Abortion in the United States
Abortion has evoked considerable debate and controversy
throughout history. In the United States too, it has been a
subject of heated debate through most of its history. In recent
times, "pro-choice" and "pro-life" movements have taken
diametrically opposite positions on the ethical, legal....
An Elderly Person
Isaac Eli Gonzales
English Composition 1
Description Essay
An Elderly Person
It started dangerously enough. I sensed a little more weary than usual and I started to have a small trouble absorbed. My recollection was little off as well. No big deal, just a hair off normal levels and, ....
An Intellectual Death
Death is not an easy topic for most people. However, it is a topic we all must deal with in our lifetimes. Increasingly, death is becoming a topic of not only acceptance, but also decision making and ambiguous definition due to technology. In Kaufmans book and a time to die she experienc....
Business Entities, Laws, and Regulations
Forming a business entity requires an adequate understanding of laws and regulations and must take many issues into consideration. The following two scenarios involving partnerships reflects on other important issues, such as taking control, taxation and liability, that partners should dis....
Cannabis Law Reform
Our government has incarcerated approximately 70,000 people for a non-violent, non-theft, and non-endangering crime. They have charged these 'criminals' for using an ancient medicinal herb. They have been classified as felons for using something that freely grows throughout the world, cannabis. They....
Conceptions of abnormality can differ between cultures, thus having an enormous influence on the classification, diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders. The three main classification manuals that are....
Connecting to the Kinect - Product Lifecycle Stages
The following is an analysis of the Microsoft Kinect as it ventures through the Product Lifecycle Stages. This analysis touches upon the current research being done into the possibilities of the Kinect's medical uses and functionalities for the disabled and sedentary, as well as surgical uses. Th....
Critical Thinking Case Study
This is a case study that identifies problems and issues in and hospital. The newly employed, Executive Assistant, Chris Smith was given a task from his CEO (boss) regarding several problems that Faith Community Hospital was facing. His education development was required in order to com....
Eating disorders and mental health
Eating disorders
Americans spend more than $40 billion dollars a year on dieting and diet-related products. From early-on children are taught by society that their looks matter. Think of the three and four year old who is continuously praised for being "oh so cute". With an increased population....
My choice is to die with dignity. I realize that the word Euthanasia means different things to different people. However, the more I think about dying with dignity the choice becomes very clear to my opinion. Control is one of the most important issues to me. I will not allow myself to put....
Healthcare Economics
I have chosen two significant economic factors influencing healthcare delivery today. The first is malpractice liability insurance and the second is the shortage of healthcare professionals.
The goal of medical malpractice is to compensate the patient and prevent further medical errors. (Shactman,....
How is The Time Machine representative of the late victorian era?
The Time Machine is a classical novel written by a very famous short story and novel writer, H.G. Wells. This was the book that launched H.G. Wells literary career when published in 1895. The story is about a middleclass man who develops a theory about travelling through time and tells his friends....
Laws and Ethics in Nursing
Law and Ethics in Nursing
In every nurse's career, the nurse is faced with many legal or ethical dilemmas. One of the professional competencies for nursing states that nurses should " integrate knowledge of ethical and legal aspects of health care and professional values into nursing practice....
Lawsuits Gone Wild: Our Out of Control Legal System and the Need for Tort Reform
In the society we live in, it has become increasingly popular and more common to sue. Whether we see it in the media, talk about it amongst ourselves, or are actually the ones doing the suing, (or being sued) we deal with lawsuits every day. Now, weve all heard the story about the grandmother who....
Legalization of Marijuana
The first and most important reason that marijuana should be legal is that marijuana has a lot of benefits. It has been proven to treat some cancer patients and also treat other deseases such as AIDS, asthma, arthritis, etc. 55% of all doctors said they would recommend medical marijuana for any of t....
Legalize Marijuana; Please!
The media has played a huge role in this conditioning with many different scare tactics. In the 1936 movie, Reefer Madness, marijuana use leads to a hit and run accident, manslaughter, suicide, and rape. The film never gained an audience until it was rediscovered in the 1970s and gained new l....
Legalize not criticize
Legalize not Criticize
There has always been an enduring dispute over the legalization of marijuana. For medical reasons and for recreational use, people always seem to have an opinion. All countries have their own set of regulations. But are these laws really justifiable? Some people are s....
Legalizing Marijuana
As a society we have come to fear everything that we do not understand. Our government has provided propaganda since the 1920's contributing to our misconceptions of an illegal substance known as marijuana. Our government has lied to us on marijuanas addictiveness, its harms, and its increase in c....
Legalizing Marijuana
Marijuana could be legalized in the United States, as it can help the seriously ill dying patients, people with eating disorders, and people with anxiety or depression. There has never been any proven cases that smoking marijuana has ever caused a death, as tobacco and alcohol has caused several. ....
legalizing medicinal marijuana
Legalizing of medical marijuana is the only conclusion that us as Americans can come to. I think the fear that comes with legalizing marijuana, probably was present when prohibition of alcohol was lifted. But why the fear. Marijuana has been used as medicine in India, China, the Middle East, Southe....
Liability Law Suite
The entire nation continues to experience a medical malpractice liability crisis. Facing physicians is the concern of frequency and severity of claims that either continues to rise or remains steady. Much has been written about the impact of the liability crisis on physicians, the medical community,....
Wether you call it Hemp, Mary Jane, Pot, Weed; it doesn't matter. It is still Cannabis Sativa, or cannabis for short. And it is still illegal. The use of marijuana as an intoxicant in the United States became a problem of public concern in the 1930s. Regulatory laws were passed in 1937, and criminal....
Should Marijuana be Legalized for Medical Purposes?
Have you ever visited a restaurant or parked in a parking deck and before entering the building a cloud of cigarette or cigar smoke smacks you in the face? Imagine if that cloud of smoke came from a marijuana joint. Would you just walk on by ....
Marijuana And Medicine
Marijuana And Medicine
I decided upon the question Should Marijuana be Medicine? because I wanted to confirm my strong beliefs of an anti-drug policy, but after research, my attitude towards medical marijuana changed because it seems the benefits far ....
Marijuana Should be legalized
Since marijuana's first recorded use dating back five thousand years ago, it has never gained much popularity until the last century with prohibition and antiwar movements. Now, more than ever, propositions to legalize the plant have risen and been subject to controversy and heated debate. Marijuana....
Medical Malpractice in pediatrics
For hundred and even thousands of years, medicine and physicians have served in the benefit of humanity. Medicine is a career that offers many options such as obstetrics, child psychiatry, and cardiology. Students who study medicine can choose from an array of diverse fields of practice and may take....
medical marijuana
Should The Marijuana plant be Legalized ?
More and more people of all ages and social backgrounds are turning to marijuana today. The reasons are as involved and as complex as the drug itself. The marijuana plant has ....
Medical Marijuana
Marijuana is a relatively harmless drug that governments around the world have made illegal. If legalized, marijuana can be beneficial to society in a number of ways: whether it be for medical, economic, or public safety reasons. Marijuana has been proven to treat several life debilitating, and even....
Medical Marijuana - A Legal Smoke?
A Legal Smoke?
Modern research suggests that cannabis is a valuable aid in the treatment of a wide range of ailments. Marijuana's therapeutic uses are well-documented in modern scientific literature. The studies arrived at the conclusion that marijuana provides symptomatic relief for a number of....
medicinal marijuana
Medicinal Marijuana
Is political paranoia about medicinal marijuana causing cancer, HIV positive, AIDS or glaucoma patients to have to go through even more pain? Would legalizing medicinal marijuana for seriously ill patients contribute to increased drug abuse among teens? These are both leg....
Medicinal Marijuana: Is it Worth It?
One of the most recent and frequently controversial topics in United States history is the legalization of marijuana for medical use. As of late 2009, a bill to legalize medicinal marijuana in Illinois is pending and may be passed. This prompted my investigation into the risks and benefits of using....
Native American Women: Coerced, Stripped, and Abandoned
I had been sterilized at the age of eleven, at the IHS [Indian Health Service] hospital here in the early 1950s. I got married in the 1960s and I went to the doctor and he told me that I had a partial hysterectomy. [When I was a child] they were giving us vaccinations and mine got infected and a n....
Nursing Field
Why do women decide to be in the nursing field? There are different reasons to why women decide to become nurses. Nurses support health, put a stop to diseases, and help the patients deal with their illnesses. The nurse is an advocate and health educationalist for patients, family unit, and communit....
Nursing Field
Why do women decide to be in the nursing field? There are different reasons to why women decide to become nurses. Nurses support health, put a stop to diseases, and help the patients deal with their illnesses. The nurse is an advocate and health educationalist for patients, family unit, and communit....
Nutrition Therapy for HIV
HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a type of virus that replicates itself in the T-cells and destroys the lymphocyte. The physiological implications consist of glycoprotein binding to the white blood cell (CD-4) membrane receptors, and once it enters the cell, it synthesizes protein which is the....
particpative management
Participative Management
Participative management has been around a long time. The themes were formalized and popularized by behavioral scientists as Blake and Mouton (Managerial Grid), MacGregor (Theory X and Theory Y), and Lickert (Four-Model Systems). The central idea is that empowered employe....
Plastic Surgery and Today's American society
The question of the millennium is; why do people decide to get plastic surgery? The answer can be quiet simple, because they want to improve their looks; but it goes beyond improving their looks. Whats the main reason or better yet the main influence to get plastic surgery? In my opinion, celeb....
Pot (marijuana) or Not?
Pot Or Not
Long hair, flowers, bandannas, and buses are how it is remembered. Hippies sat around, talked about peace, and smoked marijuana. Marijuana is the most widely used illicit drug in America. Of the nearly 20 million current illicit drug users 14.6 million are using marijuana.(What ....
Should We Legalize Marijuana?
Should We Legalize Marijuana?
Marijuana, by definition, derives from the cannabis plant with preparation made from dried flower clusters and leaves. Usually smoked or eaten to induce euphoria and is the most commonly used illicit drug, but considered a soft drug. Alcohol is a colorless volatile ....
Society in a War on Drugs
Our society is currently in a War On Drugs. Obviously plants and chemicals aren't legitimate enemies to humans, so this war is directed at the people who use certain plants and chemicals. This war is being used to rationalize the indifference or scorn and even aggressive harassment and imprisonment ....
The federal government and medical marijuana
The American Medical Association's Council on Scientific Affairs should be commended for its report, "Marijuana: Its Health Hazards and Therapeutic Potential." Not only does the report outline evidence of marijuana's potential harms, but it distinguishes this concern from the legitimate issue of m....
The Time Machine
Herbert George Wells was born in 1866 in Bromley, Kent, a few miles from London, the son of a house-maid and gardener. Wells died in 1946, a wealthy and famous author, having seen science fiction become a recognized literary form and having seen the world realize some of science fiction's fondest dr....