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53 My Future Essays, Term Papers and Book Reports

As Long as the Rivers Flow
As Long as the Rivers Flow by Paula Allen and Patricia Smith was a book of important Native Americans that have made a difference in the Native world today. While reading this book I realized I wouldn't be able to squeeze all of these people into one book report. So I figured I will write my report ....

Autism and How to treat Autistic Children
Teaching Autistic Children Autism is a disorder that affects many people throughout the world, yet it is not widely known. An estimated one in five hundred children are born with autism (American Cultural Exchange Associates). “Autism is three times more common in boys than girls,” according to ....

Breaking the law
Some people get in trouble, and then when they are out of trouble, it slips their three pound minds. What I did, I will never forget. I did it five times before I was caught. For the one I was caught for it starts when I was eleven years old. When I was eleven years old I lived in Kingman, Arizon....

Can technology replace mothers
Technology can help us and sometimes make our life easier. The internet has allowed people to improve their vocabulary but it has also prevented them from using basic grammar. Technology is advancing more every day. It has taken over many things. Such as the telegram, it was the way for pe....

Challeges of Life
Managing school, work and my family obligations are very difficult. There are times when I feel like a professional juggler trying to keep all the balls up in the air afraid that if I drop one everything will come crumbling down. Many college students I have talked do not have the added pressure of....

childhood malnutrition
Childhood Malnutrition: Consequences and Solutions Summary Malnutrition is something that interests me greatly, especially because it is so closely tied to socioeconomic status (SES) and opportunity. Furthermore, this is a problem that is totally preventable. I have chosen to research childh....

Committed relationship assignment
When growing up, most children are taught by a silly nursery rhyme, "First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in a baby carriage!" Most of the time, when looking at your parents and seeing them love, most children cannot wait to grow up and start a family of their own (espe....

Critical Lens Essay on The Great Gatsby & The Catcher in the Rye
Critical Lens: “Courage is the thing. All goes if courage goes.” - J.M. Barrie, 1860-1937 J.M. Barrie once said, “Courage is the thing. All goes if courage goes.” To me courage is having the ability to do something that frightens one. I believe that what J.M. Barrie is trying to say i....

The long and dark road stretched before me, like my future written, a scarred path from that moment on… I’m running… My legs felt stiff and my movement slowed, I pushed on, I wanted to run faster but my legs wouldn’t move any quicker. The path narrowed as the lights broadened, I watched inevit....

Decision-Making Model Analysis
Running head: DECISION-MAKING MODEL ANALYSIS Decision-Making Model Analysis Decision-Making Model Analysis Decision-making is a process that everyone has to do at least once everyday. The goal in decision-making i....

Discuss the most compelling reason for your acceptance to Syracuse University
In Belize, the country in which I was raised, there is a dire need for the injection of economic opportunities, coupled with long-term plans to sustain these ventures as they are introduced to this developing economy. For example, most advertising in Belize is conducted through radio broadcasts and ....

Education Philosophy Paper
Education is vitally important for a positive future. Education enables people to reach their fullest potential and help others later on reach their fullest potential I think specifically the teachers' role in the classroom is to teach students not only the curriculum, but also moral standards that....

Emotional Intelligence
Knowing yourself emotionally is arguably the most important part of the road to success. Without knowing who you are from an emotional standpoint, you are unable to make the correct choices for yourself throughout your life. One crucial part of knowing yourself emotionally is the ability to analyz....

Executive Interview: Target – District Team Leader
Written Report Executive Interview Target – District Team Leader I honestly thought about who I should interview. I thought about doing it with someone who was not in a field that I wish to pursue for my future career. I event thought about well maybe this would be a good way to try so....

F1 Race Car Driver
My dream has always been to be formula one race car driver. Although many people have strong opinions against this as a long term profession. Race car driving can be an honorable profession that takes courage, commitment, perseverance, and teamwork. On the contrary people believe that formula one d....

Food Guide Pyramid
The food guide pyramid plays an important role in an individual wanting to plan a healthy daily menu. By using the food guide pyramid there are some advantages and criticisms we must take into consideration. The food guide pyramid is meant to guide individuals to eating healthy and have a wide var....

Graduate School Essay
I Am Attracted to the Graduate Program in Neurobiology Excited by the idea of becoming a scientist since I was a small child, my interests in pursuing graduate studies intensified during my undergraduate education and my research experience. Rather than discouraging me with the tremendous amount....

Graduating from High School
It was early September; I walked through the front doors at J. F. Webb. It was my first day at high school, and I was really scared. I had heard about bullies at school and all the bad things they did to underclassmen. I walked around the two story building trying to fi....

Henry Adams Education Compared to Ours
A college education is perceived as an elite standard in life that earns respect in certain aspects of society, depending on the time period in which the education had taken place. The goal of a recipient of a college degree in today’s education system is viewed to help one prepare for the world i....

Hispanic Failure
The society defines me as another Hispanic failure. Most Hispanics now are said to be young parents. Some are also known to leave school after high school or even before. They usually settle for low paying jobs, working long hard hours on jobs others do not want. Some fear about their legal statu....

I Am Attracted to the Graduate Program in Neurobiology
Excited by the idea of becoming a scientist since I was a small child, my interests in pursuing graduate studies intensified during my undergraduate education and my research experience. Rather than discouraging me with the tremendous amount of work and demands for creativity, my college years motiv....

I Was a Teenage Mother
Life throws you a curve ball. Do you catch and embrace it, or do you duck and ignore it? I learned at an early age that being a young mother was not easy. My mother became pregnant when she was 15 years old. She had three children by the time she was 21 and went from one abusive relationship to ano....

This is a big word and a big thing, for nations and for individuals. Becoming self-sufficient was an important goal for me and is important to me still. I graduated from college in the middle of June 1999 with a master's degree in Physical Education. I could have stayed home and enjoyed a very comf....

Influences on Michael Crichton
A young woman by the name of Susanne Childs arrived in Chicago, Illinois from the tropical island of the Virgin Islands in the midst of economic stress and social up heaving. With her innate grace and charm, she immediately secured herself a position of prominence that enabled her to capture the ....

Influences on Michael Crichton
A young woman by the name of Susanne Childs arrived in Chicago, Illinois from the tropical island of the Virgin Islands in the midst of economic stress and social up heaving. With her innate grace and charm, she immediately secured herself a position of prominence that enabled her to capture the ....

Management at baxter healthcare
Organizing of Management at Baxter Healthcare Organization is a big management function at Baxter Healthcare. It takes a tremendous amount of organizing to run a successful organization year in and year out. There are many branches of the organizing function of management that are used in daily, m....

Marriage in Pride and Prejudice
Marriage is a huge commitment. Elizabeth shows us the complications of marriage in the novel, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin. Elizabeth takes marriage very seriously unlike those around her. By observing the marriages around her, Elizabeth has very clear ideas about a suitable marriage partn....

Musical Analysis of Dredg's song
The Past and Future Is Always Haunting You Have you ever felt captivated by the lyrics of a song? It is like the words have become a part of you, and it feels good to know that there is someone out there who knows exactly how you feel. Now if you’ve ever felt that you have wasted time on nothi....

My Dad
My Dad I am sure that hundreds of first year students used this very assignment to write about their fathers. In every essay, it was their dad who was important, heroic, inspirational and supportive. I tried to put forth an effort to look deep inside my self to choose the right topic and I too ke....

my future goals and plans
As the most of my peers, I have been asking myself a question, what is it really I want out of my life? This question has been bothering many people, and not only the college students who are trying to figure out the path which will lead them to the comfortable life. One might ask, what is that comf....

My Life Mission and Goals
When I learned that my first essay was to write about my life's mission and goals, I found it quite interesting and timely. I have frequently discussed my mission, goals and aspirations with my husband and mom. My mission is to promote happiness, love and good health to my family and others by setti....

My Personal Goals
This is an essay about my personal goals that I have set for myself. I have set many different goals in my life. Some goals are more important than others, but all are important to keep. Our goals in life make us what we are. They distinguish us from the people around us. Personal goals have a tende....

Occupational Interview
My dream occupation is to become a registered nurse. This occupation grabbed my attention at an early age and I have increasingly pursed this goal throughout my educational experiences. I have chosen this career path because I want to be able to efficiently help those in need. My efforts in pursuing....

Old Yeller by: Fred Gipson
Summary: A 14 year old boy named Travis is left man of the house while his father goes away to Kansas to get money. And one day he was sent out to get the meat from the "Dog Runner" and when he got there, the meat wasn't on the hook. All there was, was a Big, Ugly, sickly Yellow (Yeller) Dog. Unde....

Personal Goals
Personal Goals Each time we set a goal we have a choice on whether or not we are going to accomplish that goal or give up on the goal we have set. Remember every accomplishment starts with a goal. In accomplishing my goal of going back to school and obtaining my degree I had to decide on what scho....

Personal Prospective Paper - Why I decided to get an MBA
Running Head: GRADUATE EDUCATION: A PERSONAL PROSPECTIVE Graduate Education: A Personal Prospective University of Phoenix MBA 500: Foundations of Problem-Based Learning 3/10/08 Warren G. Rosendahl Abstract In deciding actively to pursue a master of business adm....

Philosophy of Education
A teacher's personal philosophy of education is a critical element in his or her approach to guiding children along the path of enlightenment. Hence, there are five key educational philosophies recognized in the field of education. These include, Essentialism, Perennialism, Progressivism, Existentia....

PLEASING My senior year in high school, I was in the honor society, a valuable member of the track team, popular by all my friends, I lived in a relaxed middle-class home, and seemed to have had a pleasantly standard childhood. Regardless of all the comfort one would think I possessed as an effec....

CMA is an organization that tries to hold up the tension of the maritime industry and be aware of what possible could be done for its members. It’s a non-profit organization which was founded by its members. The company built twenty-five years ago but grew up rapidly and become on of the headquarte....

Psychology and me
The way we look at ourselves plays an important role in how we see the world. The way we see the world plays an important role in how we see ourselves. In this sense, our view of self and others is an ever-changing circle of influence. Let me begin by looking back on how my quest in psychology....

Reflections on Mother Tongue
I believe every person wants to pursue the better, comfortable and safe place for living. That is the main reason why many immigrants who come from many different countries move to the United States, a country of freedom. After reading ¡°Mother Tongue,¡± written by Amy Tan, an American Chinese....

Reunion: Charlie's relationship toward his father
This story deals with an ambiguous relationship between a father and his son, Charlie who haven’t seen each other for a good while. It is all about trying to reconstruct links with a father who became a “stranger”. The text can be divided in three parts: before, during and after the reunion. Thos....

robotics research
Research Statement (for tenure) Yan-Bin Jia My investigation into robot dexterity has focused on seeking a coordinated understanding of computational and control issues in manipulation tasks. One objective of this study is dynamic retrieval of geometric information such as shape and pose, and of....

Self Awareness
Discovering me is an important factor of my life, it helps me to grow and communicate with others. Knowing who I am will guide me through the right path in life, because I will be able to make my own decisions, know what I want and what is good for me. I have not yet discovered all of me, but life w....

Standards and Multiculturalism
Bill Bigelow, a teacher at Franklin High School in Portland, Oregon and an editor of the online journal Rethinking Schools, wrote the article “Standards and Multiculturalism” which discusses the standardized exams for social studies assessments that were given to students for the first time in the....

The art of negotiation
Introduction The negotiations course was one of the most enjoyable courses I had so far in my MBA. It was interesting because it allowed me look at my strengths and weaknesses in a given area. At the end of the course, I got a pretty accurate picture of the skills I have to build on in addition....

The Odyssey
My name is Odysseus son of Laertes. Today I have left for my journey to defeat the Trojans. I believe I will come safely home to my loving family and my beautiful maiden Penelope who is the mother of my child. Ithaca is my home and I hope to return in the same manner I came. My crew and I set out to....

The Right University For Me
The Right Out of State University For Me I always had a plan for my life. Everything in my academic career had been carefully thought out and planned from the ninth grade. The plan had been to graduate high school a year ahead of schedule and attend Collin Community College. So....

The Tipping point
ASSIGNMENT 3: TERM PAPER The tipping point No matter where people from, we all have a similarly way of behavior because we are all human beings. That mean we all share a common pattern of behavior whatever our race, color and so on. It is really easy to know how we behave but most diffi....

The Traditional Family
In the United States, most people refer to a family unit as a group consisting of the two parents and their children. In this country and around the world, families are centered on marriage. Marriage is a legal relationship between a man and a woman that people expect to last a lifetime, involving e....

Through the Eyes of a BMW
I have always been a car guy. When I was little, I loved playing with "Hot Wheels," and, imitating the noises of the real deal, I tore around the house. The thrill of a stiff suspension and a quickly accelerating car always provoke an adrenaline rush. Even the purr of a V8 "high - ....

why I want to study aerospace engineering
Airplanes and the technology lying behind these crafts have always struck me since very young primarily because they could escape from the conventional routine of vehicles and fly to a place where I have always dreamt of going. As a child I was fascinated by how these huge crafts could actually f....

world religion and philosophy
Chapter 1: Preparations and Provisions for the Trek Questions #1 Religion is as binding as you want it to be. It can be ethically binding, spiritually binding, and even physically binding. For example, if your religious faith is Catholic, but you do not live the Catholic life, then your re....

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