Realizations Of Raskolnikov "Crime and Punishment"
In Fyodor Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment, the main character, Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov, commits a double murder at the beginning of the book. Throughout the book Raskolnikov is forced to overcome many obstacles as a result of the gruesome murder he commits of the pawn broker Katarina Ivanov....
The Tax Crisis in America
Land of the free, No taxation without representation These are the quotes from long ago, only an echo of reality now.
Over the past 100 years we have evolved downward from a no tax to a tax dependent society. We elect congress who passes bills most recently on emergency spen....
"Those Winter Sundays" and "My Papa's Waltz"
What is love? Don't hurt me.
Even after pain and suffering, a love between a father and son will usually survive. The poems "Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden and "My Papa's Waltz" by Theodore Roehtke are illustrations of two children who still love their fathers despite their actions tow....
1981: The Year of My Birth
1981: The Year of My Birth
It was a dark and stormy night actually it was a sunny snowy morning in January, the 29th to be exact. The setting is Parkersburg, WV in the year 1981. Most people were probably still trying to keep their New Years Resolution or paying off their Christmas bills. ....
1984 to Modern Society
1984 is about life in a world where no personal freedoms exist. Winston the main character is a man who is not extraordinary in either intelligence or character, but is disgusted with the world he lives in. He works in the Ministry of Truth, a place where history and truth are rewritten to fit the i....
2003 Los Angeles Info and Crop Report
The official flag of Los Angeles County is Blue, Green and Gold. The blue signifies clear skies. The green border is to keep Los Angeles beautiful and the gold lettering "county of Los Angeles" stands for the land of opportunity for everyone since gold was discovered in California. The seal on th....
20th Century Art Movements Post-Modernism & Tracey Emin
20th Century Art Movements Post-Modernism & Tracey Emin
There have been many art movements of the 20th century of which Post-Modernism is one of them. The art movement of Post-Modernism will be explained alongside an artist from this particular movement, in this case Tracey Emin. I will inv....
Dr. Pepper/Seven Up, Inc.
ٱ Soft Drink Industry
The soft drink industry in the United States is a highly profitably, but competitive market. In 2000 alone, consumers on average drank 53 gallons of soft drinks per person a year. There are three major companies that hold....
9-11 / 911 / Sept 11th - September 11th - Surrounded by Lies, Misconception and Fear
9/11, Surrounded by Lies, Misconception and Fear
Five years have passed since the horrific events of September 11, 2001, now commonly referred to as 9/11. New, important, but not widely spread or talked about, information about our governments actions prior to and following 9/11 continues to sur....
A Clockwork Orange
A Clockwork Orange
The Monk:
A Rebellious Offspring of the Age of Reason
Understanding the Gothic novel can be accomplished by obtaining a familiarity of the Augustan point of view, which helps to develop a reference point for comparing and contrasting the origin of Gothic literature. The....
A Clockwork Orange and Foxfire: Paradoxical Heroes
A Clockwork Orange and Foxfire: Paradoxical Heroes
It seems as the world grows older, societies change and technology advances. The acknowledgement of the worlds faults happens at a younger age. The division between rich and poor expands. The neglect that accompanies communities of poverty and ....
A Comparison of A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry and A StreetCar Named Desire by Tennessee
As an English assignment we have to compare the conflicts of two books. One of the mandatory books needed for the assignment was A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry. The other book was a choice out of five other books, and I picked A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams. A major viewpo....
A Description of Some of the Cultural Differences between Black and White Americans
There are many obvious physical characteristics that have been proven to exist between black and white Americans. Extensive academic research shows that many significant cultural differences exist between the two groups as well. These cultural differences are the product of a myriad of vari....
A difficult Journey
A Difficult Journey
In novels, authors sometimes take a detour from the main story to present a story within a story. John Steinback uses this practice in his classic novel The Grapes of Wrath. The Grapes of Wrath is a tragic story of Oklahoma migrants who are for....
A Life and Death Situation: Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide
My dog turned sixteen on August 12, 2006. I had chosen him; I had walked up to his kennel and pointed to him, and chosen him. I was five years old and I had made a life-changing decision, now, sixteen years later, I am making another one. Toby is blind now --- cataracts and glaucoma. The pressure on....
A minimum of two - How the past affects the future of character's lives
A Minimum of Two by Tim Winton clearly demonstrates that bearing weights from past actions and memories and carrying all of them into life can make the future a bleak place. Although there may be some memories which help the characters live their lives or establish friendships, too often the bad mem....
A Puritan Reading of "The Rover"
In the mid 17th century the theatre was closed down during the short reign of Oliver Cromwell and the Puritans in government. This strict religious group was opposed to many of the activities associated with the theatre and the plays themselves. Upon the ousting of this religious group from govern....
A street car named desire
A Streetcar Named Desire
Tennessee Williams was once quoted as saying "Symbols are nothing
but the natural speech of drama...the purest language of plays" (Adler
30). This is clearly evident in A Streetcar Named Desire, one of
Williams's many plays. I n analyzing the main character of th....
A Streetcar Named Desire
In Tennesse Williams' play, "A Streetcar Named Desire" the readers are introduced to a character named Blanche DuBois. In the plot, Blanche is Stella's younger sister who has come to visit Stella and her husband Stanley in New Orleans. After their first meeting Stanley develops a strong dislike for ....
A Streetcar Named Desire
The setting of New Orleans is important to the play: The city is one of powerful contrasts: old French architecture and the new rhythms of jazz; a kind of Old World refinement mixed with the grit of poverty and modern life; decay and corruption alongside the regenerative powers of desire and pr....
A Streetcar Named Desire (Illusion VS Reality)
A Streetcar Named Desire
* Illusion versus Reality
Admitting the existence of a problem becomes even more difficult when the issue concerns the self. In Tennessee Williams play, A Streetcar Named Desire, he portrays his protagonist, Blanche DuBois, as a woman that lives in her illusions ra....
A Study of a Dionysiac Sarcophagus
In the Los Angeles County Art MuseumA man dies. He winds his way down into the underworld to reach the banks of the river Acheron where he meets the ferryman Charon. He takes a coin from his mouth to pay the toll across. On the opposite bank he is greeted by a Maenad or perhaps Bacchus himself wh....
A Summary on The Cognitive, Emotional, and Relational Characteristics of Master Therapists.
Jennings, L., & Skovholt, T. M. (1999). The Cognitive, Emotional, and Relational Characteristics of Master Therapists. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 46, 3-11.
In this article, Jennings and Skovolt (1999) start off with a basic question; what factors go into making psychotherapy effective? T....
A time of Reflection - Life Span's Final Stage
Aging is not a single biological event, rather an accumulation of complex and progressive functional and physical changes, which occur over a life span. Aging can be either a difficult time or a joyous time, depending on the reflective results of the individual.
Aging is a fact of life as th....
a time to kill
Brief Summery of the book
A Time to Kill takes place in Canton, Mississippi where a little ten year old girl by the name of Tonya Hailey was brutally raped by two drunken rednecks named Billy Ray Cobb and Pete Willard. The two boys were caught by Sheriff Ozzie Walls and were but on trial for rape....
A True Underdog
Sometimes the wind blows hot and slow outside my window. Sometimes it kicks up the dry dirt in my backyard sending dust clouds through a patch of earth now overgrown with weeds. There used to be a garden there, but it dried up long ago when Miranda went away. There used to be Roses, Jasmine and othe....
A Visit to a Countryside
I have lived in a big city, XX, with six million people since I was born.
XX, is a very crowded city in China. Skyscrapers, supermarkets and stores are
everywhere. Whenever you go out, you can see lots of people, bicycles, cars and buses
except at midnight. Everyone liv....
A young girls journey - In Too Kill A Mockingbird
A Young girls Journey
In To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout Finch, a young girl growing up in a small southern town, tells the story of her childhood and how she witnesses the trial of a black man accused of raping a poor white woman. Even though she tells the story of her childhood, it also shows how....
Aboriginals in Australia
Aboriginals in Australia
Xxxxx xxxxxx
Minority Group Relations
February 21, 2007
The purpose of this paper is to show how the functional theory, the conflict theory, the interactionist theory, and the m....
In 1973, the Supreme Court’s decision made it possible for women to get safe, legal abortions from well-trained medical surgeons, and therefore led to dramatic decreases in pregnancy-related injury and death (“abortion”). Now there is a new proposal to close abortion clinics. This ....
Abortion is the ending of pregnancy before birth and is morally wrong. An abortion results in the death of an embryo or a foetus. Abortion destroys the lives of helpless, innocent children and illegal in many countries. By aborting these unborn infants, humans are hurting themselves; they are not al....
Abortion is Wrong
Everyday there is a woman out there pondering the act of abortion or contemplating if abortion is the solution for them. There are those who believe that if a child is conceived it should be born and every child born should be wanted. Abortion has been a very controversial t....
The gift of life is a precious commodity and should not be taken lightly. No other human being has the right to take away a persons life. On a daily basis, doctors throw away these lives without a second thought. Doctors know that what they are doing is wrong and that it is murder, yet they continu....
In 1973, the Supreme Courts decision made it possible for women to get safe, legal abortions from well-trained medical surgeons, and therefore led to dramatic decreases in pregnancy-related injury and death (abortion). Now there is a new proposal to close abortion clinics. This proposal takes ....
The Abortion Issue
Abortion has been a very controversial subject over these past few decades. Every time you pick up a paper or magazine it seems there is always some protest regarding abortion, whether it be for fetal rights or women's rights. According to the Encyclopaedia Britanni....
The United States was founded upon the idea of equality and independence just as our Declaration of Independence claims that all men are created equal, each with a certain, unalienable rights, including life. The eighth amendment of the constitution protects citizens from cruel and unusual punishmen....
A lot of people have thought about the issue of abortion. The argument being whether or not it should be legal to abort babies. This has been a controversial topic a very long time. Many people want to be able to decide the future of others. Everyone in the United States is covered u....
Abortion is a way to get rid of a major responsibility. This responsibilty
means becoming parents or a single mother. Abortion could be a wrong
decision. Also abortion could be a good decision. Theres are some different
ways how abortion is performed and sadly yes abortion is legal ....
Abortion is a shaky topic because the stances on either side both have valid points. Abortion is not something to be taken lightly and should not be used in all cases. I believe that there are certain circumstances in which abortion is an option and that could be considered necessary. The church....
A couple decades ago, when abortion was illegal, thousands of women died because they did not want to bear an infant and attempted to terminate the child's life by themselves or with an unprofessional approach. After 1973's Supreme Court decision, which allowed women to have the choice to abortion, ....
Abortion is a very controversial subject that has been continually argued over for the past few years and probably many years to come. The main controversy is should abortion be legalized? First before we get into the many sides of abortion we must first define abortion. Abortion is the destruction ....
In the movie "Baby Boy," the first scene deals with Jodi's (Tyrese Gibson) girlfriend having an abortion. When one first looks at this movie for the first time, one will not understand what is going on until they see Jodi's girlfriend coming out the clinic holding her stomach while she is....
In 1973, the Supreme Courts decision made it possible for women to get safe, legal abortions from well-trained medical surgeons, and therefore led to dramatic decreases in pregnancy-related injury and death (abortion). Now there is a new proposal to close abortion clinics. This proposal takes ....
"My heart got callous to against the fact that I was a murderer, but that baby lying in a cold bowl educated me as to what abortion really was." Former abortionist, Dr David Brewer. Thats were the contradictions about abortion begin. As we all know, abortion is another one of those....
"My heart got callous to against the fact that I was a murderer, but that baby lying in a cold bowl educated me as to what abortion really was." Former abortionist, Dr David Brewer. Thats were the contradictions about abortion begin. As we all know, abortion is another one of those topics tha....
Abortion: When is it ok?
Abortion is defined as the termination of pregnancy and expulsion of an embryo or of a fetus that is incapable of survival (Nelson 1). This definition is very clear cut and concise, but the issue of abortion is quite the opposite. When it comes to such a controversia....
What is abortion? Abortion is the ending of a pregnancy before birth. Early in a pregnancy, the fertilized egg that grows and develops is called the embryo. After three months of development, it is usually called a fetus. An abortion causes the embryo or fetus to die. Abortion is a very inhumane thi....
Abortion is the ending of pregnancy before birth and is morally wrong. An abortion results in the death of an embryo or a foetus. Abortion destroys the lives of helpless, innocent children and illegal in many countries. By aborting these unborn infants, humans are hurting themselves; the....
In the United States, abortion laws began to appear in the 1820s, forbidding abortion after the fourth month of pregnancy.
Through the efforts primarily of physicians, the American Medical Association, and legislators, most abortions in the US had been outlawed by 1900.
Illegal abortions wer....
Abortion: Where Has Morality Gone?
Joan Didion's essay, "On Morality," poses the question, "What is 'right' and what is 'wrong,' what is 'good' and what 'evil'?" (182). In today's society, often times many people do not even consider this question before taking action. Morality has become a gra....
Abortion During the past quarter century, abortion has joined race and war as one of the most debatable subject of controversy in the United States. It discusses human interaction where ethics, emotions and law come together. Abortion poses a moral, social and medical dilemma that faces many individ....
Research Paper
I believe human life begins at conception. Abortion became legal in American in 1973 after the Roe v. Wade decision, made by the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court ruled that abortion laws violated a womans constitutional right to privacy in the fourteenth amendment under t....
Abortion Is Wrong
Abortion is wrong for reasons beyond God's laws and moral obligation. The greatest anti abortion argument involves the topic of murder. Many people will say that women have a right to choose what goes on in their body. The problem with this frame of mind is that we are not se....
To Abort or Not to Abort? That is the Question
Every woman in the world wants to be a mother. It is such a wonderful journey, to have the child grown inside of you and cherishing it ever moment you can, making sure it grows health and preventing yourself from doing things not to harm the baby. S....
An abortion is he premature termination of pregnancy ending in the death of the embryo or foetus. However abortion can also be defined as the death of the embryo or foetus without human interference. This essay will be discussing induced abortion and the effects they have on both mother and unborn c....
This paper will attempt to discuss the moral issues and dilemmas surrounding abortion. In discussing the moral issues of this subject matter it is only natural to also discuss the legal aspects of it as well. First a description of what abortion is will be offered. A brief history of the legaliza....
Abortion should be a person's choice and not be judged by it. There are several reasons why abortion should be a person's choice. First, reason why I think abortion should be a person's choice is because of the Roe v. Wade. Second, reason why I think abortion should be a person's choice is bec....
I intend to begin by telling us about issues of abortion and a bit about how the abortion is done.
One of the first things that struck me is that it's very easy to make abortion, sounds like something painful to go through, as they do on Yes to life website. Because if you then read on RFSU's webs....
Abortion, like many other issues that plague the 21st century Society, has been a topic of great discussion and immense deliberation. one side of the debate believes that a mother should be given the right to end her pregnancy so far as the baby still resides in her womb because the baby or fe....
Abortion - A wrong done?
Meera,A prostitute who became a prostitute because of her poor economic condtions, because she was socially weak...and one day to her, came a man who was interested in pleasure than contraceptives. Meera now has a girl who was never supposed to be born, the girl today is socially downtrodden, econom....
Abortion - Views from Both Sides
Abortion is the ending of pregnancy before birth and is morally wrong. An abortion results in the death of an embryo or a fetus. Abortion destroys the lives of helpless, innocent children and illegal in many countries. By aborting these unborn infants, humans are hurting themselves; they are not a....
Abortion choices and rights amoNg females
In the United States Abortion is a form of murder and should be illegal to people who feel abortion is a form of murder. Society feels that if you decide to conceive the child you should be able to take care of it in anyway, shape, or form. In my opinion if a person wants to abort their baby for the....
Abortion Clinics Should Not be Closed in the USA
In 1973, the Supreme Court’s decision made it possible for women to get safe, legal abortions from well-trained medical surgeons, and therefore led to dramatic decreases in pregnancy-related injury and death (“abortion”). Now there is a new proposal to close abortion clinics. This ....
abortion is greater then euthenasia do you agree
As we speak with in the next ten seconds 50 people would have died. 35% of those who have died are caused from natural deaths such as old age or illness , 45% would have been from innocent babies just being aborted from there mothers womb ( abortion ) 20 % from people who just take the easy way out ....
Abortion is Morally Wrong
Abortion is Morally and Ethically Wrong
Many have pondered upon the meaning of abortion. The argument being that every child born should be wanted, and others who believe that every child conceived should be born. This has been a controversial topic for years. Many people want to be able to dec....
Abortion is morally wrong
Abortion is the ending of pregnancy before birth and is morally wrong. An abortion results in the death of an embryo or a foetus. Abortion destroys the lives of helpless, innocent children and illegal in many countries. By aborting these unborn infants, humans are hurting themselves; they are not al....
abortion is murder
Abortion, in my eyes, is practically murder. If a woman really needed to have an abortion then there COULD be an exception. If that woman just didnât want the baby, there would be NO exceptions. If my daughter was ever raped, I know tha....
Abortion logical arguments
During the last twenty-five years, abortion has been one of the most heated topics being debated in the United States and Canada. The only topics that equal the abortion debate are race and war. Abortion is a discussion of human interaction where ethics, emotions, and law come together. There are pe....
Abortion Unjustified
Abortion Unjustified
An embryo is not a human being. A woman is in control of her own body, and
should therefore, have the right to choose. Abortion is safe if it is legal. Rape victims should be allowed abortions because the pregnancy was not consensual. Complications during pregnancy that a....
Abortion vs Right to life
Abortion is the termination of a unwanted pregnancy. Many people see abortion as just another simple step in life, that some mothers go through if they doesn't want the child but , it's not. Abortion is a crime, you might not see it as a crime but it's horrible crime that should be made illegal. It'....
Abortion: Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?
Abortion: Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?
Is abortion right or wrong? Life never seems to have any areas that are in black and white, only gray. Some issues, like abortion, tend to provide us with more gray areas than others. Many people have debated over abortion and have expressed their feelings that i....
Abortion: Valuable Contributor or Accessory to Murder
Abortion is a very hot topic in the United States today. Most recently favored is the subject's funding and how it should be handled. President Obama included backing of abortion in his ObamaCare legislation that was passed earlier this year which I find to be a decision I support. When it comes to....
Abortion: Where Has Morality Gone?
Joan Didions essay, On Morality, poses the question, What is right and what is wrong, what is good and what evil? (182). In todays society, often times many people do not even consider this question before taking certain actions, because the subject of morality has beco....
Abortion: with or against
Many have pondered upon the meaning of abortion. The argument being that every child born should be wanted, and others who believe that every child conceived should be born (Sass vii). This has been a controversial topic for years. Many people want to be able to decide the destiny of others.
Abortion. Right or Wrong?
The greatest destroyer of peace is abortion because if a mother can kill her own child, what is left for me to kill you and you to kill me? There is nothing in between (Andrews,1993).Despite the arguments about abortion, abortion is a personal choice, and its not to harm the child inside you, bu....
abortion... Right or Wrong
Abortion is defined as: "the termination of pregnancy and expulsion of
an embryo or of a fetus that is incapable of survival." However, if only the
debate over the abortion issue was as simple as the definition provided
above. Much like every aspect of human life, a statement is neithe....
Abortion is the ending of pregnancy before birth and is morally wrong. An abortion results in the death of an embryo or a foetus. Abortion destroys the lives of helpless, innocent children and illegal in many countries. By aborting these unborn infants, humans are hurting themselves; they are not al....
Absalom (Son of David)
Absalom’s story unfolds in the household of King David. The key members of this household were Absalom, Amnon, and Tamar. Absalom and Amnon were David’s sons and Tamar was David’s daughter.Amnon and a man called Jonadab were secretly planning something. When they put their plann....
Absolute Power
Everyone has heard the saying that absolute power corrupts absolutely. Its a little cliché, but everyone understands what it means. There are many different types of power and many different ways those can be used and abused. We have all seen the devastating effects of irresponsibility co....
Acid Dreams: The Complete Social History of LSD: The CIA, the Sixties, and Beyond
The end of World War II brought a quiet peace across America. People were settling down and starting their own families. Traditional moral values of the past were being re-enforced in the minds of the young. The baby boom was at hand, and this new, highly populated generation of youth was suppos....
Action Heros vs Dramatic Heroes
Heroes. What makes a person a hero? Is it mad fighting skills? Is it being brave? Putting yourself in danger to save others? Is it being yourself when it would be easier to be someone else? We all have different ideas of heroes. Theres action heroes who use physical fighting to win their battles.....
Alternative medicine describes health products, practices, and approaches that are not part of conventional medicine. The goal of physicians who practice alternative medicine is to find a cure by looking at the whole person when making a diagnosis, rather than just the symptom. Alternative medicin....
ADHD: Is your child's behavior normal?
According to Michael Fumento, the old saying Boys will be boys is now known as Boys will be medicated. In addition, Fumento believes the old lost my homework excuse is now My child has ADHD (1). Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is defined by Paula Anne Ford-Martin as a....
Advertising- More creativity Less vulgarity
Great are the uses of advertisement, however, Good quality and honest workmanship are the best advertisement.
Even then, creative processes behind some of the most original and effective campaigns of recent years have made the products household names. Case in point being Hutch, Fevicol, Orbit, C....
African American Matriarchy and the Tangle of Pathology
The disparity between blacks and whites in America is a tangled, complicated chasm to fully understand. The issues behind the cause of the disparity are multifaceted and there is not a general consensus on the root of the cause. The tangle of pathology to the root of the so-called demise of the Af....
African Lit Response 6
Sula Peace is one of the main characters in the book, Sula by Toni Morrison, and Janie Starks is the main character in the book, Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston. One of the main characteristics that stand out about these two is that they are both strong women. There are also some ....
Against Malnutrition in Indonesia
The health workers and the Ministry of Health of Indonesia are going through an emotional roller coaster not only because of the epidemic avian flu but also starvation. They are trying hard to improve the quality of life of undernourished children across the country. Many children under five years....
Agressive behaviour
Aggressive Behaviours
There are many psychological factors that tend to elicit aggressive behaviour; however there are implications for the control of human aggressive behaviour. Aggression can be defined as any action carried out with the intent of harming another person or object (Berkwitz, 19....
"Fresh air can seriously damage your health". A most unlikely Government Health warning but, for the patient with Acquired Immunodeficiency Disease Syndrome, AIDS, air-borne infection presents a constant threat of pneumonia and death. Nearly all will die of diseases caused by microbes that are every....
AIDS in Africa
AIDS is a horrific illness that has swept through all of Africa. One of the leading causes of death, AIDS strikes, and leaves a devastating number of deceased Africans, as well as a huge amount of children left as orphans and homeless due to the loss of their parents. Today, an incredibly large nu....
Aileen Woyrnos - Crime Figure
Born In Rochester, Michigan on February 29, 1956 Aileen Carol Pittman was doomed from the start. Aileens mother, Diane Wuornos, was an unfit teen mother who was married to a psychopathic child molester Leo Dale Pittman at age 15. Together Diane and Leo had two children. They soon found that they w....
Albert Ellis' Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy
Stress: A Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy Perspective
Prolonged stress and anxiety can have many harmful effects for individuals. The
longer the duration and greater the degree, the more detrimental effects to the
psychological and physiological wellness of an individual. There are....
Alcohol Abuse
The average age at which Americans begin drinking regularly is 15.9 yrs. Teen drinking can lead to both metal and physical declines. It can affect friends and family around the victim of the alcohol. Teen alcohol drinking is the #1 for teen deaths; the three most common are intoxicated suicide,....
Alcohol/Drugs and Crime
Today in Alabama our criminal institution and correctional facilities are extremely overcrowded. Any probation or court referral officer in this state would exclaim that they are overwhelmed by their caseloads of those offenders who didnt go to jail or have been released, but remain on probation. ....
Theories of Crime
The Alienist by Caleb Carr
The Alienist, by Caleb Carr, took place in 1896 and it was about a serial killer of boy prostitutes in New York City. At this time people with psychological disorders were known as aliens, so psychologists were known as alienists. Dr. Kreizl....
all quiet on the western front
All Quiet on the Western Front Chapter SummaryBy: Jesse CodyAll Quiet on the Western Front is an anti-war novel from the opening chapters. Many critics of the novel in the early days after the publication of the novel blamed Remarque for writing for shock value. They did not want to believe his n....
Alzheimer Activities
Nursing Homes
The elder population is increasing by the minute, especially with the baby boom generation aging. As we get older, people hope that we can stay young forever, and as entertained as we are now, but sometimes that is not the case. People hope that they can still do the same things t....
America's Health and Beauty Obsession
The main idea of this reading is that Americans are obsessed with practices of health and beauty. In other words, the American people, according to the author Horace Miner, believe that the human body has a tendency to debilitate and become ill. They believe that the human body is ugly. Therefore, t....
American Born Confused Desi
American Born Confused Desi
They are smart, savvy, cultured, motivated and probably setting the curve in your college bio class. They have greater creativity and leadership skills than their Indian counterparts and they are Americas ticket to coming back with force in science and technology. The....
american diet
american diet
Are you over weight? Do you get tired easily? Do you struggle with high cholesterol or with high blood pressure? If so, do not worry you are not alone. Thousands of United States citizens suffer from obesity and other food related health problems. These problems can be traced back to ....
American Goddess Rape of Nanking
American Goddess at the Rape of Nanking
By: Hua-ling Hu
This book is about the life of Minnie Vautrin. Although she was not Chinese or directly involved in the Massacre of Nanking she made it her business to get involved to help save the lives of many Chinese women attending Gingling Unive....
American History X
Throughout the years Racism and Hatred have been a part in the United States. There have been movies and books done about this topic that is so disturbing. In my opinion and what I believe is that there should not been any kind of racism and hatred against people of different ethnicity, but others d....
An Analysis of The Persistence of Memory - Salvador Dali
Salvador Dali did a painting called The Persistence of Memory in 1931. At the top of the picture is a background that is cool, calm and serene. The colors are golden yellows, whites and blues that make up the top third of the painting. There is a cliff on the right side of the painting near the ....
An Ethical Balance
Holiness, sin, and life are repeatedly questioned throughout John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath, particularly by the former preacher, Jim Casey. As a preacher, Casey only preaches what the bible states and he resigns from his occupation after he feels the urge to pursue life's true meaning and val....
An in-depth look at Sapphire's a Poem For marla, tawana, and me.
A Poem for jennifer, marla, tawana, and me written by Sapphire, shows how she believes society judges and scrutinizes the lives of women who claim to be victimized by men. These women are made to relive the horrible ordeal over and over in order to convince the public that they are the real victim....
An Irish Immigrants Story
February 21, 2006
A Little Piece of My Irish History
June 24, 1839 John Aloysius Bresnahan was born in County Kerry, Ireland. He immigrated to the United States. John married an American and fathered six children.
John Bresnahan was only one of the 961,719 Irish born living in the Unit....
An Issue of the Past and Future: Abortion
Abortion 2
An Issue of the Past and Future: Abortion
Roe vs. Wade was a very controversial issue for its time, and today. Roe vs. Wade was a landmark case for womens rights. Roes case required states to allow women to have an abortion during the first six months of pregnancy. This all....
An Unseen Reflection - Dracula and God
"An Unseen Reflection"
Paul Ratliff
Gothic literature exists as a style of fiction that emphasizes the grotesque, mysterious, and desolate. Dracula, a gothic English novel written in 1897 by Bram Stoker, illustrates a Satanic character through the Count. The Count exists as the protagon....
Analyse the usefulness of official statistics in the study of crime and deviance
Analyse the usefulness of official statistics in the study of crime and deviance
The usefulness of statistics in studying crime and deviance has been a matter of debate amongst sociologists over the years. These statistics range from official Home Office statistics, to independent studies such a....
Analysis of "My Papa's Waltz"
My Papa's WaltzBy Theodore RoethkeThis poem has a kept form. Even at a glance, it has a set form. It consists of four quatrains, each line being an iambic tritameter. The poem is about a young boy waltzing with his father. One can assume that the speaker is a young boy, or perhaps the poet reminisci....
Analysis of commercial vitamin C tablets
To determine the vitamin C content in commercial vitamin C tablets by titration between vitamin C (ascorbic acid) & iodine solution. Hence, compare this data with the manufacturer's specification.
In this analysis, certain amount of iodine solution, which ....
Analysis of Domestic Violence world wide and whats being done to fix it.
Do you feel like a man
When you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?
Well I'll tell you my friend one day this world's going to end
As your lies crumble down a new life she has found
Statistics indicate that domestic violence is a worldwide epidemic. S....
Analysis of Mother/Daugter Relationship in Letter To My Mother by Barbra Kingsolver
âLetter to My Motherâ, by Barbra Kingsolver is a letter about the evolution of the relationship between mother and daughter. Many feelings and emotions encompass the relationship between parent and their child, Kingsolver shows these emotions in a confessional type of letter. There are fee....
Analysis of My Papas Waltz
Analysis of My Papas Waltz
Roethkes My Papas Waltz is about a man reliving a disgruntled memory from his boyhood. His father was in a drunken state and carelessly harmed the boy while waltzing in the kitchen. Roethkes imagery, diction and meter and rhyme represent an irresponsible int....
Ananlysis:Treatment rather than Prison
The prisons of the United States have been overcrowded with people who have committed rape and/or murder, and drunk driving offenders who should be behind bars. People who commit violent crimes or are a violent threat to society should be the majority of inmates housed in our prisons and jails for ....
Ancient Aztec Civilization
A distant sound is heard. It sounds like a deep drum being hit with a heavy instrument. You hear it again and strain your eyes in the direction of the sound. All around you is dense jungle. Snakes slither between your legs. You hear the sound once again. In front of you is a dense stand of ferns. Yo....
Ancient Greece
GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION The Ancient Greek civilization was located on today’s Greek land, Ionian Islands, Asia Minor, South Italy, and Sicily. It is surrounded by mountains and in the north by water. The Ionian and the Aegean seas, together with natural islands and bays, gave the Greeks the op....
Anglo and Aboriginal relationships
"The magic of the native mating call was stronger than the habits of civilisation." This was one of the statements used on posters both in Australia and Internationally, advertising the film Jedda which was released in 1955, at the Star Picture Theatre, Darwin. The film was controversial at ....
Animal Farm:
Verbal Visual Essay: Appearances are Deceiving
After reading the book Animal Farm, written by George Orwell I recognized numerous themes relating to the story. One major theme in the book is that appearances can be deceiving.
It is easy to misinterpret appearances throughout the book because....
Animal Rights in the Media
This essay will explore the moral and ethical issues raised by human superiority over animals, why we shouldn’t have any superiority, and how this subject is portrayed in a variety of different media. The world today is becoming less aware of the pain and suffering being inflicted on animals. ....
Animal testing
This essay will explore the moral and ethical issues raised by human superiority over animals, why we shouldnt have any superiority, and how this subject is portrayed in a variety of different media. The world today is becoming less aware of the pain and suffering being inflicted on animals. As a re....
Anorexia Nervosa
Ugh I look so fat... I seriously need to loose weight! said Rachel. Are you crazy? Youre going to disappear if you loose anymore weight!!! responded her friend Demi. Guess what!?... Thinking youre fat is one of the first signs and the main reason why people usually teens suffer from Anor....
Anthem for Doomed Young
A Soldier With Some Catsup
The eulogy and sonnet Anthem for Doomed Young by Wilfred Owen uses a variety of literary techniques to evoke emotion and create a powerful anti war statement. It has no set rhyming pattern and is written in standard 14 line iambic pentameter. The poem is broken up....
So many people argue about abortion, some believe its wrong and others believe its okay. There are so many debates about this issue of abortion. One of these debates focuses on a woman's right to have abortion. According to the Webster's dictionary an abortion is defined as miscarry, something missh....
Antibiotic Resistance
Disease-causing microbes that have become resistant to drug therapy are an increasing public health problem. Unless antibiotic resistance problems are detected as they emerge, and actions are taken to contain them, the world could be faced with previously treatable diseases th....
Antwone Fisher
Antwone Fisher (Derek Luke) is a sailor with an anger-management problem that is threatening to ruin his adult life before it even has the chance to get started. He is an honest and hardworking man who looks to the Navy in hopes of finding a way to better himself, but in first must fight ....
The tip of the pencil slides down the ruler like a zipper down a jacket, the idea runs down the arm through the fingers shooting out the pencil like a bullet from a gun. Although the man does not know it, he is creating a new house for a new family. Of course, I am talking about an architect. An arc....
Architecture of Transition and Production of Meaning
Transition: Architects as Managers of ChangeTransition in a social sense is a change from one system into another. Globally, the modernist paradigm changed to the post-modern with the disappearance of central authorities, universal dogmas and foundational ethics. The post-modern world introduced fra....
Architecture vs. Industrial Design
Architect vs. Industrial Designer
One may perceive an Architect to share the same activities and aims of an Industrial Designer, and in some cases this may be true. Although the two professions concentrate on different genres of projects, their works are in fact very similar. An architect�....
Are reason and emotion equally necessary in justifying moral decisions?
A question that has long troubled moral philosophers is whether moral judgements are primarily the fruits of reason or of emotion. One tradition believes that moral judgements are largely the output of our emotional system. A competing tradition holds that while emotions are often heavily involved i....
Argument Against Euthanasia
A considerable size of society is in favor of Euthanasia mostly because they feel that as a democratic country, we as free individuals, have the right to decide for ourselves whether or not it is our right to determine when to terminate someone's life. The stronger and more widely held opinion is ag....
Argument Against Physician-Assisted Suicide
A considerable size of society is in favor of Euthanasia mostly because they feel that as a democratic country, we as free individuals have the right to decide for ourselves whether or not it is our right to determine when to terminate someone's life. The stronger and more widely held opinion is aga....
Armenian Gneocide
Armenian Genocide
It was a pretty peaceful time around here. Days were long and tiring but people cared for one another and had respect. My mother and father worked hard yet always came home with a smile on their faces. Even though we were treated as such se....
art and madness - Sylvia Plath and Sarah Kane
Art and Madness
The suicides of literary geniuses Sylvia Plath and Sarah Kane have sparked debate and intrigue over the relationship between art and madness. Their connection is complex and unresolved. However, through historical and scientific evidence, greater insight can be gained into Plath a....
Art of the Spanish Golden Age
Art of the Spanish Golden Age
The Spanish Golden Age refers to a period in Spain between the 15th and 17th centuries defined by the counter-reformation of the Catholic church, and a flourishing of the fine arts. During this age, many influences from the Italian renaissance reached Spain. In 15....
Arts upsets, Science reassures
Art Upsets, Science Reassures
Art is what has more than an ordinary significance. Science is the knowledge gained through observation and experiments. Science is reason, art goes beyond reason. Science gives a sense of safety, comforts and relieves. Art agitates, disturbs and upsets minds by crea....
Aspirin: A New Look at an Old Drug
Aspirin: A New Look at an Old Drug
by Me
In purses and backpacks, in briefcases and medicine chests the world over, millions of people keep close at hand a drug that has both a long past and a fascinating future. Its past reache....
Assault On Democracy
Avram Noam Chomsky began his career as a semanticist, a person who diligently searches out language in order to better reveal its meaning. It is from here that Chomsky gains the ground towards becoming a world scholar in politics, as for someone who skillfully fractures language to uncover the int....
Australia was invaded not settled
The peaceful way of life for the local Aboriginals quickly turned into a nightmare of war, dispossession, displacement and massacres. Contact between the locals and the Europeans was disastrous for the Aboriginal people, also bringing diseases such as smallpox, colds, the flu and measles, these wer....
Autobiography of a Slave by Juan Francisco Manzano
The life, times, and struggles of Juan Francisco Manzano is what Autobiography of a Slave portrays to readers of this first hand account. Manzano tells his stories from the first person perspective; he was a slave on the El Molino Plantation run by Don Nicolas and Don Manuel, owned by the Marchi....
Baccio Della Porta
Baccio Della Porta
Even the average person with little or no background in art may have heard the names Leonardo da Vinci, Michaelangelo, or Raphael. Not only because they are the most famous and noteworthy painters, sculptors, draughtsmen, designers, and inventors of the high renaissance, but also....
Bachae and Desire
The antagonists start out with a great deal of fame and end with their own downfall. There are many parallels in the myths of Euripides's "The Bacchae" applied in "A Streetcar Named Desire". Tennessee Williams, author of "A Streetcar Named Desire" makes his main charact....

American writer, noted for his novels on sexual and personal identity, and sharp essays on civil-rights struggle in the United States. Baldwin also wrote three plays, a children's storybook, and a book of short stories. He gained fame with his first novel, GO TELL IT ON THE MOUNTAIN (1....
Baz Luhrman´s Version of Romeo and Juliet
One of the characteristics of Elizabethan and also Jacobean drama is the low number of stage directions and the lack of details they contain. As a logical consequence theatrical representations or film versions of these ages may allow an important quantity of freedom in the performance. In other ins....
Beebo Brinker and Castration Anxiety: What if a Woman Really Could Out-Man a Man?
Cari Flynn
Professor Hatmaker
17 October 2006
Beebo Brinker and Castration Anxiety:
What if a Woman Really Could Out-Man a Man?
According to Freudian theory, little boys fear castration when they discover that little girls do not have penises. The little boys assume that the little girls....
Being Bad (Greasy Lake)
In story Greasy Lake, an adolescent teen thinks hes just out to do some mischief for the night, but little does he know hes up for more trouble than hes looking forward to. Even though this may be one of the worst nights of his life, this experience changes him for his own good. His goal of be....
In the novel Beloved by Toni Morrison, the past plays a major role in all the characters lives. So many things occurred from slavery to deaths that affect each character. The past is seen as a burden that everyone tries to forget. No one realizes that in order to move on with their future....
Toni Morrisons Nobel Prize winning novel Beloved is a wonderfully written masterpiece in which each character must deal with a past that continually torments them. The relationship between Denver, Beloved, and Sethe is one that is constantly in the past. Each character is trying to deal wi....