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150 Techniques Essays, Term Papers and Book Reports

Frank Lloyd Wright
Frank Lloyd Wright was an architect who was a pioneer in modern style, and he is considered one of the greatest figures in architecture in the 20th-century. In Richland Center, Wisconsin on June 8, 1867 Wright was born. 17 years later at the University of Wis....

Symbolism in Death of a salesman
Symbolism in Death of a salesman Many symbols are incorporated into the play "Death of a Sales man" and they in turn relate to both character and theme. The hose, tape recorder and the seeds are some of these symbols. The hose in Miller's drama directly relates to the the....

E-Commerce; Jet Blue INC.
Introduction JetBlue is an American low-cost airline owned by the JetBlue Airways Corporation. The companyÂ’s headquarters is located in the Queens borough of New York City (About Us, 2004). Its home airport is located at John F. Kennedy International Airport. The airline mainly serves destinations....

Gap Analysis: Global Communications
Global Communications is a telecommunications company that has seen more profitable days. They are trying to recreate a competitive advantage for their company is a struggling industry. The three stakeholders discussed throughout the essay are the Global Communications Stockholders, the Technology W....

LA Confidential - discuss how semiotic and structuralist methods can be used
LA Confidential (1997) is film set in the Hollywood suburbs in the 50's, with the main focal point being around a certain police station. Many connotations can be attached to the film because of these aspects. Three types of signifiers were identified by Charles Peirce (Branston 2003:17); iconic....

My Social Movement: The Abolishment of Written Exams
My Social Movement: The Abolishment of Written Exams Written examinations should be removed from education curriculums all across the nation. This nation was formed on the basis of FREEDOM, be it religion, speech, or bearing arms. Why not the freedom to choose how our knowledge is tested? Wr....

Organizational Behavior
Organizational Behavior Organizations have been described as groups of people who work interdependently toward some purpose. This definition clearly indicates that organizations are not buildings or pieces of machinery. Organizations are, indeed, people who interact to accomplish shared objectives. ....

Physics (history)
Physics began when man first started to study his surroundings. Early applications of physics include the invention of the wheel and of primitive weapons. The people who built Stone Henge had knowledge of physical mechanics in order to move the rocks and place them on top of each other. It was not u....

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) System at Walmart
A System Design at Wal-Mart (RFID) Wal-Mart is one of the all time great economical success story. Wal-Mart has shown in many ways, how to become one of the largest, successful and profitable retail outlet store in the world. Wal-Mart has achieve this amazing success through a most effective and in....

''Out, Out-'' by Robert Frost and ''Mid-term Break'' by Seamus Heaney
Each Poem deals with the death of a young person. Discuss how each poet describes the death, the grieving process and the effect on the family, paying close attention to the language and poetic techniques used. In this essay I will look at the following poems; ''Out, Out-'' by Robert Frost and ''....

'A london fete' and 'London' by William Blake
Compare and Contrast the Ways in Which Both Poems Are a Critique of London Society From reading the two poems it becomes apparent that both poetsÂ’ have a pessimistic view of life in the eighteenth century. This is easy to see as both poems focus on the bad and dark side of human nature, both us....

"Civil Disobedience" an Essay by Henry David Thoreau
"Civil Disobedience," an Essay by Henry David Thoreau, justifies his decision to go to jail rather than pay a poll tax that supported the Mexican War and the enforcement of slavery laws. Thoreau shows compassion in the form of respectful disagreement. The opening lines clearly explains ThoreauÂ’s id....

"LÂ’Amant" de Marguerite Duras
Il est possible pour un auteur d’un texte donner l’indication à ses lecteurs s’il veut le texte d’être considéré comme une fiction ou une histoire qu’est fondée sur la vérité. Mais quelquefois ce n’est pas facile à établir si un texte est fondé sur des faits réels ou sur la fiction....

A vivid portrait of what frightening techniques a totalitarianism government might use to control its subjects is painted for us in the pages of George OrwellÂ’s novel, 1984. As the novel opens, Orwell introduces us to the main character, Winston, who describes the society he lives in which everywhe....

1984 to Modern Society
1984 is about life in a world where no personal freedoms exist. Winston the main character is a man who is not extraordinary in either intelligence or character, but is disgusted with the world he lives in. He works in the Ministry of Truth, a place where history and truth are rewritten to fit the i....

1984: The Idiots Guide to Totalitarianism
Could a single person or group have complete control over all physical and mental aspects of another human? In George OrwellÂ’s novel, titled 1984, the Party (a totalitarian government) manipulates all facets of individual expression in order to prove this possible for an entire population. Orwell, ....

19th Century Architecture
19th Century architecture is a wide subject only because there were so many beautiful and magnificent buildings built. The Houses of Parliament were built between 1840 to 1865. It was built by Sir Charles Barry in a Gothic Revival style. The buildings cover an area of more than 8 acres and contain 1....

19th Century Architecture
19th Century architecture is a wide subject only because there were so many beautiful and magnificent buildings built. The Houses of Parliament were built between 1840 to 1865. It was built by Sir Charles Barry in a Gothic Revival style. The buildings cover an area of more than 8 acres a....

20th Century Art Movements – Post-Modernism & Tracey Emin
20th Century Art Movements – Post-Modernism & Tracey Emin There have been many art movements of the 20th century – of which Post-Modernism is one of them. The art movement of Post-Modernism will be explained alongside an artist from this particular movement, in this case Tracey Emin. I will inv....

21st Economic Crisis
Our economy is like Wall Street; what goes up, must come down. People most affected by recession are those in the middle and working class families. Because of the unstable economy, companies are threatens to downsize their employee work forced and closing doors are their next options. Many compan....

5 Qualities of an Effective Manager
When I think of pioneers in management history that set the bar for good managers Dr. W. Edwards Deming is the first person that comes to mind. It is difficult to limit his 14 points of quality management down to 5, but for the assignmentÂ’s sake I will choose 5 of my favorite. Maybe I am b....

A Clockwork Orange Synopsis
The movie, A Clockwork Orange, stimulates the senses and the minds of it's viewers. There is seldom a movie which can create such controversy as this one has. Even now, twenty-five years after it's release, A Clockwork Orange is seen as strange and chilling as ever, but is named among the top one-hu....

A comparison between Freud's and Erikson's theory of personality.
Personality theories have in common to describe or explain the nature of human behaviour (Hogan, 1976). Although many definitions have been offered by investigators, personality can be broadly defined as the “stable set of characteristics and tendencies that determine those commonalities and differ....

A comparison of the representation of nature in R.Frost and E.E. Cummings poetry
In my essay I will focus on the representation of Nature in Robert FrostÂ’s and E. E. CummingsÂ’s poetry. I will compare two poems of Frost with two poems of Cummings in order to stress the similarities and the differences of these two poets. In addition, I will examine in detail how each of them u....

A Comparison of the Rhetorical Techniques Applied By both Antigone and MLK
Both Martin Luther King Jr. and Antigone are fighting injustice. Antigone is fighting the unfair edict of the corrupt and prideful king Creon. Mr. King is fighting the racial intolerance of a generation of Americans. Both Antigone and Martin Luther King Jr. defend there actions in the struggle ag....

A Comprehensive Review of Economic Indicators and the Auto Industry
A Comprehensive Review of Economic Indicators and the Auto Industry The goal of this paper is to provide a comprehensive discussion of six economic indicators and their impact on the automobile industry. The indicators that will be discussed are personal income, unemployment, retail sales, aut....

A Dolls House by Henrik Ibsen
A Doll’s House. A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen is a powerful play about the struggle of a woman for independence in the 19th century where society was male dominated. Nora is the perfect wife, or as she refers to herself a ‘Doll’. She has had a life of indulgence from her husband and father w....

A Functional Analysis of the Organisational and Human Resources Strategies at Malaysia Airlines
A Functional Analysis of the Organisational and Human Resources Strategies at Malaysia Airlines November 2005 Table of Contents 2 PREAMBLE 3 3 COMPANY OVERVIEW: A FLIGHT OF DISTINCTION 4 4 VISION, MISSION, AND CORPORATE STRATEGY 11 5 THE HUMAN RESOURCES STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS ....

A Marriage Proposal, By Anton Chekhov
Chekhov is one of Russia's many important literary figures, and one of the greatest playwrights of modern times. He won the Pushkin Prize and he is known for his short stories and his plays, works which often combine elements of both comedy and tragedy. An example of a comedic play is “A Marriage P....

A Personal Life-Saver: The Merchant of Venice & Huck Finn
Friendship plays a large role in both The Merchant of Venice written by William Shakespeare, and in The Adventures of Huckleberry Fin written by Mark Twain. Friendship saves the lives of both Huck and Jim in The Adventures of Huckleberry Fin and Antonio in The Merchant of Venice. HuckÂ’s frien....

A Personal Reflection
While on the verge of becoming a woman in a world so complex, I start to contemplate and consider all consequences of the journey from adolescence to adulthood, and where I stand. Independence is a key factor that has helped shape my view on significant changes in my life. “A vessel, fresh-....

A Semiotic Analysis of a Cosmetics Ad
Every day in our lives we are surrounded by advertisements. Even if we don't read a paper, watch television or walk around with our eyes closed, we will find it impossible to avoid some form of publicity, whether it might be the latest offer at the local supermarket or some adverts on the television....

A Survey of Manufacturing and Computer Systems As Expressed by Small Firms in Missouri
A Survey of Manufacturing and Computer Systems Needs As Expressed by Small Firms in Missouri A Research Proposal By William H. McKnight Jr. For Dr. Bruce D. Dallman In Partial Fulfillment of Research in Technology SOT 709 April....

a view from the bridge
Four hundred years ago, William Shakespeare wrote the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, a popular play that continues to capture the imagination and emotions of people around the world. Shakespeare was an English poet and playwright widely regarded as the greatest writer of the English language, as well ....

A War Defined by Irony
A War Defined By Irony “Every war constitutes an irony of situation because its means are so melodramatically disproportionate to its presumed ends” (7). Never is this more accurate than in World War I. Paul Fussell’s book, The Great War and Modern Memory, gives light to innumerable ironies pre....

Abercrombie and Fitch Research
Research Purpose The project that our group has chosen to explore is concerning the Abercrombie and Fitch clothing company. More specifically, the recent issues and cases that have brought against them regarding racial hiring issues and the boundaries that they have chosen in promoting “sex” ....

Many have pondered upon the meaning of abortion. The argument being that every child born should be wanted, and others who believe that every child conceived should be born (Sass vii). This has been a controversial topic for years. Many people want to be able to decide the destiny of others. Everyon....

A couple decades ago, when abortion was illegal, thousands of women died because they did not want to bear an infant and attempted to terminate the child's life by themselves or with an unprofessional approach. After 1973's Supreme Court decision, which allowed women to have the choice to abortion, ....

Abortion - Slaughtering the Young Abortion, the easiest way to fix one's mistakes. I mean, if one is going to screw around and accidentally get knocked up, why should they have to be responsible for the outcome of messing around. Why not just murder the unborn child. T....

Abu Ghraib
On September 11th 2001, two hijacked planes crashed into the World Trade Center buildings in New York City. The attacks were quickly tied to a terrorist group known as Al Qaeda, located in the Middle East. Soon after, President Bush declared war, and U.S. troops were sent to Iraq. U.S. soldiers took....

At 29,028 feet, Mt. Everest is the tallest peak on Earth. Every year people climb the high slopes and ridges for their own personal victory. They must go through a process to successfully reach the summit. This process is known as acclimatization. When acclimatizing there are many steps, consequence....

Accountants and auditors help to ensure that the NationÂ’s firms are run efficiently, its public records kept accurately, and its taxes paid properly and on time. They perform these vital functions by offering an increasingly wide array of business and accounting services to their clients. These ser....

Acid mine drainage - causes effects and solutions
For hundreds, even thousands of years, human beings have mined for metals and stones, and with the advent of greater technology as well as greater needs, the demands for these resources continue to grow. While these resources benefit our lives in many ways, the effects of mining can be detrimental,....

Action Research
Fernández – Mella 3 Introduction Teaching a Second Language is not an easy task. English teachers, here in Chile, have to deal with many problems when trying to teach this Second Language. This Action Research is going to be about some of those problems and it will show how reflective we are in....

Action Research
Action research is a powerful tool in exploring teachersÂ’ opportunities of variety of educational methods and techniques, creating positive learning environment for students and motivate them to further learning. Through action research teachers can objectively take a look at their classroom practi....

Alternative medicine describes health products, practices, and approaches that are not part of conventional medicine. The goal of physicians who practice alternative medicine is to find a cure by looking at the whole person when making a diagnosis, rather than just the symptom. Alternative medicin....

Adolf Hitler and Franklin D. Roosevelt: How They are Similar and Different
After World War One people in America and Germany were experiencing economy downfall and depression. They were in need of leaders to get them though it and lift their spirits and hopes of once again becoming great and powerful countries. There is no doubt that Franklin D. Roosevelt and Adolf Hi....

Adrenaline Air Sports
Adrenaline Air Sports was founded in November 1999, by skydiver Billy Cockrell. Cockrell opened the business after discovering his love for the popular sport of skydiving. He opened his business in a highly populated area of Virginia, with a population of nearly one hundred and twenty thousand peopl....

Adult ADHD and Comorbid Anxiety
ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. This psychological disorder started out as a mere counterpart of ADD, which stands for Attention Deficit Disorder. ADHD is a well-recognized condition that is distinguished by inattention, hyperactivity, impulsiveness, or a combination. The c....

Advantages of Engineered Nanosystems
Advantages of Engineered Nanosystems Chris Phoenix, Director of Research, CRN Today, biology implements by far the most advanced nanomachines on the planet. It is tempting to think that biology must be efficient, and that we can't hope to design nanomachines with higher performance. But we alrea....

Adventure Learning vs. Action Learning
CHAPTER 7, QUESTIONS # 2, 4, 7: In developing an effective and co-operative work team for a company, there are different methods that help to ensure that the team learn to be supportive and in collaboration with each other. Adventure learning would be the least desirable method of lear....

adverstisement analysis of Jewerly
Ask almost any woman what is a girlÂ’s best friend and most would say diamonds. Jewelry in general is very popular amongst women. It is seen as glamorous, elegant and eye catching. But there are many different types of jewelry and several varying fashions to wear jewelry. It gives an immediate ....

ADVERTISING is part of the modern competitive business world. Advertisements are messages, paid for by those who send them, intended to inform or influence people who receive them. That is adverts contain a message. This message may be expressed in words - "Persil washes whiter", or in pictures, mu....

In today's society, one must consider - Is there any advantage of advertising? In many cases, it is only disadvantage - an annoying hindrance in our daily lives. It gets on our nerves, distorts the truth, and adds to the cost of the product. Advertising is designed for one purpose - to sell. To ac....

You cannot believe everything you see in an ad. Advertising is brainwashing, in games, commercials, magazines, newspapers, etc. Advertisers tell you what you want to do or what you do not want to do, all the while making you believe that you, the consumer, are making the decision all on your on. Wel....

Advertising information
Advertising For my advertising campaign I have looked into different types of advertising and how it works: There are two types of advertising – direct response advertising and brand advertising. Understanding the distinction between the two will immediately save you a fortune. Brand advertis....

advertising psychology
TABLE OF CONTENT • Introduction • Psycho-analysis theory • Psycho-analysis and advertising • Conclusion • Appendix: - Deconstruction of advert (analysis) - Mood board of psychoanalysis adverts INTRODUCTION....

Aggression of an elite sports performer
Statement of the Problem Wayne Rooney is a rare footballing talent, being compared to the best in the world and achieving a great deal of success at a young age. However, at an early stage in his career it was clear that there was a major flaw to his game, his aggression. Wayne was just 17 when he ....

Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions
Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions During the war prior to 1815, Britain had become the most powerful country in the world. New dangers and difficulties emerged as both the agricultural and industrial revolutions had destroyed the balance of society. New classes had appeared for whom there w....

Agriculture 1865- 1900
Analyze the ways in which technology, government policy, and economic conditions changed American agriculture in the period 1865-1900. American agriculture underwent many changes through out the late 1800Â’s to the early 1900Â’s. Three ways in which agriculture was subjected to change was throug....

The issue of HIV/AIDS has been a developing concern since the early 1980's. It is an issue that has sparked fear in everyone, but "society" has narrowed it down to certain people that can contract the AIDS virus. The stereotypical "AIDS" victim is not an IV drug user or a practicing homosexual; it i....

The issue of HIV/AIDS has been a developing concern since the early 1980's. It is an issue that has sparked fear in everyone, but "society" has narrowed it down to certain people that can contract the AIDS virus. The stereotypical "AIDS" victim is not an IV drug user or a practicing homosexual; it i....

Airfoil Design
AIRFOIL DESIGNE Abstract The PSU 94-097 airfoil has been designed for use on winglets of high-performance sailplanes. The design problem is difficult because the airfoil must operate over a wide range of R....

Alaska, The Final Frontier
Alaska, The Final Frontier, The Land of The Midnight Sun, Home to Denali and Mount McKinley, the highest mountain on the continent. The name "Alaska" was used by the Russians to refer only to the peninsula. This name was used by the United States to refer, first to the entire territory, and t....

Albert Ellis' Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy
Stress: A Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy Perspective Prolonged stress and anxiety can have many harmful effects for individuals. The longer the duration and greater the degree, the more detrimental effects to the psychological and physiological wellness of an individual. There are....

Alcohol dependence and rationale for prevention
This assignment aims to evaluate current theoretical explanations that are relevant to the field of addiction and to explore the reasons and intentions behind various prevention programmes for hazardous drinkers. There are many different types of theoretical explanations and models relating to addic....

Aldous Huxleys Brave New World
Topic: "Huxley's "Brave New World" is as provocative, as brilliant, as impressive as the day it was published. This is in part because its prophetic voice has remained surprisingly contemporary, both in its particular forecasts and general tone of alarm." - Comment upon the statement It was a....

Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great, a patient and often devious man; had never struck without careful planning. The youthful, headstrong Alexander liked to settle problems by immediate action. Making decisions with great speed, he took extraordinary risks; his success was achieved by the amount of sheer force and ....

Alexander The Great
Through out history there have been many important events that effected society in some form or fashion. Such great and catastrophic events such as the fall of rome , the rise of Hitler and the attack on pearl harbor had obvious effects and outcomes on the countries and people in which it involved.....

Alfred Hitchcock 'Psycho' Exploring the duality of human nature
The film Psycho is about the duality of human nature. It explores the existence of good and evil within the human psyche. This response will look at how Alfred Hitchcock presents these themes through three key scenes in the film: Hitchcock uses a variety of film techniques to put forward the idea o....

Alibrandi is directed by Kate Woods - Compare the beginning and ending scene to show the use of film techniques
In the film Looking for Alibrandi is directed by Kate Woods, which is about an Italian Australian 17 year old girl, Josie who is searching for her identity. There are differences and similarities between the beginning and end. Many film techniques are used to show the changes from the beginning to t....

alice in wonderland
To millions around the world, Lewis Carroll’s “Alice in Wonderland” is merely a childhood dreamland filled with riddles, fairy tails, and games without rules. However, to the trained eye, Alice’s world translates into much more than a child’s bedtime story. There are many undeniable patterns an....

Alienation in Modern Society Compared in Dance with a Stranger and Shallow Grave
I will compare and contrast Mike Newell's Dance with a Stranger and Danny Boyle's Shallow Grave in terms of alienation. The reasoning behind my choice is that these two films have explicit characteristics in the frame of alienation. Both highlight modern alienation in terms of alienated sexualit....

all quiet on the western front
All Quiet on the Western Front – Chapter SummaryBy: Jesse CodyAll Quiet on the Western Front is an anti-war novel from the opening chapters. Many critics of the novel in the early days after the publication of the novel blamed Remarque for writing for shock value. They did not want to believe his n....

All Skinny Women Have an Eating Disorder
Brittany Cistrunk English 105-13 All Skinny Women Are Starve Themselves In todayÂ’s society the ideal woman is seen as a model, very tall and skinny. Many women who are in the spotlight such as models and actresses go through drastic measures to stay thin. Women who are thin are often stereotype....

All the Village is a Stage: Theatricality in Jane Austens Emma
Jane Austen's Emma charms in its delicate portrayal of Highbury and the daily lives of its residents. It has been praised for "the peculiar tact with which [Austen] presents characters" while criticized for its lack of outward action . The subdued and antitheatrical novel, however, contain....

Almond Tree
The Almond Tree Jon Stallworthy based his autobiographical poem ‘The Almond Tree’ on the intense, emotionally life-changing experience of childbirth. The strong emotions involved have helped him create, what in my opinion is, an extremely well written, thought-provoking poem. In this essay I i....

Alternative Energy
Pols 347- Research Project Alternative Energy Sources The energy crisis is an issue that will soon affect each and every one of us. As the subject of constant media coverage and a possible motive for the war in Iraq, problems surrounding oil shortages can no longer be ignored. Peak oil, a theo....

Alternative mouse for people with disability

Title As research in memory has grown expansively in the past few decades, especially in recent years, scientists are now focussing on the specific processes involved in memory. In general, memory can be categorized into source and item memory. The term source refers to the spatial, temporal and so....

Ambrose - Bobbi Sykes, Bora Ring - Judith Wright
The traditional customs and conducts of the Aboriginal people were displayed in the first set of images in the photo-story. After European invasion the indigenous people of Australia were subject to racism and were stripped of their natural and spiritual identity. As a consequence they have often tu....

Amelia Earhart - Soaring into new innovations
Amelia Earhart once said, "You haven't seen a tree until you've seen its shadow from the sky." The Roaring Twenties was a time known for its celebrations, innovations, fads and national events. It may have been a breaking point for the population, but women still had to carry their own whe....

american diet
american diet Are you over weight? Do you get tired easily? Do you struggle with high cholesterol or with high blood pressure? If so, do not worry you are not alone. Thousands of United States citizens suffer from obesity and other food related health problems. These problems can be traced back to ....

What are amphetamines? Amphetamines are synthetic drugs, which means they are made up by combining various chemical ingredients rather then occurring naturally. Amphetamines are a family of drugs that include methamphetamine. These drugs are very similar in their chemical make-up and affect me....

An analysis and evaluation of selected teaching strategies.
This analysis and evaluation will seek to describe four lessons taught by myself to a middle ability Year 8 class during my first block placement at Langleywood School. The unit that I have chosen to describe, analyse and evaluate, will outline the two teaching strategies; use of images and shared ....

An Epic Future in Cold Pasteurization
An Epic Future in Cold PasteurizationThe preservation of food is essential to maintain life and growth. Its daily intakes nourish our bodies, providing enzymes, in turn giving us energy. The ability of matter exerts radiation in its domain by means of energy in selected foods. Such rationale deb....

An inconvenient truth
AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH Global warming is a widespread problem that has impacted on the entire planet."An Inconvenient Truth" is the very frightening film that captures the comprehensive points of global warming. As a superb speaker Al Gore provides the audience with the opportunity to understand his....

An Insight Into Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality is a creation of a highly interactive computer based multimedia environment in which the user becomes a participant with the computer in a "virtually real" worldWe are living in amn era characterized by 3D virtual systems created by computer graphics. In the concept called Virtual R....

An inspector calls
How does Priestley use Shelia to help convey his central message to the audience? We see in this play how Priestley conveys his central message via the Inspector and Shelia, who later develops as his sidekick. The Inspector becomes the route delivering the moral to the audience Stressing “we ar....

An investigation into the representations of ethnicity in the animation film genre, with particular reference to Disneys Mulan and Pocah
..ontas' One of the challenges facing any investigation into ethnicity is that there appears to be no agreed consensus on defining what constitutes an ‘ethnic group’. For example, ethnicity could be identified in terms of ‘religion’, ‘national and geographical origin’, ‘skin colour’ ....

An Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge
Fiction Essay “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” The story “ An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” is a very interesting story with a surprising twist. The author, Ambrose Bierce, uses many different techniques to show the reader that the escape sequence is nothing more than the last though....

Analyse the techniques used to create mystery and suspense in stories of the 19th century
Introduction In the monkeys paw, dream women and the signalman the writers use specific techniques to create mystery and suspense. For example in all of the stories there is a dark setting. The signalman was a dark setting because it was set in a valley of the train tunnel ‘so little sunlight ever....

Analysis of Maya Angelous Graduation
Graduation is one of life’s most memorable moments. A rewarding experience after years of hard-work and struggles to achieve your goals and still have hope that you can be whatever you want in life. Maya Angelou’s ‘Graduation’ depicts that sense of accomplishment and victory as she leads her aud....

Analysis of TS Eliot's poem - The Love Song Of J.Alfred Prufrock
"The Love Song Of J.Alfred Prufrock" is perhaps Thomas Stearns Eliot's most well-known poem; as the epitome of a modern poem. The poem is comprised of text which is the voice of a neurotic, paranoid modern man - Prufrock - who is obssessed with time, mortality, and social conduct. Eliot's meaning in....

Analyze the methods used to make the opening battle sequence of “Saving Private Ryan’” both shocking
Saving Private RyanÂ’ was released on September 11th 1998, produced by both Paramount and Dreamworks Pictures. Steven Spielberg, who has a worldwide reputation for his outstanding talent in filmmaking, directed it. Some of his other famous films include, Jaws (1981), E.T. The Extra Terrestrial (1982....

Ancient Greek Theater
In ancient Greece, Greek comedy, tragedy, drama, and theater were essential parts of the Greek peopleÂ’s everyday life. Greek drama impacts today universally very much the same way it did in the 4th-6th century BC. Controversial and yet entertaining at the same time, the origins of Greek theater int....

Animal experimentation is a necessary evil
Animal Cruelty Essay. Animal experimentation is the malicious abuse and ill treatment of unfortunate helpless animals. However some may perceive the need for animal experimentation as a vital necessity for our society to continue the production of essential human requirements. The issue of anim....

Animal Farm
The main purpose of satire is to attack, and intensely criticise the target subject. This is superbly carried out in the classic piece of satire, Animal Farm. The main targets at the brunt of this political satire are the society that was created in Russia after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, and....

Animal Farm
Animal farm is a classic dystopian story of an individualÂ’s rise to power, and the cruel and totalitarian lifestyle where only the superior few are privileged; leaving the majority of others as merely machines of use to these few. This allegory uses animals to symbolize people and events which happ....

Animal Rights
The rights of animals is a topic that is very important to me. I simply think that everyone should have the decency to treat animals with kindness and respect, and not make them suffer in any way. I believe that animals deserve to live according to their own natures, without harm, abuse or exploitat....

Animals have been used in medical research for thousands of years, but they were always thought of as machines whose sole purpose was to serve humans. It was not until after the nineteenth century that animal protection groups were formed. Since that time, there has been a never-ending debate about ....

Animal Rights: Do They Exist?
For the past 20 years, there has a been an on going heated debate on whether experiments on animals for the benefit of medical and scientific research is ethical. Whether it is or isn't, most people believe that some form of cost-benefit test should be performed to determine if the action is right. ....

animal testing
Off of the Fence Who has the power to determine what is “morally” wrong? I always thought that an individual had the right to choose his or her own morals and beliefs. If this is true, then when it comes to testing on animals, why do so many people pass judgment on others? If a gene, capable o....

Animal Testing Solutions
For centuries, animals have not been treated fairly, along with women and minority groups. As our world has evolved, women rights and minority rights have improved, but not so much animal rights. Animals are still being tested in labs for the benefit of humans. What we do not realize is that animals....

Anne Frank
Anne Frank: The Whole Story is a movie filled with sorrow and horrification .It was one of the many saddest events that occurred in the history of the world. In the following paragraphs you will be reading a summary or a movie review, what ever might call it, about Anne Frank. At the end of the rev....

Anthem for Doomed Young
A Soldier With Some Catsup The eulogy and sonnet “Anthem for Doomed Young” by Wilfred Owen uses a variety of literary techniques to evoke emotion and create a powerful anti war statement. It has no set rhyming pattern and is written in standard 14 line iambic pentameter. The poem is broken up....

Antigone Passage Analysis
The play Antigone by Sophocles is about a young woman, Antigone, who is trying to bury her dead brother Polynices and gets sentenced to death. A prominent theme in the passage is the law of the gods against the law of man. Sophocles uses a range of metaphors to depict HaemonÂ’s determination in tryi....

Antisocial Personality Disorders Psychopathy and Conduct Disorder
Abstract The Idea of a criminal personality type was first discussed by Philippe Pinel, an 18th century psychiatrist, who was concerned about patterns of behavior that were marked by a complete lack of remorse and restraint. However it was not until 1941, when Checkley described 16 criteria based o....

anton chekhov
Chekhov is very different from most of the other playwrights throughout history, in that, he did not always aspire to be a writer. It is something he stumbled upon out of necessity. He began writing humorous anecdotes for a local paper as a mean to support his family while putting himself through ....

Antwone Fisher
The aim of this essay is to review a film that takes therapy as its theme and discuss the images it portrays of therapist and therapy. Before I attempt to do this I will start by talking about the film. This will help readers to understand how the therapist and therapy is perceived. As part of thi....

AP Classes
In choosing to take an AP class, one is willing to sacrifice time, energy, and fun in order to gain a greater knowledge in the subject of their choosing. Students spend hours and hours debating whether they have what it takes to enlist in one of these classes, and some find they cannot deal with th....

Apartheid failed because it had failed economically. Discuss
'Apartheid' refers to more than one type of segregation; socio-economic which is associated with 'Petty Apartheid' and politics which is linked with 'Grand Apartheid'. While the two are intrinsically linked, 'Petty Apartheid' unravelled in the 1980s unlike Grand Apartheid. The thesis in question....

Apes and Language: A Review of the Literature
. Apes and Language: A Review of the Literature Over the past thirty years, researchers have demonstrated that the great apes (chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans) resemble humans in language abilities more than had been thought possible. Just how far that resemblance extends, however, ha....

Application Of CRM and Data mining in Apparel Retail Store
Abstract: The efforts to further customer relationships have become essential due to increased competition in the consumer markets. For which retailers collect tremendous information each day starting from transactional data, to season product sales, to demographics. This data is then organised int....

application of personality theories
Application of Personality Theories John Jay DÂ’Amour Theories of Personality Prof. Osborne December 18, 2006 Without theories about personality and the complexity of its nature it would be difficult if not impossible to help those who suffer from behavior related probl....

Approval For Physician Assisted Suicide
Dr. Wall - Biomedical Ethics October 29, 2004 Approval For Physician Assisted Suicide Dear Members of the Ethics Board, It is in my opinion that the doctor in this case was in the right to do as he did. In this case the patient was in his early 70's, which exceeds todayÂ’s life expectancy, and....

Archaelogists can no longer work in isolation
The precision of the statement that modern day archaeologists can no longer work in isolation can be justified to a great extent due to the in-pouring reliance archaeologists have on qualitative and quantitative data from all fields of science around the world. Using tools and techniques from su....

ARCHAEOLOGY Archaeology over the past 200 years has significantly aided in the discovery of ancient history. Through archaeology historians have discovered hidden ancient artifacts and cities, improved our knowledge of the past and made accurate the age of archaeological finds. In this essay, it ....

Are Paramedic's in Ontario Equipped with the Skills to Adequately Triage a Mass Casualty Air Transportation Disaster?
Are Paramedic's in Ontario Equipped with the Skills to Adequately Triage a Mass Casualty Air Transportation Disaster? The 21st century has seen both private and commercial air transportation increase vastly as result of global business, aviation technology, the internet, and general affordability....

Are We Winning the War on Cancer?”
“Are We Winning the War on Cancer?” In the American society, cancer is the disease most feared by the majority of people within the U.S. Cancer has been known and described throughout history. In the early 1990s nearly 6 million cancer cases and more than 4 million deaths have been reported....

area of study - the tempest
Imagination will often carry us into worlds that never were, but without it we go nowhere”. This quote by Carl Sagen reinforces the notion of imaginative journeys as a medium of transformation. The texts I have studied both transform their characters and the audience, resulting in self enlightenmen....

Art Analysis Paper
Art Scavenger Hunt - Analysis Paper My analysis will consist of two different artworks, which have the same cultural purpose. I have chosen Leonardo Da Vinci's painting of "The Last Supper" and the Maitreya Buddha sculpture from an unknown artist most likely created by one of the monks. I will co....

During the 1920Â’s art was a big part of the cultural world. Numerous styles of art such as, impressionism, expressionism, jugendstil and art nouveau, all had an impact on the art world in the early 1900Â’s. William Colegate, in his book, Canadian Art : its origin and development, states that Canadi....

Art: The Ultimate Expression
Before the portrayal of the human body can be critiqued, you must understand the artist's culture. As man evolved over centuries, his views of the body also transformed. Our tour definitely showed the drastic changes in different cultures' art. Each culture and era presents very distinct ch....

appreciate your signing up for our series of special reports on how ASVAB Secrets can help you crack the toughest problems on the test. Let's get started! Sample Question from the Mathematics Knowledge Test: Three coins are tossed up in the air. What is the probability that two of them w....

Asian Philosophies of Critical Thinking
The research question of this extended essay came across at a very early stage in my life. Having been born and developed from a family with all its members being University instructors and professors, I was often involved in arguments related to the lack of critical thinking in Asian cultures. As I....

Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr
Martin Luther King Jr. I may get a lot of arguments from this statement, but I believe Martin Luther King to be one of the greatest men to have ever lived. However, most Americans do not truly know who he was. There is a federal holiday, postage stamps, and historical reference in textbooks, y....

Assembly line
An assembly line is an arrangement of machines, equipment, and workers for a continuous flow of pieces in mass production. It determines the sequence of operations for the manufacture of each product. The assembly line is one of the steps for mass production this would make final products inexpensiv....

ASSESSMENT ON DIFFERENT ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR Introduction and Thesis Statement Academicians and practitioners alike agree that change management skills, communication, decision making skills, motivation and human resource practices are the most important topic of all within the realm o....

In "Assisi", Norman MacCaig inspires thought on the broad themes of birth, marriage and death. I intend to show, through close examination of the text, the techniques he uses to inspire such thought, and how these methods of writing make the subject of the poem memorable. The opening verse intro....

Assisi By Norman MacCaig
“Assisi” by Norman MacCaig, the poet has created, by a number of poetic and linguistic techniques, a powerful lasting impression of the deformed beggar that the reader’s sympathy is easily engaged. MacCaig portrays the theme of the brutalising effects of reality by means of a number of techniques....

Asymetrical Warfare
Internationalist cooperation has not been realised after the end of the Cold War, as many hoped it would. The constrains keeping underlying regional conflicts at bay during the Cold War have instead been freed up. With the USSR no longer in existence, the US, now the worldÂ’s only superpower, left u....

At Castle Boterel, by Thomas Hardy and Dockery and Son by Philip Larkin
At Castle Boterel by Thomas Hardy and Dockery and Son by Philip Larkin Explore how the poets express their feelings and thoughts on the passage of time andor the nature of mortality In ‘At Castle Boterel’ and ‘Dockery and Son,’ both poets use a variety of techniques and methods to convey....

Atomic Bomb Disaster
During WWII there were two atomic bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Both of these places were in Japan. The Hiroshima bomb was made from highly-enriched uranium-235. This was prepared by diffusion enrichment techniques using the very small differences in mass of the two main isotopes: U-235 (....

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) was first described almost 100 years ago and the beneficial effects of stimulant medication have been well known for over half a century. Nowadays, when we talk about ADHD we refer to a slight but demonstrable difference in normal brain function that ....

Aurthr Miller
Arthur Miller is now regarded as one of the worldÂ’s greatest dramatists. In his plays he explores the struggles of the ordinary man against authority and insurmountable odds. It is his ability to dramatize the attempts to find the balance between the different conflicts of life that is MillerÂ’s fe....

Automobile History
History of the American Automobile The American automobile industry is arguably the most significant achievement of the twentieth century. This achievement has shaped American industry, the country’s landscape and culture. “The giants who built our automobile industry came from America’s Farms,....

Automobile Makers and the Yen
Introduction The 1980Â’s was an interesting decade. An actor was elected president in not just one but two landslides, the Iron Curtain fell, along with the Cold War and the United States shocked the sports world when their ice hockey team beat the Soviet Union for a gold medal. Also, the 1980Â’s....

Automotive Industry and E-Business - A Comparison
Chevrolet, Ford, and Toyota are three successful manufacturers of automobiles. In some instances, these three manufacturers are similar; such as all having web sites that allow the world to view their vehicles at any time of day or night. The overall layout and appearance of each of these three ma....

AVID at Hudson High School
In 1980, Mary Catherine Swanson founded the Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) program in San Diego, California, under the assumption that disadvantaged students were falling behind because they were not given the support they needed to succeed. AVID is not designed for the lowest pe....

AVON's analysis
Company Overview Avon, originally known as the California Perfume Company, was founded in 1886 by a New York book salesman named David H. McConnell. By the turn of the 20th century, the company em¬ployed more than 10,000 representatives and supported their efforts with a growing line of cosmetic....

B2B and B2C Marketing
B2B and B2C Marketing A successful business knows that marketing is everything. Whether the business is a traditional brick and mortar, a Business to Consumer (B2C), or a Business to Business (B2B) e-commerce site a company's ability to effectively market its products or services can mean the diff....

B2B vs. B2C Marketing Differences
Introduction Marketing plays a significant role in the success of a company. The techniques used to market a companyÂ’s product or service ultimately depends on the audience receiving the message. The marketing strategy for a Business-to-business organization shares many similarities with business ....

Basel II
Introduction Basel ¢ñ was established in 1988 by Basel Committee (BCBS) in Switzerland. BCBS was primarily formed as a response to the failure of Hersatt Bank in Germany in 1974. As a result the committee had then published a framework which sets out minimal capital requirements for banks. Bas....

The Bauhaus is certainly the most influential movement in design in the last century. Actually, without the Bauhaus and its teachers and students, comprised of not only engineers or businessmen but also artists, we wouldnÂ’t see the flat-roofed buildings, the smooth white Braun kitchen appliances, a....

beauty and the beast
For the third paper I chose to critique a musical because I would not only see dancing but also acting and singing all put together in one piece. The theatre where the performance was shown was very elegant looking so naturally I thought that the performance would be of first class category. Beaut....

Before Civilization
The period before civilization refers to time when human beings were still pristine in their thinking and used primitive life skills to go about their daily activities. This period mostly denotes the period before the emergence of civilizations, such as, the ones that took place in Asia and North Af....

Beginning of the End - My Son My Executioner” by Donald Hall
For its relative brevity, “My Son My Executioner” by Donald Hall, is an example of a deeply interpretive piece of literature. Upon initial evaluation, it would seem that a poem of less than 60 words would be rather straightforward and leave little to subjective interpretation. This poem, however, ....

Behaviourism, Psychology
Introduction: This paper will discuss behaviourism in detail, its history and its relationship with the justice field. Key concepts, major theorists and theories in the field of behaviourism will also be discussed. In addition the author will discuss the pre-suppositions of the theory behaviour....

Behind the scenes is important too
Putting on a play requires great team effort. For each actor on stage there are many people backstage whose work is essential to the performance. Without a spirit of cooperation, the theatre company cannot stretch, grow and feel the exhilaration of the stage. Everyone contributes something special. ....

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