61 Supreme Co Essays, Term Papers and Book Reports
2nd Amendment Pros and Cons
2nd Amendment Pros and Cons
The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution says as follows:
1."A well regulated Militia,
2.being necessary to the security of a free state,
3.the right of the people to keep and bear Arms,
4.Shall not be infringed." ....
An abortion is he premature termination of pregnancy ending in the death of the embryo or foetus. However abortion can also be defined as the death of the embryo or foetus without human interference. This essay will be discussing induced abortion and the effects they have on both mother and unborn c....
Abraham Lincoln's presidency - reconstruction dbq
From Abraham Lincoln's presidency in 1860 to 1877 a revolution was conceived in aspects of political, economical, and social developments. However; due to the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments and upgraded civil rights, white supremacy undid whatever revolution occurred.
The political reforms were du....
Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great Born Late July 356 BC in Pella, MacedoniaDied June,10 323 BC in The Palace of Nabukodonossor, BabylonAlexandros III Philippou Makedonon, (Alexander the Great, Alexander III of Macedon), King of Macedonia, was born in July 356 BC in Pella, Macedonia. He was one of the greatest mil....
American Government
In this essay I will give a short history of the government in United States of America (U.S.). Then I will describe each of the three branches of government in the U.S. and the relationship between them. In principle, the U.S. is a democratic republic, they govern themselves by choosing their leade....
American Revolution
The American Revolution
The American Revolution took place between 1497 and 1789. During this time frame America was created. There were not the continental states and Hawaii and Alaska as we know it today. There were thirteen colonies. It started in 1497 whe....
Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson, seventh president of the United States, could have easily been the first president because of all the changes he made in his term as president. He believed very strongly in a powerful president and executive branch. Andrew vetoed dozens of bills and made many key decisions that many ....
Asian Philosophies of Critical Thinking
The research question of this extended essay came across at a very early stage in my life. Having been born and developed from a family with all its members being University instructors and professors, I was often involved in arguments related to the lack of critical thinking in Asian cultures. As I....
Big Media's War on Fan Websites
It seems like the fight between legal departments at major movie and TV studios and fan producers of websites has reached a fever pitch. In late September, the legal department of Fox TV sent out notices to cease and desist to two webmasters of fan "King Of The Hill" websites. Fox Primetime has crac....
Black Influencial People
Martin Luther King was born on 15 January 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. His father was a Baptist minister, his mother a schoolteacher. Originally named Michael, he was later renamed Martin. He entered Morehouse College in 1944 and then went to Crozer Religious Seminary to undertake postgraduate study, r....
Canada's Constitutional dignity
Constitutional Dignity
Since its unification, Canada has been searching for methods to acquire a unique identity. Canada, wants to be recognized as a successful and prosperous independent country. Although it is blatantly obvious that Canada wants to be considered as a unique nation, it finds it ha....
Capital Punishment
Capital Punishment
Three quarters of the United States currently support capital punishment, and the pro-death penalty forces seem to be gaining momentum. Support for the death penalty has not always been so high. In 1966, for example, only forty-two percent of the population supported capital puni....
Civil & Criminal Law
Civil & Criminal Law
Civil and criminal law are just two types of law within the English Legal System and differ from each other entirely. In this essay I shall be discussing the differences between criminal and civil law and how their differences result in different outcomes and remedies.
Civil Rights and the US Supreme Court
Civil Rights and the U.S. Supreme Court
Think of civil rights in the USA and the campaigns of leaders like Martin Luther King, Booker T. Washington, A. Philip Randolph and Malcolm X spring to mind, together with the organizations they headed up, such as the NAACP (the National Association for th....
Civil Rights Movement Figures
In the 1930s the black people suffered terribly from segregation, then in 1941, America joined the Second World War, during the Second World War the black people had to fight the war in segregated units, they were kept separate from the white soldiers, also, black soldiers were not allowed to beco....
Constitutional Case Studies: Same-Sex Marriages
Constitutional Case Studies: Same-Sex Marriages
Same-sex marriage has been one of the most disputed topics since the 1950's and continues to reemerge even now. What makes this such a popular topic is due to several reasons. First, same-sex marriage is one of the hottest election issues debated b....
Democracy VS Dictatorship
Democracy Vs Dictatorship
Imagine the next time you step into the voting booth your ballot only lists one candidate to choose from. Or perhaps your ballot lists four candidates, but they are all from the Liberal party. Dictatorships are one party political systems that are ruled by one leader or....
democracy vs dictatorship
Democracy Vs Dictatorship
Democracy vs Dictatorship Essay written by heather Imagine the next time you step into the voting booth your ballot only lists one candidate to choose from. Or perhaps your ballot lists four candidates, but they are all from the Liberal party. Dictatorships are one party....
Devolution in a British Context
Advanced Higher Modern StudiesTo what extent has devolution of power diluted the central control of the Cabinet and government within the British state.At present, the UK Parliament in Westminster is the supreme political assembly. The UK Parliament is one of the oldest representative assemblies in ....
Drinking Age: 18 or 21years old
18 or 21
After being overseas for 6 months fighting in Iraq, my friend Joe arrived back in the states. He fought hard for his country, carried an M-16, and saved lives. All he wants to do now is to go to the bar and drink a beer with his buddies. So he goes to the bar with his buddies, dressed t....
Fifities (The 50's)
The fifties was a very exciting decade. It was a time of happiness and fun. The end of World War II brought thousands of young servicemen back to America to pick up their lives and start new families in new homes with new jobs. With energy never before experienced, American industry expanded to m....
Freedom of Choice - Democracy vs Dictatorship
Imagine the next time you step into the voting booth your ballot only lists one candidateto choose from. Or perhaps your ballot lists four candidates, but they are all from theLiberal party. Dictatorships are one party political systems that are ruled by one leader oran elite group of people under t....
George B. McClellan
George B. McClellan
George B McClellan was born in Philadelphia, December 3, 1826, and educated at the University of Pennsylvania and the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York. At the outbreak of the Civil War, he was commissioned major general in the regular army and, after the First Bat....
German History
A Consise History Of Germany
AD 9
Germanic warriors decisively defeated Roman forces at the Battle of Teutoburg Forest.
The Frankish king Clovis overran the Roman province of Gaul. Clovis introduced features of Roman life into western Germany.
The Treaty of Verdun di....
Greek Mythology
Greek Mythology is the study and understanding of the body of myths of a particular culture. The word myth comes from the Greek word mythos, which means, "word," "tale," or "story" (Morford 1). Greek myths are a set of traditional tales or stories told by the ancient Greeks relating to the....
Gun Control
Gun control has been a controversial issue for years. A vast majority of citizens believe that if gun control is strictly enforced it would quickly reduce the threat of crime. Many innocent people feel they have the right to bear arms for protection, or even for the pleasure of hunting. These people....
Gun Use
With the Second Amendment giving American citizens the right to bear arms, and approximately fifty percent of Americans owning some form of a firearm, issues involving the ownership and possession of guns have led to heated debates in American society. Most notably is the issue of gun control. Many ....
Hinduism is a religion that consists of thousands of different religious groups that have evolved in India since 1500 BCE. Hinduism religion is the worlds third largest religion, after Christianity and Islam. It claims about 13 million followers 13% of the worlds population. (David Levinson)
Hinduism is a diverse religion, more of a term for a belief system. Hinduism is made up of many religious beliefs, practices, dominations and traditions. It is the worlds third largest religion after Christianity and Islam and regarded as the worlds oldest organized religion. Hinduism....
It would be difficult to completely list all the sacred elements that make up the Hindu religious traditions because of the sheer vastness and depth of the Hindu culture and traditions that have evolved through thousands of years. The Hindu religion is strongly dependent on the Hindu philosophy and ....
Hitlers consolidation of power
Between 1933-1934 after Hitler was named as the new chancellor by President von Hindenburg, he had his faithful followers stoop to the lowest levels to effectively consolidate his power base and make himself supreme ruler.
Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor by President von Hindenburg on the J....
How Far Has Devolution Diluted Central Governmental Control
To what extent has devolution of power diluted the central control of the Cabinet and government within the British state.At present, the UK Parliament in Westminster is the supreme political assembly. The UK Parliament is one of the oldest representative assemblies in the world. Parliamentary gover....
i have a dream
The Civil rights was about gaining right for African Americans and Women. Many people in the north opposed the unfair treatment of African American. African Americans in the north had it much better, voted freely, and discrimination was hardly noticeable.
The Thirteenth Amendment officially o....
Important presidential elections
Some of the most important presidential elections 1812 The election of 1812 consisted of a battle between James Madison, and De Witt Clinton. Madison had represented both Democratic and Republican beliefs, while Clinton was a Federalist. James Madison was born in Port Con....
Issue of Privacy - Everyone Is Watching You
The Issue of Privacy
In her essay, Everyone Is Watching You, Nadine Strossen correctly stresses the violation of the individuals right to privacy in the public sector by the use of electronic surveillance. She also discusses the use of new face technology to identify individuals thro....
Japan after World War II
The occupation of Japan was, from the beginning to the end, an American operation.General Douglas MacArthur, sole supreme commander of the Allied Power wasin charge of it. The Americans had insufficient men to make a militarygovernment of Japan possible; so they decided to act through the existingJ....
Macbeth is presented as a mature man of definitely established character, successful in certain fields ofactivity and enjoying an enviable reputation. We must notconclude, there, that all his volitions and actions arepredictable; Macbeth's character, like any other man's at agiven moment, is what is....
Muhummad Ali Life
Muhammad Ali was born on Jan. 17 in 1942 Louisville, KY, to Odessa and
Cassius, Sr. Muhammad Ali real name is Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr., he was
named after his father. In 1954 Muhammad Ali was 12 yr. Old when he had
his bike stolen. He promised to ?whoop? whoever stole it, and he told this t....
Thesis: Why Napoleon Bonaparte is regarded as one of the greatest military masterminds in the history of mankind.I. Napoleons life since birth threw education. A. Education and bad treatment of Napoleon. B. Beginning of military career in French army. C. ....
The 18th century was a time that wars and revolutions were taking place, especially towards the
end of the century. England and France were fighting a war against each other every couple of years.
As the 18th century was coming to an end, the French Revolution was taking place and Napoleon
Netflix - Strategy Analysis
Executive Summary
Netflix is the pioneer in the online DVD rental market, which has been providing films to customers in the most cost effective way, by adapting major innovative models hence, enabling them to become the market leader. Netflix has a very good reputation amongst their customers an....
New Jersey VS. T.L.O.
New Jersey vs. T.L.O.
The Supreme Court case of New Jersey vs. T.L.O. is a celebrated case from the
mid-1980s. A high school student claimed that a search conducted by the schools vice
principal, Mr. Choplick, was a violation of her fourth amendment right because he had
no warrant ....
NewCorp legal scenarios
In this week's assignment, the class was asked to review the NewCorp legal scenarios and prepare a brief statement about the scenario. We were also asked to answer the following questions involving each scenario: What are the legal issues present in each scenario? Who is the potential plaintiff, why....
Peter the Great
In Anisimov's "Peter I: Birth of an Empire" he makes many connection between Peter I legislation and reform with the development of the empire. Anisimov makes it quite clear that Peter's reign was responsible for the rise in power and expansion of the empire but one can also tell that Anis....
Police brutality
Unfortunately, nowadays the people who are supposed to protect us and help us when we are in need, can't be trusted. Police brutality has always been a problem, but there's been a dramatic rise in police murders and brutalization of citizens.
Police Brutality is anything from harassment from a poli....
Prostitution Should be Illegal
Prostitution should be cleaned off our streets. It first started in the early 1800’s. Prostitution is defined as providing sexual service, for the return of money. Exchange of money for sexual service. Heterosexual prostitution is the most common. Homosexual, gays and lesbians exists on smalle....
racism in america in 1960s
Describe the status of blacks in the mid 1950s. How did the status of blacks change up to 1958 as a result of the contributions of individuals and groups?
Black Americans in the mid 1950s-1958 faced huge amounts of discrimination and inequality to that of white people. The status of blacks can be....
Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks was an African American women. She is known in these modern days as the mother of the civil rights movement, and was a major civil rights activist. She had formed many civil rights movements and boycotts. Her most famous action was ....
Should Abortion Clinics be Closed?
In 1973, the supreme court decision known as Roe v. wade, made it possible for woman to get safe, legal abortions from well-trained medical practitioners and therefore led to dramatic decreases in pregnancy-related injury and death. Now the policy proposal has been done to close up abortion clinics.....
Should Judges be Elected or Appointed?
The question of electing judges or appointing judges has had a long bumpy road in Illinois history. Over the last Twenty years the voters of the state of Illinois have been asked several times to vote on the constitutional proposal changing the judicial selection process. And the debate is not ....
Silent Covenants
Derrick Bell, the author of "Silent Covenants," defines these covenants as "unspoken compromises of interest that include involuntary sacrifices of rights - which ensure that policies conform to a pre-determined set of priorities" (Bell, Pg. 29), thus building the foundation of ....
Social Change In the 1920's
Social Change in the 1920's
After the horrors of the Great War, President Harding believed that our Nation needed a return to normalcy. However, the 1920's turned out to be a decade that was anything but normal.
The men who had risked their lives for an older generations ideas and mist....
supreme court cases
Case #1
Heart Of Atlanta Motel V. U.S. (1964)
1- The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was the most comprehensive Civil Rights legislation passed by Congress since 1875. The second title of this law prohibited discrimination on your religion, color, nation origin, or race. Its goal was....
Supreme Court Justices
The U.S. Constitution should be amended to establish a mandatory retirement age for Supreme Court Justices
Ladies and Gentlemen, a dilemma must be resolved in our government and in our constitution. Currently, the U.S. Supreme Court handles over 8,000 cases per year and lives are given to the ha....
The Contenders
For the presidential election of 1856, the Democrats nominated James Buchanan and John Breckenridge, the newly formed Republican party nominated John Fremont and William Drayton, the American [or Know-Nothing] party nominated former president Millard Fillmore and Andrew Donelson, and the Aboliti....
The Dred Scott Decision
The Dred Scott decision of the Supreme Court in March 1857 was one of the major steps on the road to secession. Dred Scott was a slave who was taken to Missouri from Virginia and sold. His new master then moved to Illinois (a free state) for a while but soon moved back to Missouri. Upon his maste....
The Presidency
The Presidency is a complex institution resulting in complex powers and constraints. The founding fathers in drafting presidential powers set up constraints that would prevent the president from overtaking the government. Systems of checks and balances and separation of powers act as a constraint on....
the supreme courts role in protecting the 14th amendment
Describe the role of the Supreme Court in protecting the rights of Americans (especially their right to equality in the 14th amendment). Has the court been successful in fulfilling its role? What kind of role should the court play in the current debate over same sex marriage? Cite specific examples ....
Thurgood Marshall
Thurgood Marshall was born July 2 in 1908 in Baltimore, Maryland. He was born as Thoroughgood but later shortened it to Thurgood. Because of his fathers positive influence and also being forced to read the constitution in school, Thurgood developed appreciation for the cons....
William Tecumseh Sherman and His March to the Sea
William Tecumseh Sherman was born on May 8, 1820 in Lancaster, Ohio. He was educated at the U.S. Military Academy and later went on to become a Union General in the U.S. civil war. Sherman resigned from the army in 1853 and became a partner in a banking firm in San Francisco. He....
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill
SIR WINSTON CHURCHILL, (1874-1965), British leader. English on his father's side, American on his mother's, Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill embodied and expressed the double vitality and the national qualities of both peoples. His names testify to the richness of his hist....