, it is well known for its beginnings occurring because of Protestants fearing a loss of power if Ireland should unite and therefore Northern Ireland was created with Belfast at its helm. This initial segregation ....
This paper will be explaining benchmarking and the different types of benchmarking that are being used today. It will also be exploring the ethics and code of conduct that companies must adhere to because of privacy acts and laws that are laid out to protect companies and their internal confidentia....
benefits and harms of using cell phones of Mariano Marcos State University students
This research paper is all about the benefits and harms of using cell phones of
Mariano Marcos State University students.
The mobile phone or simply cell phones (others even named it into only to it's
Abbreviation - c.p.) could have is its portability, for you can vary and use ....
Best Buy Inc.
Company Overview
Providing consumers with electronics for the past forty years, Best Buy is now one of the largest electronics retail stores in the world. We now own over 1300 stores in the United States, China, and Canada offering a huge variety of electronic devices, music, movies, home theater....
Beta: Beat of the Future
If we allow the past to teach us anything, we will know that those who practiced courageous roles as young adults in their communities somehow are destined to govern our states and nations. The future of our country is in the hands of teens like myself, many of whom enjoy time committed to ....
Between Iraq and a Hard Place US Policy Toward Iraq
The US is in the midst of an extraordinary national debate concerning the appropriate policy mix with which to address the challenges posed by Iraq. The iterative presentation of the US Administration’s approach to “settling” the Iraq question lends itself to measurement against a decision model....
Big Media's War on Fan Websites
It seems like the fight between legal departments at major movie and TV studios and fan producers of websites has reached a fever pitch. In late September, the legal department of Fox TV sent out notices to cease and desist to two webmasters of fan "King Of The Hill" websites. Fox Primetime has crac....
bill gates
Bill Gates
Everyday people are affected by the work of Bill Gates. Whenever a computer is turned on, a mouse is moved, a keyboard is clicked and a monitor is turned on the people are using the software Gates helped develop. In addition I wanted to know more about this who invented the most usef....
When Dr. Rudolf Diesel developed the diesel based engine, he intended for it to be run on various types of vegetable derived oils. The proof is in the fact that when he took his engine to the World Exhibition in 1900, he used peanut oil as fuel (Environmental Protection Agency, 2002). Biodiesel is....
Fuel sources have been present on this great Earth since the beginning of time, but throughout history we have witnessed advances in technology that have given us the ability to store, transport, and burn fuel for energy. In 1898 Rudolph Diesel, a German inventor became famous for his discovery of a....
biodiesel plant
The biodiesel process itself is more than just a chemical reaction. The practical aspects of
how to turn an ordinary reaction in to a large full-scale industrial plant are of utmost
importance. It has been proven that bench top reactions and equipment often to not
properly scale up to f....
Biopure - Marketing Case
Biopure is a small biopharmaceutical firm specializing in the emerging field of “blood substitute” products. The company has two main products Oxyglobin and Hemopure. Oxyglobin is a veterinary product for which Biopure has already received US FDA approval. The approval process for He....
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Body dysmorphic disorder was first recognized as a distinct condition in 1987 by the American Psychiatric Association, and 1997 by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV. It is listed in the DSM IV as a Somatoform disorder. Body dysmorphic disorder is an excessive preoccupatio....
Body Image
In today's society body image is a huge issue that is discussed so much but nothing has been
done to fix it. The issue of the perfect body has been around for a long time but it seems to have gotten
even worse in the past few years and a big reason for that is because of the entertainment i....
Boeing 7E7
As we know, in 2003, the United States went to war against Iraq, spasms of global terrorism offered shocking headlines, and a deadly illness called SARS resulted in global travel warnings. For these and other reasons, airline industry suffered the worst profit in generation. Meanwhile, Boeing was pl....
Boeing Company: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
The Boeing Company:
Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
On July 15, 1916, in a suburb of Seattle, Washington called Lake Union, William Edward Boeing created the ever successful Boeing Company producing more commercial aircrafts than any other airline manufacturer to date. Ever since William was a you....
- Case Study -
New York, February 2007
1. Comment on BoeingÂ’s overall product development strategy
Boeing wanted for its Sonic Cruiser to be something that market has never seen before. This innovation had supposed to be new not only in BoeingÂ’....
Booby Trap for 9/11 Skeptics
The idea that no 757 crashed at the Pentagon is easily the most controversial and divisive issue among researchers of the 9/11/01 attacks. Effectively promoted since early 2002, this idea has enjoyed an increasing acceptance in the 9/11 Truth Movement, despite its blatant incompatibility with the ex....
Born Equal While Fighting for Equality
Since the beginning of time, women have been fighting for their rights and still continue to do so today. Women are fighting to be equal in the job market, politics, family life, and in social interaction. Women have the right to vote and work in the job market; however the fight for equal rights t....
Branch Analysis of Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Macau
Macau has undergone a hyper economic growth in the past few years due to the rapid development of the tourism industry. With the aid of the liberalizing of gaming industry and the launch of the free individual traveler¡¦s scheme , Macau is able to receive over 27 million visitors in 2007 and reco....
¡¼ Market segment within tourism
1. Segment basis
Five percent of Hong Kong¡¦s GDP was generated from the tourism industry and the earnings in 2000 were about HK$76.4 billion (US$9.7 billion). Around 50,000 visitors have arrived each year since Hong Kong Tourist Association was established....
British India
(this essay contained pictures, so any reference to pictures or diagrams in the essay refer to pictures that are not included here)
“The effects of British Imperialism were disastrous for India”, to what extent do you agree with the statement. Refer to the 1858-1914 period in your answer.
Broadcast Indecency and Regulation
In October, Conservative watchdog group Parents Television Council revealed their 2005 annual rating for the best and worst primetime television shows on the major broadcast networks. The group claims its list measures the appropriateness for family audiences from a content perspective. Regarding t....